Nitin Bansal, head of network solutions, Ericsson<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>By Nitin Bansal<\/strong>

As per the Ericsson<\/a> Mobility Report, November 2019 edition, mobile traffic is expected to grow by 27 percent annually between 2019 and 2025. Continuing recent trends, most of this will come from video traffic. Over the past few decades, every passing generation of cellular mobile connectivity has allowed us to enjoy enhanced content quality as well as the power of mobility with the ability to consume data anytime, anywhere for both work, study and play.

Video is increasingly embedded in all forms of online content to become the main driver for the exponential growth in mobile data traffic. Video traffic in mobile networks is forecast to grow by around 30 percent annually through to 2025, accounting for 75 percent of mobile data traffic from slightly more than 60 percent in 2019.

In addition, the current COVID-19 pandemic globally has led to another wave of data explosion as people all over the world spend more time being at home due to movement restrictions. The dramatic changes in human behavior patterns have caused measurable changes in the usage of both fixed and mobile networks worldwide. As more people increasingly study and work from home, online education, virtual training and virtual meetings and conferences are becoming the new reality. A new form of social interaction has appeared with both fixed and mobile broadband connectivity enabling a multitude of indoor entertainment activities as well as virtual meet-ups with friends and family, while being in the safety of our homes.

In a time of crisis, information and communications are critical. Mobile networks are an essential part of the communications backbone that is enabling health workers, public safety officials and critical businesses to stay connected during this time of global crisis. The world’s mobile networks are proving yet again that they can deliver the performance and reliability to support both consumers and enterprises in this hour of need. At
Ericsson<\/a>, we are working hard to ensure that we provide seamless connectivity for public services, businesses and families worldwide.

Given that many countries are facing lockdown situations and more and more people are working from home, traffic patterns on networks too are seeing unprecedented changes. There are significant shifts in the usage of both fixed and mobile networks worldwide. Traffic is shifting from city centers and office areas to residential and suburban areas. Network load shifts geographically as people work from home. We are also seeing an increase in voice traffic across 2G, 3G and 4G networks in many markets .There is an increase in VoLTE and voice over Wi-Fi traffic as well. In overall terms , one can observe more Mbytes per user usage – that is, higher data volume transmission with more bandwidth allocated per user.

Ericsson studies indicate an average 20 to 70 percent increase in voice traffic across networks with an increasing number and longer voice calls being made by people arising out of the COVID-19 situation. People are spending more time online at home and as a result are generating more traffic per day. Most operators are experiencing a 10~20 percent increase in data traffic (both upload and download) on the mobile network with streaming services also contributing to the data increase.

Network re-planning and end-to-end re-dimensioning activities focusing on network design, capacity, performance and traffic handling are carried out by Ericsson engineers to ensure that the customer experience from the network is not compromised. Machine Learning-enabled capacity planning enables the service provider to proactively identify and act on network bottleneck issues. Application-based (e.g., web, chat, video) traffic handling is managed through service-aware configuration.

Ericsson has deployed solutions and services (e.g., virtual drive test on networks that enable our customers to handle emergencies in an efficient manner. Network Design and Optimization Emergency Services, underpinned by AI allows customers to succeed in challenging ever-evolving situations, such as emergencies, including improved network performance and customer experience
Being predictive rather than being reactive

AI and automation allow networks operations and services to move from reactive to predictive and proactive, improving network performance and user experience and eliminating incidents and failures. Ericsson services cover this from design, operations, maintenance and optimization through Ericsson Operations Engine, and customer services through Network Intelligence solution.
Ericsson’s Network Intelligence solution enables networks to be predictive instead of being reactive. AI and Machine Learning driven applications work round the clock to provide the network stability needed for service continuity and an optimal end-to-end performance. Automation allows for the elimination of network failures through the predictive identification of potential anomalies, performance degradations and failures. This helps improve customer experience through greater network resilience as well as reduced downtime.

In fact, according to Ericsson’s network intelligence report, leveraging AI\/ML tools in network operations can lead to reducing network performance issues by up to 60 percent and decreasing critical incident handling by up to 35 percent.
With Ericsson Operations Engine, Ericsson help service providers to transform their operations and address key business priorities such as lower total cost of ownership (TCO), enhanced user experience, new revenue streams and efficient transformation.
Ericsson Operations Engine is powered by data driven processes; automated and AI driven insights, Ericsson’s people and domain expertise.

