KOLKATA: Bharti Airtel<\/a>, Vodafone<\/a> India and Idea Cellular<\/a> are likely to see a sharp 25% fall in<\/a> data realisations over the next one year, as they may be compelled to cut rates of even low value monthly data packs to boost penetration<\/a> and acquire more mobile broadband customers, said analysts and industry<\/a> experts.
Market leader<\/a> Airtel<\/a> and No 3 carrier Idea<\/a> have reported 2.5% and 8.1% sequential decline in their respective data realisations in the April-June quarter amid competitive pressures, and Vodafone<\/a> India too said its data revenue in the same quarter had slowed down sharply from the pace of earlier quarters.
\nIndia’s top three incumbent carriers have already slashed effective data rates by as much as 67% ahead of Reliance Jio Infocomm’s commercial launch of 4G services likely sometime this month. But analysts believe it’s just a matter of time before similar cuts are extended to the lower-denomination data packs to boost
penetration<\/a> levels.
“Incumbent carriers will soon have to consider hefty price cuts of mass-selling monthly packs that typically offer a 1GB, 500 MB or 300 MB of data to grab mobile broadband customers at the lower-to-middle-end of the
market<\/a> and boost data penetration,” said an analyst at a leading European brokerage, who did not wish to be named.
\nIncumbent operators, he said, have “refrained from doing so” as they fear such pricing moves could trigger a sudden upsurge in data consumption levels, clog their networks and spoil overall customer experience before Jio’s commercial launch.
\n“Incumbents are still in the throes of 3G\/4G network roll-outs and if their overall data experience suffers at this stage, they would find it tough to hold on to their top-end customers after Jio launches,” said the analyst cited above.
\nNitin Soni, director at rating agency Fitch, feels the twin-challenges of boosting data penetration and grabbing new mobile broadband subscribers would only get bigger once Reliance Jio launches 4G.
\n“It’s clearly tough days ahead for incumbents who will have to match Jio both in terms of pricing and service quality, and the latter is no mean task since Jio’s will be an empty, high-capacity countrywide data network running on superior 4G airwaves on the 800 Mhz band,” Soni told ET.
\nSoni, in fact, expects incumbents’ data revenue per user to shrink by 15-20% over a 12-month span, post-Jio’s launch.
\nReliance Industries recently said in its annual report that its telecom arm Jio would commercially launch 4G services at substantially lower rates than rivals.
\nExperts reckon Mukesh Ambani-owned Jio will cause a massive disruption in data and voice prices, leading to another phase of blood-letting in an already fiercely competitive sector. Many expect Jio to launch its services sometime this month, offering free voice services bundled with data, priced at least 25% lower than current offerings of incumbent carriers.
\nAnalysts at Morgan Stanley agree that Jio’s much awaited commercial entry will increase competitive intensity, in that, pushing through voice tariffs hikes could be tough and data ARMBs could fall further.
\n“Incumbents face the risk of of data cannibalizing voice, as well as margin pressure with rising competitive intensity,” said the US brokerage, adding that
Idea<\/a> with its relatively smaller balance sheet is at a higher risk than Bharti Airtel<\/a>.
\nGopal Vittal,
Bharti Airtel<\/a>’s Managing Director & CEO for India & South Asia, also recently voiced concern about data growth plateauing, and ruled out mobile internet penetration rising dramatically in the next one year, unless smartphone prices drop down to the Rs 500\/600 level.
\nGoldman Sachs, however, expects the divergence between Idea and Bharti’s data revenue growth to continue, given the latter’s superior data network (read: 4G) coverage. Idea’s on-year data revenue growth at 27% in the April-June quarter was slower than Bharti’s 35%, the brokerage said. Vodafone India's on-year data revenue grew 22.3% during the same period, which was way below the 45% growth level scaled in FY16.
\nBut Idea stole a march over Bharti on the data subscriber additions front, adding 5.1 million in the April-June quarter against Bharti’s 1.1 million, which was one of the lowest in many quarters, according to analysts.<\/p><\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":53705049,"title":"Dispute between telcos and Trai unprecedented in annals of corporate history","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/dispute-between-telcos-and-trai-unprecedented-in-annals-of-corporate-history\/53705049","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":53705070,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Airtel, Vodafone, Idea Cellular likely to see 25% fall in data realisations","synopsis":"Market leader Airtel and No 3 carrier, Idea have reported 2.5% and 8.1% sequential decline in their respective data realisations in the April-June quarter.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/airtel-vodafone-idea-cellular-likely-to-see-25-fall-in-data-realisations","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Kalyan Parbat","author_link":"\/author\/4437\/kalyan-parbat","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/4437.cms?width=100&height=100&hostid=268","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":4437,"author_name":"Kalyan Parbat","author_seo_name":"kalyan-parbat","designation":"Assistant Telecom Editor at the Level of Senior Assistant Editor","agency":false}}],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ET Bureau","artdate":"2016-08-15 09:26:57","lastupd":"2016-08-15 09:52:59","breadcrumbTags":["Airtel","in","market leader","Vodafone","industry","Bharti Airtel","idea","Idea Cellular","penetration","Market"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/airtel-vodafone-idea-cellular-likely-to-see-25-fall-in-data-realisations"}}" data-authors="[" kalyan parbat"]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2016-08-15" data-index="article_1">


