
Bharti Airtel双打数据限制为预付费消费者

双数据提供有效包从Rs 186至3346卢比。

整个2011 - 12,Bharti在4259卢比的净利润下降了29.6%,而在2010 - 11 6047卢比。
整个2011 - 12,Bharti在4259卢比的净利润下降了29.6%,而在2010 - 11 6047卢比。



双数据提供有效包从Rs 186至3346卢比。

“随着智能手机普及率和客户需要24小时在线,我们重新定义的价值主张新的双数据包,“Ajai宫主任——市场操作,Bharti Airtel(印度和南亚)说。


For the entire 2011-12, Bharti's net profit fell 29.6 per cent at Rs 4,259 crore, compared to Rs 6,047 crore in 2010-11.<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>NEW DELHI: Bharti Airtel<\/a> has doubled the data quota for its pre-paid subscribers to include additional mobile data usage during night hours.

The innovative
data packs<\/a> redefine affordability and offer great value to customers by providing additional data benefits at night, effectively doubling the data limits for customers, the telco said in a statement Wednesday.

India\u2019s largest service operator said that with the new packs, customers will be able to save up to 30% on recharges, when compared to existing data packs.