
2 g诈骗案例:2 g的骗局是死了,骗局——万岁的意见


2 g诈骗案例:2 g的骗局是死了,骗局——万岁的意见CBI法院的证据和证人的证词的详细检查了明确结论前电信部长一个拉贾遵循既定的政策和程序,而分配额外2008年2 g牌照。特别法官O P赛尼的发现是,一组不负责任的电信部门官员,由一个笨手笨脚的秘书,D S Mathur,导致混乱导致欺诈的指控。


然而,判断无法解释为何与天鹅电信相关公司,拿到执照的公司之一,200卢比的Kalaignar电视传输,控制DMK首席卡鲁纳尼迪的家人,包括女儿Kanimozhi。这将要求一个独立的调查和维持挥之不去的怀疑诈骗发生但不能钉。2 g骗局,换句话说,将生活。

最高法院废除122年电信牌照,假设这是一个骗局,尽管下级法院正在调查如果存在。假设结果推定。现在可以的公司执照被取消寻求补偿,除了恢复许可证?法院将在未来更加谨慎诈骗指控,并阻止行动导致巨大的经济压力?CAG的,估计损失十万的1.76卢比的大臣,基于假设每个MHz的分配2 g频谱2008年将是值得的3 g频谱拍卖价格在2010年发现,不考虑额外的税收收入脱脂从电信传播带来更快的经济增长?

这不是第一次法院认为没有控股拍卖分配自然资源不是一个骗局。最高法院的反应在2 g说总统的参考。炒作没有指导刑事司法系统。

\"2GThe CBI<\/a> Court\u2019s detailed examination of the evidence and testimony of witnesses has led it to the unequivocal conclusion that former telecom minister A Raja<\/a> followed established policy and procedure while allocating additional 2G licences in 2008. Special Judge O P Saini\u2019s finding is that a set of irresponsible telecom ministry officials, led by a bumbling secretary, D S Mathur, led to the confusion that led to the allegation of a scam.

This creates a big hole in the political narrative that discredited the previous
UPA<\/a> government. Not just former telecom minister A Raja, the Congress, too, will claim vindication of their protestations of innocence.

However, the judgement fails to explain why companies associated with Swan Telecom, one of the companies that got licences, transferred 200 crore to Kalaignar TV, controlled by
DMK<\/a> chief Karunanidhi\u2019s family, including daughter Kanimozhi. This will call for a separate investigation and sustain lingering suspicion that a scam did take place but could not be nailed. 2G scam, in other words, will live on.