\"\"BANGALORE: Three M&A transactions worth $2 billion on the anvil suggest a turning point in the ever churning business process outsourcing (BPO) industry, squeezed by growing digital contact channels.
Minacs, controlled by private equity<\/a> firms CX Partners and Capital Square Partners, has mandated Rothschild to run a $450-500 million sale process, people directly familiar with the matter said. The two funds had acquired Minacs from the Aditya Birla<\/a> Group for $260 million two years ago. What has triggered this exit deal, slightly premature by private equity<\/a> standards, is the fact that the valuation mark-up will help CX Partners, which is raising a new fund, walk away with a large cheque. CX is expected to take out in excess of $200 million after investing $85 million, sources said.
SPi Global, in which CVC Capital owns 80% stake, is said to have mandated Bank of America
Merrill Lynch<\/a> for a potential divestment valued at about around $600 million. CVC had bought shares from Philippines Long Distance Telephone Company (which owns remaining shares) about three years ago. Canadian telecom major Telus plans to offload its back office and contact centre subsidiary Telus International in a deal estimated at about $800-900 million, sources cited earlier in the report said, while adding that Rothschild was adviser to this transaction as well.
\nWhen contacted, Telus said it would not comment on market speculation. Emailed queries to Minacs and SPi Global remained unanswered at the time of going to press. CX Partners, which controls Minacs, offered \"no comments\". While Minacs and SPi Global have sizeable presence (in terms of employees) in India, Telus mostly has its Asian outsourcing operations in Philippines, besides Guatemala, El Salvador and Europe.
Global buyout funds such as
Apax Partners<\/a> and Carlyle and their mid-market Asian and US counterparts, including Baring Asia, PAG and Platinum Equity, besides some strategic suitors, are likely to line up for these transactions at a time when consumer internet and e-commerce boom is adding to back office and logistics outsourcing work. But, more importantly, the digital economies are compressing the BPO volumes, driving the inevitable consolidation deals.
\nSome of the M&As, involving sizeable volumes of call centre business, are aimed at taking advantage of a valuation bump-up with a challenging road ahead.
\nIDC had predicted that global BPO industry would touch $210 billion by next year. But digital channels - along with analytics and robotics - are pose a grave challenge to the low-end BPO work, especially for contact centres. \"Customers younger than 40 would much rather use social media and web chat than any other way of achieving their desired service outcomes. The message is clear: incorporate digital channels into your overall engagement strategy, or face extinction,\" a Dimension Data report last year said.
\n\"This industry growing at 5 to 6% annually is at an inflection point, primarily because of the way digital is changing businesses,\" said a PE investor tracking the latest sectoral developments. The lower end BPO - like contact centres, which is a massive $70 to $80 billion market - is getting squeezed. Only companies with robust tech investments and value-added services are likely to find survival easier, he added.
The recent acquisition deals in the sector include
Essar Group<\/a> selling Aegis to Teleperformance and Serco divesting Intelenet back to Blackstone.
\n\n<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":50712073,"title":"Wi-Fi at MC zone D office soon","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/wi-fi-at-mc-zone-d-office-soon\/50712073","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":50712105,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"BPO churn on cards amid $2bn M&A plans","synopsis":"Three M&A transactions worth $2 billion on the anvil suggest a turning point in the ever churning business process outsourcing (BPO) industry, squeezed by growing digital contact channels.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/bpo-churn-on-cards-amid-2bn-ma-plans","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Shilpa Phadnis","author_link":"\/author\/479212770\/shilpa-phadnis","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479212770.cms?width=100&height=100&hostid=268","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479212770,"author_name":"Shilpa Phadnis","author_seo_name":"Shilpa-Phadnis","designation":"Principal Correspondent","agency":false}},{"author_name":"Boby Kurian","author_link":"\/author\/17447\/boby-kurian","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/17447.cms?width=100&height=100&hostid=268","author_additional":{"thumbsize":false,"msid":17447,"author_name":"Boby Kurian","author_seo_name":"Boby-Kurian","designation":"Editor","agency":false}}],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"TNN","artdate":"2016-01-25 08:26:05","lastupd":"2016-01-25 08:28:06","breadcrumbTags":["private equity","Aditya Birla","Merrill Lynch","Essar Group","Apax Partners","Enterprise Services"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/bpo-churn-on-cards-amid-2bn-ma-plans"}}" data-authors="[" shilpa phadnis","boby kurian"]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2016-01-25" data-index="article_1">



希尔帕Phadnis 波比库里
  • 更新2016年1月25日08:28点坚持

Minacs,控制私人股本公司CX伙伴和资本方合作伙伴,授权罗斯柴尔德运行450 - 500销售过程,人们直接知情人士说。的两只基金已经获得MinacsAditya Birla)两年前集团以2.6亿美元的价格。这引发了什么退出交易,稍微过早私人股本标准,是估值标记将帮助残雪合作伙伴,这是提高一个新的基金,带走大量的支票。残雪有望拿出超过2亿美元投资8500万美元后,消息人士说。

SPi全球,CVC Capital持有80%的股份,据说要求美国银行美林(Merrill Lynch)为潜在的剥离价值约6亿美元左右。从菲律宾长途电话公司CVC买股票(拥有剩余股份)大约三年前。加拿大电信主要泰勒斯计划出售其后台和联系中心子公司泰勒斯国际交易估计约800 - 900美元,早些时候引用来源报告说,同时补充道,罗斯柴尔德也该事务顾问。


