BENGALURU: There are some 60 foreign-headquartered companies with revenue over $1 billion each that are today led by Indian-origin executives, according to Indiaspora, a non-profit that seeks to bring together Indian diaspora for collective action. A few of them combine the roles of chairman and CEO, and Satya Nadella<\/a> has just joined that select group.

IBM<\/a> veteran Arvind Krishna<\/a>, who was appointed CEO of the company early last year, took on the additional role of chairman in December. Prem Watsa of Fairfax Financial Services also holds both positions, as does Shantanu Narayen of Adobe, and Nikesh Arora of Palo Alto Networks. Mastercard’s Ajay Banga is executive chairman, which gives him an operational role too.

There are different views on whether the same person should hold both roles. Vijay Govindarajan, Coxe Distinguished professor, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth & executive fellow,
Harvard Business School<\/a>, said usually the chairman of the board in public corporations is separate from the CEO so that the Board can act on behalf of shareholders to ensure corporate governance. But Microsoft<\/a>, he says, is still a high growth company and the CEO compensation is mostly in Microsoft stock options whose value depends on realising Microsoft’s future growth, thereby aligning the CEO’s interest with those of shareholders. \"Ultimately, the issue boils down to the quality of the leader. Satya Nadella<\/a> is a wise leader, so elevating him to the chairman’s role will serve Microsoft shareholders well,” he said.

However, Nirmalya Kumar, Lee Kong Chian professor of marketing at Singapore Management University and Distinguished Fellow at INSEAD Emerging Markets Institute, believes combining the roles is a bad idea. “The inherent conflict of interest in combining roles is well-known because then the chairman is voting on his\/her own compensation and the role of the Board in monitoring the management is diluted, if not compromised,\" he said. A powerful chairman, he said, acts as a check on the CEO and a healthy tension between them leads to more thoughtful decisions.
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IBM资深Arvind Krishna,谁被任命为该公司的首席执行官去年年初,主席在去年12月的附加作用。06 Watsa费尔法克斯金融服务还持有这两个职位,Adobe Shantanu Narayen一样,Nikesh Arora的帕洛阿尔托网络。万事达卡的Ajay Banga执行主席,这给了他一个操作作用。

  • 更新在2021年6月18日,事故发生于坚持
阅读: 100年行业专业人士


IBM经验丰富的Arvind Krishna,他被任命为该公司的首席执行官去年年初,主席在去年12月的附加作用。06 Watsa费尔法克斯金融服务还持有这两个职位,Adobe Shantanu Narayen一样,Nikesh Arora的帕洛阿尔托网络。万事达卡的Ajay Banga执行主席,这给了他一个操作作用。


有不同意见相同的人是否应该持有这两个角色。Vijay Govindarajan,唐杰出教授,达特茅斯大学塔克商学院&执行的,哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)说,通常在公众公司董事会主席首席执行官分开以便董事会代表股东,以确保公司治理。但微软他说,仍然是一个高增长公司和微软的CEO薪酬主要是股票期权,其价值取决于意识到微软的未来的增长,从而调整CEO的利益与股东的利益。“最终,问题归结为领袖的质量。萨提亚Nadella是一个明智的领导人,因此提升他的主席将为微软股东的作用,”他说。

然而,Nirmalya Kumar李光前新加坡管理大学营销学教授,尊敬的欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)新兴市场研究所研究员,认为结合的角色是一个坏主意。“结合角色的固有的利益冲突是著名因为主席投票在他/她自己的薪酬和董事会监控管理的角色是稀释,如果不妥协,”他说。一个强大的主席,他说,作为检查它们之间的首席执行官和一个健康的紧张会导致更深思熟虑的决定。

  • 发表在2021年6月18日,事故发生于坚持

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BENGALURU: There are some 60 foreign-headquartered companies with revenue over $1 billion each that are today led by Indian-origin executives, according to Indiaspora, a non-profit that seeks to bring together Indian diaspora for collective action. A few of them combine the roles of chairman and CEO, and Satya Nadella<\/a> has just joined that select group.

IBM<\/a> veteran Arvind Krishna<\/a>, who was appointed CEO of the company early last year, took on the additional role of chairman in December. Prem Watsa of Fairfax Financial Services also holds both positions, as does Shantanu Narayen of Adobe, and Nikesh Arora of Palo Alto Networks. Mastercard’s Ajay Banga is executive chairman, which gives him an operational role too.

There are different views on whether the same person should hold both roles. Vijay Govindarajan, Coxe Distinguished professor, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth & executive fellow,
Harvard Business School<\/a>, said usually the chairman of the board in public corporations is separate from the CEO so that the Board can act on behalf of shareholders to ensure corporate governance. But Microsoft<\/a>, he says, is still a high growth company and the CEO compensation is mostly in Microsoft stock options whose value depends on realising Microsoft’s future growth, thereby aligning the CEO’s interest with those of shareholders. \"Ultimately, the issue boils down to the quality of the leader. Satya Nadella<\/a> is a wise leader, so elevating him to the chairman’s role will serve Microsoft shareholders well,” he said.

However, Nirmalya Kumar, Lee Kong Chian professor of marketing at Singapore Management University and Distinguished Fellow at INSEAD Emerging Markets Institute, believes combining the roles is a bad idea. “The inherent conflict of interest in combining roles is well-known because then the chairman is voting on his\/her own compensation and the role of the Board in monitoring the management is diluted, if not compromised,\" he said. A powerful chairman, he said, acts as a check on the CEO and a healthy tension between them leads to more thoughtful decisions.
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