

兰吉特•辛哈(Ranjit Sinha)周四为自己起草司法部意见书的举动进行了辩护,该意见书支持2G案件中的一些被告。他表示,自己有责任这样做。

新德CBI老板兰吉特·辛哈为在2G案件中展示法律部长的意见辩护LHI:中央调查局导演Ranjit Sinha周四,他为自己提出司法部意见的举动进行了辩护,该意见有利于2G案件中的一些被告,称他有责任这样做。他反对最高法院就他与2G案件被告的会面进行调查的请求,该案件是在他的住所保存的一份据称的入境登记簿上披露的。

他援引了马努·夏尔马案的早些时候的法庭裁决,以及印度律师协会(Bar Council of India)的规定。该规定规定,在任何情况下,检察官都必须将任何有利于被告的证据记录在案,以捍卫他作为印度主要调查机构负责人的行为。特别检察官不同意CBI局长的意见,反对在前UPA法律部长萨尔曼·库尔希德任职期间提出的意见。该意见明确了关联公司的定义,将几个面临起诉的实体排除在犯罪循环之外。

CBI指控天鹅电信作为一个幌子信实电信而且循环电信让Essar在无人机系统制度下获得多个牌照。该意见是在2 g法院在辩方的坚持下,尽管特别检察官表示反对,称这将削弱起诉案件。非政府组织公共利益诉讼中心随后披露了所谓的入境登记,声称CBI主任在这些事件发生时会见了被告。

周四,CBI局长的律师维卡斯·辛格(Vikas Singh)一直否认辛哈在最高法院有任何不当行为。“我不能说我有信息(司法部的意见有利于被告),但不能提供。被告会说审判是有瑕疵的,审判不公平。我可以说这(观点)是错误的。”



“我从来没有否决过任何人,”他说,反驳了非政府组织的说法。辛格坚称,辛哈在任何阶段都没有调动任何负责此案的调查人员。他声称,Santosh Rastogi是被调离的10名监管官员之一。后来,在法庭的坚持下,CBI推翻了这一转移。他还否认向安尼尔•安巴尼(Anil ambani)领导的该组织提供了任何好处,让人对据称披露与该组织高管会面的登记记录的真实性产生了怀疑。他说,作为该机构的负责人,他已经决定,一些被告将在最高法院寻求撤销指控的案件中提交单独的宣誓书。

NEW DE\"CBILHI: Central Bureau of Investigation<\/a> director Ranjit Sinha<\/a> on Thursday defended his move to produce a law ministry opinion that favoured some of the accused in the 2G case, saying he was duty-bound to do so. He was opposing a plea in the Supreme Court for an inquiry into his alleged meetings with 2G case accused as revealed in a purported entry register maintained at his residence.

He cited earlier court rulings in the Manu Sharma case as also the Bar Council of India rules, which mandate the prosecutor in any case to place on record any evidence that even favours the accused, to defend his conduct as the head of the country's premier investigating agency. The special prosecutor had disagreed with the CBI director, opposing the move to produce the opinion that was given during former UPA law minister Salman Khurshid's tenure. The opinion had clarified definition of associate companies, taking several entities facing prosecution out of loop of criminality.

CBI had charged
Swan Telecom<\/a> with acting as a front for Reliance Telecom<\/a> and Loop Telecom<\/a> for Essar to get more than one licence under the UAS regime. The opinion was produced before the 2G court<\/a> at the insistence of the defence, although the special prosecutor opposed it saying it would weaken the prosecution case. Revelations about the alleged entry registers were made by NGO Centre for Public Interest Litigation subsequently to claim that the CBI director had met the accused while these events were unfolding.