全球并购基金等Apax Partners凯雷亚洲中端市场和美国同行,包括霸菱亚洲,PAG和铂股本,除了一些战略追求者,这些交易可能会排队的时候消费者互联网和电子商务热潮发生在后台,物流外包工作。但更重要的是,数字经济压缩BPO卷,把不可避免的合并交易。



“这个行业每年增长5 - 6%,是一个转折点,主要是因为数字正在改变企业的方式,”说,私募股权投资者跟踪最新的行业发展。低端业务流程外包——就像联系中心,这是一个巨大的70美元到800亿美元市场——被压缩了。只有公司强大的技术投资和增值服务是容易生存,他补充说。


  • 发表在2016年1月25日08:26点坚持

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\"\"BANGALORE: Three M&A transactions worth $2 billion on the anvil suggest a turning point in the ever churning business process outsourcing (BPO) industry, squeezed by growing digital contact channels.
Minacs, controlled by private equity<\/a> firms CX Partners and Capital Square Partners, has mandated Rothschild to run a $450-500 million sale process, people directly familiar with the matter said. The two funds had acquired Minacs from the Aditya Birla<\/a> Group for $260 million two years ago. What has triggered this exit deal, slightly premature by private equity<\/a> standards, is the fact that the valuation mark-up will help CX Partners, which is raising a new fund, walk away with a large cheque. CX is expected to take out in excess of $200 million after investing $85 million, sources said.
SPi Global, in which CVC Capital owns 80% stake, is said to have mandated Bank of America
Merrill Lynch<\/a> for a potential divestment valued at about around $600 million. CVC had bought shares from Philippines Long Distance Telephone Company (which owns remaining shares) about three years ago. Canadian telecom major Telus plans to offload its back office and contact centre subsidiary Telus International in a deal estimated at about $800-900 million, sources cited earlier in the report said, while adding that Rothschild was adviser to this transaction as well.
\nWhen contacted, Telus said it would not comment on market speculation. Emailed queries to Minacs and SPi Global remained unanswered at the time of going to press. CX Partners, which controls Minacs, offered \"no comments\". While Minacs and SPi Global have sizeable presence (in terms of employees) in India, Telus mostly has its Asian outsourcing operations in Philippines, besides Guatemala, El Salvador and Europe.
Global buyout funds such as
Apax Partners<\/a> and Carlyle and their mid-market Asian and US counterparts, including Baring Asia, PAG and Platinum Equity, besides some strategic suitors, are likely to line up for these transactions at a time when consumer internet and e-commerce boom is adding to back office and logistics outsourcing work. But, more importantly, the digital economies are compressing the BPO volumes, driving the inevitable consolidation deals.
\nSome of the M&As, involving sizeable volumes of call centre business, are aimed at taking advantage of a valuation bump-up with a challenging road ahead.
\nIDC had predicted that global BPO industry would touch $210 billion by next year. But digital channels - along with analytics and robotics - are pose a grave challenge to the low-end BPO work, especially for contact centres. \"Customers younger than 40 would much rather use social media and web chat than any other way of achieving their desired service outcomes. The message is clear: incorporate digital channels into your overall engagement strategy, or face extinction,\" a Dimension Data report last year said.
\n\"This industry growing at 5 to 6% annually is at an inflection point, primarily because of the way digital is changing businesses,\" said a PE investor tracking the latest sectoral developments. The lower end BPO - like contact centres, which is a massive $70 to $80 billion market - is getting squeezed. Only companies with robust tech investments and value-added services are likely to find survival easier, he added.
The recent acquisition deals in the sector include
Essar Group<\/a> selling Aegis to Teleperformance and Serco divesting Intelenet back to Blackstone.
\n\n<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":50712073,"title":"Wi-Fi at MC zone D office soon","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/wi-fi-at-mc-zone-d-office-soon\/50712073","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":50712105,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"BPO churn on cards amid $2bn M&A plans","synopsis":"Three M&A transactions worth $2 billion on the anvil suggest a turning point in the ever churning business process outsourcing (BPO) industry, squeezed by growing digital contact channels.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/bpo-churn-on-cards-amid-2bn-ma-plans","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Shilpa Phadnis","author_link":"\/author\/479212770\/shilpa-phadnis","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479212770.cms?width=100&height=100&hostid=268","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479212770,"author_name":"Shilpa Phadnis","author_seo_name":"Shilpa-Phadnis","designation":"Principal Correspondent","agency":false}},{"author_name":"Boby Kurian","author_link":"\/author\/17447\/boby-kurian","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/17447.cms?width=100&height=100&hostid=268","author_additional":{"thumbsize":false,"msid":17447,"author_name":"Boby Kurian","author_seo_name":"Boby-Kurian","designation":"Editor","agency":false}}],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"TNN","artdate":"2016-01-25 08:26:05","lastupd":"2016-01-25 08:28:06","breadcrumbTags":["private equity","Aditya Birla","Merrill Lynch","Essar Group","Apax Partners","Enterprise Services"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/bpo-churn-on-cards-amid-2bn-ma-plans"}}" data-news_link="//www.iser-br.com/news/bpo-churn-on-cards-amid-2bn-ma-plans/50712105">