

据彭博新闻社(Bloomberg News)报道,苹果最初一直在寻求制造自己的汽车,但去年重新调整了这一雄心,优先考虑自动驾驶的基础技术。乐动扑克


库克在6月5日的采访中表示:“我们正专注于自动系统。”这是他迄今为止对苹果汽车计划最详细的评论。“这是一项我们认为非常重要的核心技术。”他将这项工作比作“所有人工智能项目之母”,并表示这“可能是最困难的人工智能项目之一”。据介绍,自动驾驶汽车的前景已经促使许多科技公司进入汽车行业麦肯锡字母Waymo单位已与菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车和手机Lyft开发这项技术。汽车制造商宝马通用汽车(General Motors)已经在硅谷开设了规模可观的办事处,并投入数亿美元收购自动驾驶汽车明星公司。

据彭博新闻社(Bloomberg News)报道,苹果最初一直在寻求制造自己的汽车,但去年重新调整了这一雄心,优先考虑自动驾驶的基础技术。乐动扑克

iPhone自2014年启动“泰坦计划”(Project Titan)以来,该公司雇佣了1000多名工程师。飙升的成本和员工人数导致苹果资深人士鲍勃·曼斯菲尔德在2016年被授予团队的控制权。库克以前从未公开概述过苹果的计划,不过最近几个月出现的公开文件提供了苹果努力的快照。

After years toiling away in secret on a car project, Apple<\/a> CEO Tim Cook<\/a> has for the first time elaborated on the company's plans in the automotive market.

\"We're focusing on autonomous systems,\" Cook said in a June 5 interview that amounted to his most detailed comments yet on Apple's automotive plans. \"It's a core technology that we view as very important.\" He likened the effort to \"the mother of all AI projects,\" saying it's \"probably one of the most difficult AI projects to work on.\" The prospect of self-driving cars has seen a slew of technology companies push into the auto industry, according to
McKinsey<\/a>. Alphabet<\/a>'s Waymo<\/a> unit has signed partnerships with Fiat Chrysler<\/a> Auto mobiles and Lyft<\/a> to develop the technology. And carmakers from BMW<\/a> to General Motors<\/a> have opened sizable Silicon Valley offices and dedicated hundreds of millions of dollars to acquire autonomous vehicle star tups.

Apple had initially been seeking to build its own car, before recalibrating those ambitions last year to prioritise the underlying technology for autonomous driving, Bloomberg News reported.