


阿马拉瓦蒂:安德拉邦首席部长y Jagan Mohan Reddy周五指示官员们想出了一个行动计划设立三个概念城市附近维萨卡帕特南,Tirupati,班加罗尔信息技术和相关行业的状态。


“首席部长指示官员关注确保应提供不间断的互联网服务在每一个村庄。他强调图书馆的建设与访问带宽网络连接在每一个村庄。除了建设图书馆,首席部长指示,所有的秘书处和Rythu Bharosa坎德拉(RBKs)在村里也应该连接到互联网,”它说。




The release said that the Andhra government is also chalking out plans to develop an integrated industrial park in Visakhapatnam, which will includes high-end skill university, incubation centers, labs, departmental offices, data centre and IT towers.<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>Amaravati: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan<\/a> Mohan Reddy<\/a> on Friday directed the officials to come up with an action plan to set up three concept cities near Visakhapatnam<\/a>, Tirupati<\/a>, and Bengaluru<\/a> to house information technology and related industries<\/a> in the state.

As per an official release, the Chief Minister said that these cities should contribute to the IT progress and help in the development of the state by bringing in as many industries as possible and focus on creating a large number of jobs.

\"The Chief Minister has directed officials to focus on ensuring uninterrupted internet service should be provided in every village. He had stressed on the construction of libraries with accessible bandwidth internet connections in every village. Apart from building libraries, the Chief Minister instructed that all the secretariats and Rythu Bharosa Kendras (RBKs) in the village should also be connected to the internet,\" it said.