Communications Service Providers’ response to COVID-19<\/strong>

So how are service providers responding to COVID-19? We are seeing service providers making the necessary changes in their data plans – either increasing the “bucket size” or allowing unlimited data for a short period of time. Some are also offering unlimited national calls. And even as they respond to the current situation with speed and agility, some service providers are already planning to advance their investments in the networks to boost capacity to tackle the data upsurge the networks are experiencing.

The Heroes
Even as the telecom industry globally is working together to handle the COVID-19 crisis , the heroes are our network engineers and field maintenance staff who continue to work relentlessly to restore the network faults and ensure availability of connectivity at all times, despite the challenges and difficult circumstances.

Let’s continue to come together and acknowledge the power of 4G and 5G mobile broadband connectivity.

(The author is Managing Director, Ericsson India)

<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":75135806,"title":"Apple shipped 2.5 million iPhones in China in March following virus slump: Government data","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/apple-shipped-2-5-million-iphones-in-china-in-march-following-virus-slump-government-data\/75135806","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":75136491,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Broadband data upsurge tests network resilience globally: Ericsson's Nitin Bansal","synopsis":"(Brand Connect Initiative)","titleseo":"telecomnews\/broadband-data-upsurge-tests-network-resilience-globallyericssons-nitin-bansal","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":581,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":458000,"url":"https:\/\/ettelecom.indiatimes.com\/telecomnews\/broadband-data-upsurge-tests-network-resilience-globallyericssons-nitin-bansal\/articleshow\/75136491.cms"},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ETTelecom","artdate":"2020-04-14 12:44:19","lastupd":"2020-04-27 11:18:59","breadcrumbTags":["coronavirus","ericsson","Ericsson news","Telecom equipment","covid19"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/broadband-data-upsurge-tests-network-resilience-globallyericssons-nitin-bansal"}}" data-authors="[" "]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2020-04-14" data-index="article_1">



  • 更新于2020年4月27日11:18点坚持
阅读: 100年行业专业人士
< p >尼邦萨尔,网络解决方案主管,爱立信< / p >





鉴于许多国家正面临封锁的情况下,越来越多的人在家工作,交通模式在网络看到前所未有的变化。有重大变化全球固定和移动网络的使用。交通从城市中心和办公区域和郊区居住。网络负载变化的地理位置,人们在家工作。我们也看到增加语音流量在2 g、3 g和4 g网络在很多市场来说是回和语音wi - fi流量的增加。总体而言,一个可以观察到多个mb每个用户使用——也就是说,高数据量传输更多的带宽分配每个用户。


爱立信研究显示平均20到70%增加语音流量在网络越来越多和长语音通话由人引起的COVID-19情况。人们花更多的时间在家上网,结果每天产生更多的交通。大多数运营商正在经历一个增加10 ~ 20%数据流量(上传和下载)在移动网络流媒体服务也导致增加的数据。









让我们继续在一起并承认4 g的力量和5 g移动宽带连接。


  • 发布于2020年4月14日,44点坚持

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Nitin Bansal, head of network solutions, Ericsson<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>By Nitin Bansal<\/strong>

As per the Ericsson<\/a> Mobility Report, November 2019 edition, mobile traffic is expected to grow by 27 percent annually between 2019 and 2025. Continuing recent trends, most of this will come from video traffic. Over the past few decades, every passing generation of cellular mobile connectivity has allowed us to enjoy enhanced content quality as well as the power of mobility with the ability to consume data anytime, anywhere for both work, study and play.

Video is increasingly embedded in all forms of online content to become the main driver for the exponential growth in mobile data traffic. Video traffic in mobile networks is forecast to grow by around 30 percent annually through to 2025, accounting for 75 percent of mobile data traffic from slightly more than 60 percent in 2019.

In addition, the current COVID-19 pandemic globally has led to another wave of data explosion as people all over the world spend more time being at home due to movement restrictions. The dramatic changes in human behavior patterns have caused measurable changes in the usage of both fixed and mobile networks worldwide. As more people increasingly study and work from home, online education, virtual training and virtual meetings and conferences are becoming the new reality. A new form of social interaction has appeared with both fixed and mobile broadband connectivity enabling a multitude of indoor entertainment activities as well as virtual meet-ups with friends and family, while being in the safety of our homes.

In a time of crisis, information and communications are critical. Mobile networks are an essential part of the communications backbone that is enabling health workers, public safety officials and critical businesses to stay connected during this time of global crisis. The world’s mobile networks are proving yet again that they can deliver the performance and reliability to support both consumers and enterprises in this hour of need. At
Ericsson<\/a>, we are working hard to ensure that we provide seamless connectivity for public services, businesses and families worldwide.

