


班加罗尔:谷歌在各种问题上,苹果面临着来自创业公司越来越多的反对,包括据称苹果Play Store上的假冒应用程序被推迟下架,以及用户在下载竞争对手的应用商店平台时仍然面临困难。

谷歌播放商店该公司在收紧支付政策方面已经面临阻力,该公司最近要求所有应用程序在应用内购买时必须使用其“昂贵”的计费系统,而支付应用Paytm在几周前因涉嫌违反其赌博政策而被暂时禁止。“这太荒谬了,”连续创业家说Vishal冈德尔岛指的是其手机游戏应用“faw - g”在Play Store上的山寨应用数量。

“它写了一页又一页。目前尚无回应。google -le在执行它的政策上是如此武断。这些都是公然的违规行为。”nCore Games联合创始人贡达尔说。在中国游戏应用《绝地求生》在印度被禁后,nCore Games推出了fou - g。

Chingari应用程序创始人Sumit Ghosh也表示,他的短视频应用程序有多个副本。“只要去Play Store搜索Chingari。有成百上千个同名的假应用。他们在剽窃我们的商标。我们已经通知谷歌数百次,让他们把它们撤下。有些游戏的下载量达到了5 -10万次。我们错过了这些下载量。”


创始人印度河应用程序商店,拉克什德斯穆克,对ET表示,平台已经接触政府,寻求政策干预,与谷歌Play Store竞争。Deshmukh声称谷歌Play Store不允许下载任何其他应用商店。他说,当该公司试图引导潜在用户使用该应用的APK时,安卓手机开始发出安全警告。

谷歌一再表示,如果开发者不希望使用其Play Store下载热门应用,他们可以选择其他应用商店。“我们需要一些政府支持,让我们能够进入Android封锁的市场。我们需要一个公平的竞争环境。整个政策需要设计,以便用户访问不同应用商店的权限是相同的,”德斯穆克说。


BENGALURU: Google<\/a> is facing increased backlash from startups on various issues, including the alleged delay in taking down fake apps from its Play Store and the continued difficulty faced by users in downloading competing app store platforms.

Google Play Store<\/a> is already facing resistance for tightening its payments policy, which recently mandated that all apps have to use its \u201cexpensive\u201d billing system for in-app purchases, and for temporarily banning payments app Paytm a couple of weeks ago for alleged violation of its gambling policy. \u201cIt\u2019s ridiculous,\u201d said serial entrepreneur Vishal Gondal<\/a>, referring to the number of copycat apps of its mobile gaming app FAU-G on Play Store.

\u201cIt goes into pages and pages. There has been no response. Goog-le is so arbitrary in implementing its policies. These are blatant violations,\u201d said Gondal, cofounder, nCore Games, which had launched FAU-G after Chinese gaming app PUBG was banned in India.