
Anker’s PowerHouse可以为你的手机充电40天





它的售价为500美元,与低端燃气发电机的价格相似,考虑到燃料可能比工作插座更容易为这个巨大的电池充电,你可能仍然会考虑在后世界末日。幸运的是,Anker还承诺为PowerHouse配备一个太阳能充电器,可以在大约16小时内使其恢复活力。对于一个能装进你1973年车后备箱的电源来说还不错福特猎鹰XB GT跑车。

The average smartphone<\/a>\u2019s battery provides around 2,500 mAh of power \u2014 usually enough to get you through the day. Anker<\/a>\u2019s new PowerHouse<\/a>, which is about the size of a cinderblock, boasts of 120,600 mAh. You can use it to recharge your phone for up to 40 days straight \u2014 if for some reason your power has gone out.

It\u2019s not limited to only topping up your smartphone, either. In addition to four USB ports on the front, there\u2019s also a 12-volt DC outlet for powering gadgets designed for your car, and a standard three-prong outlet for powering anything that plugs into a wall. The PowerHouse can recharge a laptop 15 times over or even keep a mini fridge running for up to seven hours.

When the PowerHouse eventually dies it can be fully recharged in about 10 hours using its included charger. And instead of four little glowing dots providing an estimate of its remaining charge, a large
LCD display<\/a> provides a far more accurate prediction of when it will eventually be tapped out.