5G.<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>New Delhi: Millions of Indians are spending close to five hours on their smartphones daily and 5G<\/a> promises to revolutionise the Internet with super-fast connection speeds and reduced latency, giving gaming and OTT streaming<\/a> a much needed boost, industry<\/a> experts have said.

The Indian gaming
industry<\/a> is set to become a $5 billion sector by 2025, with more than 450 million online gamers by 2023. OTT streaming<\/a> is also picking up pace in the country.

The installed base of smartphones with
5G<\/a> capabilities has crossed five crore in the country. The 5G smartphone<\/a> shipment share reached 29 per cent of overall shipments in the April-June period this year, which was the highest ever, according to Counterpoint Research.

'5G will help in enriching viewer experience on regular as well as OTT platforms. For instance, at times, we see low-grade video performance during live streaming of cricket matches or other events on OTT platforms,' Charu Paliwal, Research Analyst, Counterpoint Research, told IANS.

'5G can accommodate large bandwidth and offers low latency, which will result in video streaming in high resolution and without any buffering issues,' Paliwal said, adding that 5G will take services like gaming and streaming to a top-notch level.

Nitin Bansal, MD, India Head-Networks, Market Area South East Asia, Oceania and India,
Ericsson<\/a>, told IANS said that 5G, with its characteristics like high throughput and ultra-low latency, would enable an immersive mobile gaming experience in India.

'5G will help offload heavy computational power, offering gamers higher speeds and lower latency, meaning in-game action will be smoother than ever, with no lag between a gamer's input and the game's response -- whether it is for a single VR player at home, or an esports gaming community,' Bansal told IANS.

Global smartphone player
OPPO<\/a>, which partnered with Reliance Jio<\/a> to conduct 5G trials in India, said that Jio tested its fast and low latency 5G network on the Oppo<\/a> Reno 7 series smartphones.

'While most 5G tests in India involved non-standalone models, OPPO developed its solutions on the SA network. Further, we have been collaborating with industry players and telecom operators for the most comprehensive 5G experience for our users,' Tasleem Arif, VP, and R&D Head, OPPO India, told IANS.

'With the advent of 5G, the user experience will transform in data download rates, up to three times greater spectrum efficiency, and super low latency, and next-generation technologies will become omnipresent,' he added.

According to Madhav Sheth, CEO,
realme India<\/a>, VP, realme, and President, realme International Business Group, 5G will help drive greater use of smart technologies such as IoT, AI and VR, which in turn will revolutionise the development of new products and services that can be offered to customers.

Another report this week said that 5G shipments in India grew 163 per cent (year-on-year) in the April-June period, and
Samsung<\/a> led the segment with a 28 per cent market share.

One out of every three smartphones shipped in Q2 2022 was a 5G capable smartphone as shipments grew 7 per cent (quarter-on-quarter), according to Cyber Media Research (CMR)'s 'India Mobile Handset Market' report.

Muralikrishnan B, President,
Xiaomi India<\/a>, told IANS that with the 5G auction now complete, we expect the consumer demand for a well-rounded smartphone equipped with 5G to only increase.

'We believe 5G is one of the innovations that has the power to transform, upgrade and uplift our nation. 5G will strengthen the AIoT ecosystem, offer the opportunity for real-time gaming, and enhance AR\/VR experience,' Muralikrishnan said.
<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":93391730,"title":"DoT issues spectrum payment demand notices to Jio, Airtel, VIL, Adani","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/dot-issues-spectrum-paymet-demand-notices-to-4-bidders\/93391730","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":93391856,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"5G promises a new mobile gaming, OTT streaming experience to millions","synopsis":"The Indian gaming industry is set to become a $5 billion sector by 2025, with more than 450 million online gamers by 2023. OTT streaming is also picking up pace in the country.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/5g-promises-a-new-mobile-gaming-ott-streaming-experience-to-millions","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":255,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":1075000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"IANS","artdate":"2022-08-06 16:27:35","lastupd":"2022-08-06 16:34:12","breadcrumbTags":["5g","ott streaming","oppo","samsung","xiaomi india","reliance jio","realme india","5g smartphone","ericsson","industry"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/5g-promises-a-new-mobile-gaming-ott-streaming-experience-to-millions"}}" data-authors="[" "]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2022-08-06" data-index="article_1">



  • 2022年8月6日更新是04:34点
阅读: 100年行业专业人士
< / p > < p > 5克。


智能手机的安装基础5克功能已经越过5卢比。的5 g智能手机发货份额达到今年4 - 6月当季整体出货量的29%,这是有史以来最高的,根据对比研究。

“5克将有助于丰富观众体验规律以及奥特平台。例如,有时,我们看到低级的视频性能在板球比赛的直播或其他事件在奥特平台上,“Charu Paliwal,研究分析师,对比研究,对原说。

5 g可以容纳大带宽和提供低延迟,这将导致在高分辨率的视频,没有任何缓冲问题,“Paliwal说,补充说,5 g将服务,比如游戏和流到一流的水平。

尼邦萨尔博士,印度Head-Networks,东南亚市场区域,大洋洲和印度,爱立信告诉原说,5 g,其特点如高吞吐量和超低延迟,将使一个身临其境在印度移动游戏体验。

5 g将帮助卸下沉重的计算能力,提供玩家更高的速度和更低的延迟,意义游戏行动会比以前顺畅,无滞后之间的玩家的输入和游戏的反应——不管它是一个虚拟现实的球员在家里,或者一个电子竞技游戏社区,”邦萨尔告诉题材影片。