市场领导者Airtel和3号航母,想法报告顺序下降2.5%和8.1%,4 - 6月当季实现。在各自的数据。

  • 更新于2016年8月15日09:52点坚持

加尔各答:Bharti Airtel,沃达丰(Vodafone)印度和知道细胞可能会看到一个大幅下降25%数据实现。在接下来的一年,他们甚至可能不得不削减利率低价值提高月度数据包渗透和获得更多的移动宽带用户,分析师和说行业专家。

市场的领导者附近的旅馆和3号航空母舰的想法报道各自数据的下滑2.5%和8.1%,4 - 6月当季实现。在竞争压力,然后呢沃达丰(Vodafone)印度也表示其数据收入在同一季度从早些时候的速度大幅放缓。

现任印度三大运营商已经削减之前,有效的数据率高达67%依赖Jio Infocomm商业推出4 g服务可能这个月的某个时候。但分析师认为它只是一个时间问题扩展到类似的削减lower-denomination数据包来提振渗透的水平。

“现任运营商不久将不得不考虑大幅降价的大量销售每月包通常提供1 gb, 500 MB和300 MB的数据抓取移动宽带用户的lower-to-middle-end市场并提高数据插入,“欧洲主要券商的分析师说,他不愿具名。


“在职者仍在挣扎的3 g / 4 g网络部署和如果他们的整体数据经验在这个阶段,他们会发现很难抓住高端客户Jio发射后,“上面引用的分析师说。

Nitin索尼,评级机构惠誉,主管感觉的双重挑战,提高数据插入和抓住新的移动宽带用户只会变得更大,一旦Jio推出4 g的依赖。

”显然很难未来几天的现任者将不得不匹配Jio在定价和服务质量方面,而后者并不意味着任务自Jio将一个空的,高容量全国数据网络上运行的800 Mhz频带优越的4 g无线电波,”索尼告诉等。

事实上,索尼预计现有的数据每用户收入将减少15 - 20%在12个月的跨度,post-Jio发射。

信实工业最近在其年报中表示,其电信部门Jio将推出4 g服务商业利率大大低于竞争对手。

专家认为穆克什Ambani-owned Jio会造成大规模破坏数据和语音的价格,导致流血的另一个阶段在一个激烈竞争的行业。许多人预计Jio这个月的某个时候推出服务,提供免费的语音服务与数据绑定,至少低25%比目前的现任运营商。

摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的分析师认为,Jio备受期待的商业入口将会增加竞争强度,声音,推进关税上调可能是艰难的和数据ARMBs可能进一步下跌。


Gopal Vittal,Bharti Airtel的董事总经理和首席执行官对印度和南亚,最近还表示担心数据增长停滞不前的状态,和排除移动互联网普及率大幅上升在未来一年,除非智能手机价格下降到Rs 500/600的水平。

然而,高盛(Goldman Sachs)预计,想法之间的分歧和Bharti的数据收入增长继续,鉴于后者优越的数据网络(阅读:4 g)报道。想法的同比数据,4 - 6月当季营收增长27%低于Bharti的35%,经纪公司说。沃达丰印度的同比数据同期收入增长了22.3%,远低于45%的增长水平缩放在FY16。

