





此外,凯捷也贡献5卢比联合国儿童基金会提供直接支持在印度为关键Covid反应护理,通过设置3氧代植物和RT PCR测试机增加政府努力对抗Covid-19。它连接其他几个大型跨国公司如Salesforce,谷歌和亚马逊,在过去的几天里,承诺资金和基础设施支持帮助对抗印度的大流行。


在2020年期间,符合凯捷的社会承诺,凯捷的社会反应单元(蒸发器)提供了65设备齐全的医院加护病房床三BMC在孟买,以及100制氧机(OC)和65高流鼻插管(HFNC) 15政府医院在班加罗尔。这些加护病房床完全配备通风,心电图监视器、和其他关键ICU监护设备,目前正在用于治疗严重影响患者Covid-19。

French technology and consulting firm Capgemini<\/a> today said it was committing Rs 50 crore to augment the medical infrastructure<\/a> in India towards fighting the second wave of Covid-19.

This fund will be used to build
Covid care ICU facilities<\/a>, oxygen generation plants, other long-term medical infrastructure and provide relief operations. The company is in talks with various state government authorities to set up healthcare facilities across those cities where Capgemini has its presence. This contribution will be in addition to the Capgemini CSR statutory fund in India.

\u201cIndia is at the heart of what we do in Capgemini, and the health and safety of our employees and the communities we live in, remains our top priority. This second wave of the Covid pandemic in India has been particularly challenging, and we want to ensure all our support to fight this pandemic and come out stronger. At this critical time, we are committed to accelerate medical assistance in India through the Capgemini Social Response Unit. This fund will help to enhance the efforts of the Central and State authorities in building long-term medical infrastructure in India,\u201d said Aiman Ezzat, CEO of Capgemini.