Given that many countries are facing lockdown situations and more and more people are working from home, traffic patterns on networks too are seeing unprecedented changes. There are significant shifts in the usage of both fixed and mobile networks worldwide. Traffic is shifting from city centers and office areas to residential and suburban areas. Network load shifts geographically as people work from home. We are also seeing an increase in voice traffic across 2G, 3G and 4G networks in many markets .There is an increase in VoLTE and voice over Wi-Fi traffic as well. In overall terms , one can observe more Mbytes per user usage – that is, higher data volume transmission with more bandwidth allocated per user.

Ericsson studies indicate an average 20 to 70 percent increase in voice traffic across networks with an increasing number and longer voice calls being made by people arising out of the COVID-19 situation. People are spending more time online at home and as a result are generating more traffic per day. Most operators are experiencing a 10~20 percent increase in data traffic (both upload and download) on the mobile network with streaming services also contributing to the data increase.

Network re-planning and end-to-end re-dimensioning activities focusing on network design, capacity, performance and traffic handling are carried out by Ericsson engineers to ensure that the customer experience from the network is not compromised. Machine Learning-enabled capacity planning enables the service provider to proactively identify and act on network bottleneck issues. Application-based (e.g., web, chat, video) traffic handling is managed through service-aware configuration.

Ericsson has deployed solutions and services (e.g., virtual drive test on networks that enable our customers to handle emergencies in an efficient manner. Network Design and Optimization Emergency Services, underpinned by AI allows customers to succeed in challenging ever-evolving situations, such as emergencies, including improved network performance and customer experience
Being predictive rather than being reactive

AI and automation allow networks operations and services to move from reactive to predictive and proactive, improving network performance and user experience and eliminating incidents and failures. Ericsson services cover this from design, operations, maintenance and optimization through Ericsson Operations Engine, and customer services through Network Intelligence solution.
Ericsson’s Network Intelligence solution enables networks to be predictive instead of being reactive. AI and Machine Learning driven applications work round the clock to provide the network stability needed for service continuity and an optimal end-to-end performance. Automation allows for the elimination of network failures through the predictive identification of potential anomalies, performance degradations and failures. This helps improve customer experience through greater network resilience as well as reduced downtime.

In fact, according to Ericsson’s network intelligence report, leveraging AI\/ML tools in network operations can lead to reducing network performance issues by up to 60 percent and decreasing critical incident handling by up to 35 percent.
With Ericsson Operations Engine, Ericsson help service providers to transform their operations and address key business priorities such as lower total cost of ownership (TCO), enhanced user experience, new revenue streams and efficient transformation.
Ericsson Operations Engine is powered by data driven processes; automated and AI driven insights, Ericsson’s people and domain expertise.

Communications Service Providers’ response to COVID-19<\/strong>

So how are service providers responding to COVID-19? We are seeing service providers making the necessary changes in their data plans – either increasing the “bucket size” or allowing unlimited data for a short period of time. Some are also offering unlimited national calls. And even as they respond to the current situation with speed and agility, some service providers are already planning to advance their investments in the networks to boost capacity to tackle the data upsurge the networks are experiencing.

The Heroes
Even as the telecom industry globally is working together to handle the COVID-19 crisis , the heroes are our network engineers and field maintenance staff who continue to work relentlessly to restore the network faults and ensure availability of connectivity at all times, despite the challenges and difficult circumstances.

Let’s continue to come together and acknowledge the power of 4G and 5G mobile broadband connectivity.

(The author is Managing Director, Ericsson India)

<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":75135806,"title":"Apple shipped 2.5 million iPhones in China in March following virus slump: Government data","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/apple-shipped-2-5-million-iphones-in-china-in-march-following-virus-slump-government-data\/75135806","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":75136491,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Broadband data upsurge tests network resilience globally: Ericsson's Nitin Bansal","synopsis":"(Brand Connect Initiative)","titleseo":"telecomnews\/broadband-data-upsurge-tests-network-resilience-globallyericssons-nitin-bansal","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":581,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":458000,"url":"https:\/\/ettelecom.indiatimes.com\/telecomnews\/broadband-data-upsurge-tests-network-resilience-globallyericssons-nitin-bansal\/articleshow\/75136491.cms"},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ETTelecom","artdate":"2020-04-14 12:44:19","lastupd":"2020-04-27 11:18:59","breadcrumbTags":["coronavirus","ericsson","Ericsson news","Telecom equipment","covid19"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/broadband-data-upsurge-tests-network-resilience-globallyericssons-nitin-bansal"}}" data-news_link="//www.iser-br.com/news/broadband-data-upsurge-tests-network-resilience-globallyericssons-nitin-bansal/75136491">