
Aarogya Setu的数据共享协议已经终止,但隐私活动人士仍对安全问题表示担忧

活动人士要求政府立即销毁在2022年5月11日之前在Aarogya Setu应用程序上收集的数据,这是协议生效的日期。

Aarogya Setu的数据共享协议已经终止,但隐私活动人士仍对安全问题表示担忧联邦政府已经解散Aarogya是以的数据访问权和共享协议该公司正寻求将接触者追踪应用程序转换为“国民健康应用程序”。然而,隐私维权人士对自2020年4月以来收集的个人数据的安全性表示担忧,尽管每天都有新用户下载该应用程序。

作为对申请的回应互联网自由基金会根据《信息权利法》,政府表示Aarogya Setu数据《2020年访问和共享协议》已于2022年5月10日终止。技术和数据管理授权小组是延长议定书的主管当局,早在2020年9月就解散了RTI响应。

香港邮政发言人国家信息中心(NIC)设计的Aarogya塞图说,该协议被终止是因为“它已经失去了相关性”。“数据共享协议主要是从接触追踪的角度编写的,现在Aarogya Setu正在过渡到一个国家健康应用程序,它没有相关性。没有必要让它(协议)激活和运行……”上述NIC发言人说。

Aarogya Setu是印度一项Covid-19接触者追踪、症状测绘和自我评估数字服务,由电子和信息技术部下属的NIC开发。MeitY)主要作为一个移动应用程序。


IFF对该协议在授权小组被解散后被延长了两次表示惊讶,并质疑该协议有效期间该应用程序收集的数据会如何处理。“在协议中,对数据的存储时间有限制。重要的是,该协议规定,自我评估数据,即用户自己输入的数据,存储时间不超过180天。联系数据、人口统计数据和位置数据也是如此。它还说,一旦协议停止,这些数据将被删除。”IFF的律师Krishnesh Bapat告诉《印度经济时报》。





\"AarogyaThe Union government has discontinued Aarogya Setu<\/a>\u2019s data access and sharing protocol<\/a>, as it seeks to convert the contact tracing app into a \u2018national health app\u2019. Privacy activists, however, have raised concerns over the security of the personal data which has been collected since April 2020, even as new users download the app every day.

In a response to an application filed by the
Internet Freedom Foundation<\/a> (IFF) under the Right to Information Act, the government said that the Aarogya Setu Data<\/a> Access and Sharing Protocol, 2020, had been discontinued since May 10, 2022. The Empowered Group on Technology and Data Management \u2014 which was the competent authority to extend the protocol \u2014 was dissolved way back in September 2020, said the RTI<\/a> response.

A spokesperson for the
National Informatics Center<\/a> (NIC), which designed Aarogya<\/a> Setu, said that the protocol was discontinued because \u201cit had lost its relevance\u201d. \u201cData sharing protocol was written primarily from the perspective of contact tracing, and now that Aarogya Setu is transitioning into a national health app, there is no relevance for it. There is no need to have it (protocol) active and running\u2026,\u201d the NIC spokesperson quoted above said.