但是想法抢Bharti数据新增用户数方面,4 - 6月当季增加510万对Bharti的110万年,在许多地方最低的国家之一,据分析师。

  • 发布于2016年8月15日09:26点坚持

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KOLKATA: Bharti Airtel<\/a>, Vodafone<\/a> India and Idea Cellular<\/a> are likely to see a sharp 25% fall in<\/a> data realisations over the next one year, as they may be compelled to cut rates of even low value monthly data packs to boost penetration<\/a> and acquire more mobile broadband customers, said analysts and industry<\/a> experts.
Market leader<\/a> Airtel<\/a> and No 3 carrier Idea<\/a> have reported 2.5% and 8.1% sequential decline in their respective data realisations in the April-June quarter amid competitive pressures, and Vodafone<\/a> India too said its data revenue in the same quarter had slowed down sharply from the pace of earlier quarters.
\nIndia’s top three incumbent carriers have already slashed effective data rates by as much as 67% ahead of Reliance Jio Infocomm’s commercial launch of 4G services likely sometime this month. But analysts believe it’s just a matter of time before similar cuts are extended to the lower-denomination data packs to boost
penetration<\/a> levels.
“Incumbent carriers will soon have to consider hefty price cuts of mass-selling monthly packs that typically offer a 1GB, 500 MB or 300 MB of data to grab mobile broadband customers at the lower-to-middle-end of the
market<\/a> and boost data penetration,” said an analyst at a leading European brokerage, who did not wish to be named.
\nIncumbent operators, he said, have “refrained from doing so” as they fear such pricing moves could trigger a sudden upsurge in data consumption levels, clog their networks and spoil overall customer experience before Jio’s commercial launch.
\n“Incumbents are still in the throes of 3G\/4G network roll-outs and if their overall data experience suffers at this stage, they would find it tough to hold on to their top-end customers after Jio launches,” said the analyst cited above.
\nNitin Soni, director at rating agency Fitch, feels the twin-challenges of boosting data penetration and grabbing new mobile broadband subscribers would only get bigger once Reliance Jio launches 4G.
\n“It’s clearly tough days ahead for incumbents who will have to match Jio both in terms of pricing and service quality, and the latter is no mean task since Jio’s will be an empty, high-capacity countrywide data network running on superior 4G airwaves on the 800 Mhz band,” Soni told ET.
\nSoni, in fact, expects incumbents’ data revenue per user to shrink by 15-20% over a 12-month span, post-Jio’s launch.
\nReliance Industries recently said in its annual report that its telecom arm Jio would commercially launch 4G services at substantially lower rates than rivals.
\nExperts reckon Mukesh Ambani-owned Jio will cause a massive disruption in data and voice prices, leading to another phase of blood-letting in an already fiercely competitive sector. Many expect Jio to launch its services sometime this month, offering free voice services bundled with data, priced at least 25% lower than current offerings of incumbent carriers.
\nAnalysts at Morgan Stanley agree that Jio’s much awaited commercial entry will increase competitive intensity, in that, pushing through voice tariffs hikes could be tough and data ARMBs could fall further.
\n“Incumbents face the risk of of data cannibalizing voice, as well as margin pressure with rising competitive intensity,” said the US brokerage, adding that
Idea<\/a> with its relatively smaller balance sheet is at a higher risk than Bharti Airtel<\/a>.
\nGopal Vittal,
Bharti Airtel<\/a>’s Managing Director & CEO for India & South Asia, also recently voiced concern about data growth plateauing, and ruled out mobile internet penetration rising dramatically in the next one year, unless smartphone prices drop down to the Rs 500\/600 level.
\nGoldman Sachs, however, expects the divergence between Idea and Bharti’s data revenue growth to continue, given the latter’s superior data network (read: 4G) coverage. Idea’s on-year data revenue growth at 27% in the April-June quarter was slower than Bharti’s 35%, the brokerage said. Vodafone India's on-year data revenue grew 22.3% during the same period, which was way below the 45% growth level scaled in FY16.
\nBut Idea stole a march over Bharti on the data subscriber additions front, adding 5.1 million in the April-June quarter against Bharti’s 1.1 million, which was one of the lowest in many quarters, according to analysts.<\/p><\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":53705049,"title":"Dispute between telcos and Trai unprecedented in annals of corporate history","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/dispute-between-telcos-and-trai-unprecedented-in-annals-of-corporate-history\/53705049","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":53705070,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Airtel, Vodafone, Idea Cellular likely to see 25% fall in data realisations","synopsis":"Market leader Airtel and No 3 carrier, Idea have reported 2.5% and 8.1% sequential decline in their respective data realisations in the April-June quarter.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/airtel-vodafone-idea-cellular-likely-to-see-25-fall-in-data-realisations","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Kalyan Parbat","author_link":"\/author\/4437\/kalyan-parbat","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/4437.cms?width=100&height=100&hostid=268","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":4437,"author_name":"Kalyan Parbat","author_seo_name":"kalyan-parbat","designation":"Assistant Telecom Editor at the Level of Senior Assistant Editor","agency":false}}],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ET Bureau","artdate":"2016-08-15 09:26:57","lastupd":"2016-08-15 09:52:59","breadcrumbTags":["Airtel","in","market leader","Vodafone","industry","Bharti Airtel","idea","Idea Cellular","penetration","Market"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/airtel-vodafone-idea-cellular-likely-to-see-25-fall-in-data-realisations"}}" data-news_link="//www.iser-br.com/news/airtel-vodafone-idea-cellular-likely-to-see-25-fall-in-data-realisations/53705070">