全球智能手机玩家相对应的人,这与依赖Jio进行5 g试验在印度,说Jio测试其快速和低延迟5 g网络上相对应的人雷诺7系列智能手机。

“虽然大多数5 g测试在印度参与non-standalone模型,SA网络上朋友开发了其解决方案。进一步,我们一直与业界人士和电信运营商合作最全面的5 g为我们的用户体验,”Arif Tasleem、副总裁和研发主管,印度朋友告诉题材影片。

随着5 g的出现,用户体验将在数据下载速度变换,三倍频谱效率,和超级低延迟,和下一代技术将成为无所不在,”他补充道。

根据Madhav Sheth,首席执行官,realme印度副总裁、realme和总统realme国际商业集团5 g将帮助推动更大的使用物联网等智能技术,人工智能和虚拟现实,进而带来革命性的新产品和新服务的发展,可以提供给客户。

本周另一份报告称,在印度5 g出货量增长了163%(同比)4 - 6月期间,和三星领导以28%的市场份额。

每三个中就有一个智能手机出货量在2022年第二季度5 g能力的智能手机的出货量增长了7%(环比),根据网络媒体研究(CMR)的印度手机市场的报告。

Muralikrishnan B,总统,小米印度告诉题材影片,现在5 g拍卖完成后,我们预期的消费者需求的智能手机配备5克,只会增加。

“我们相信5 g是一个创新的力量改变,升级和提升我们的国家。5 g将加强AIoT生态系统,提供实时的游戏的机会,并提高AR /虚拟现实体验,Muralikrishnan说。
  • 发布于2022年8月6日下午04:27坚持

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5G.<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>New Delhi: Millions of Indians are spending close to five hours on their smartphones daily and 5G<\/a> promises to revolutionise the Internet with super-fast connection speeds and reduced latency, giving gaming and OTT streaming<\/a> a much needed boost, industry<\/a> experts have said.

The Indian gaming
industry<\/a> is set to become a $5 billion sector by 2025, with more than 450 million online gamers by 2023. OTT streaming<\/a> is also picking up pace in the country.

The installed base of smartphones with
5G<\/a> capabilities has crossed five crore in the country. The 5G smartphone<\/a> shipment share reached 29 per cent of overall shipments in the April-June period this year, which was the highest ever, according to Counterpoint Research.

'5G will help in enriching viewer experience on regular as well as OTT platforms. For instance, at times, we see low-grade video performance during live streaming of cricket matches or other events on OTT platforms,' Charu Paliwal, Research Analyst, Counterpoint Research, told IANS.

'5G can accommodate large bandwidth and offers low latency, which will result in video streaming in high resolution and without any buffering issues,' Paliwal said, adding that 5G will take services like gaming and streaming to a top-notch level.

Nitin Bansal, MD, India Head-Networks, Market Area South East Asia, Oceania and India,
Ericsson<\/a>, told IANS said that 5G, with its characteristics like high throughput and ultra-low latency, would enable an immersive mobile gaming experience in India.

'5G will help offload heavy computational power, offering gamers higher speeds and lower latency, meaning in-game action will be smoother than ever, with no lag between a gamer's input and the game's response -- whether it is for a single VR player at home, or an esports gaming community,' Bansal told IANS.

Global smartphone player
OPPO<\/a>, which partnered with Reliance Jio<\/a> to conduct 5G trials in India, said that Jio tested its fast and low latency 5G network on the Oppo<\/a> Reno 7 series smartphones.

'While most 5G tests in India involved non-standalone models, OPPO developed its solutions on the SA network. Further, we have been collaborating with industry players and telecom operators for the most comprehensive 5G experience for our users,' Tasleem Arif, VP, and R&D Head, OPPO India, told IANS.

'With the advent of 5G, the user experience will transform in data download rates, up to three times greater spectrum efficiency, and super low latency, and next-generation technologies will become omnipresent,' he added.

According to Madhav Sheth, CEO,
realme India<\/a>, VP, realme, and President, realme International Business Group, 5G will help drive greater use of smart technologies such as IoT, AI and VR, which in turn will revolutionise the development of new products and services that can be offered to customers.

Another report this week said that 5G shipments in India grew 163 per cent (year-on-year) in the April-June period, and
Samsung<\/a> led the segment with a 28 per cent market share.

One out of every three smartphones shipped in Q2 2022 was a 5G capable smartphone as shipments grew 7 per cent (quarter-on-quarter), according to Cyber Media Research (CMR)'s 'India Mobile Handset Market' report.

Muralikrishnan B, President,
Xiaomi India<\/a>, told IANS that with the 5G auction now complete, we expect the consumer demand for a well-rounded smartphone equipped with 5G to only increase.

'We believe 5G is one of the innovations that has the power to transform, upgrade and uplift our nation. 5G will strengthen the AIoT ecosystem, offer the opportunity for real-time gaming, and enhance AR\/VR experience,' Muralikrishnan said.
<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":93391730,"title":"DoT issues spectrum payment demand notices to Jio, Airtel, VIL, Adani","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/dot-issues-spectrum-paymet-demand-notices-to-4-bidders\/93391730","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":93391856,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"5G promises a new mobile gaming, OTT streaming experience to millions","synopsis":"The Indian gaming industry is set to become a $5 billion sector by 2025, with more than 450 million online gamers by 2023. OTT streaming is also picking up pace in the country.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/5g-promises-a-new-mobile-gaming-ott-streaming-experience-to-millions","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":255,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":1075000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"IANS","artdate":"2022-08-06 16:27:35","lastupd":"2022-08-06 16:34:12","breadcrumbTags":["5g","ott streaming","oppo","samsung","xiaomi india","reliance jio","realme india","5g smartphone","ericsson","industry"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/5g-promises-a-new-mobile-gaming-ott-streaming-experience-to-millions"}}" data-news_link="//www.iser-br.com/news/5g-promises-a-new-mobile-gaming-ott-streaming-experience-to-millions/93391856">