

在被指控滥用职权后,印度收入情报局(Directorate of Revenue Intelligence,简称DRI)正在调查根据自由贸易协定进口的移动电话和其他电信和IT设备。




今年4 - 5月,中国从马来西亚的进口额从去年同期的13.6亿美元增长49%,至20亿美元。从东盟国家的进口总额从2014财年的413亿美元增加到2018财年的471亿美元。同期,印度的出口额从331亿美元增长至342亿美元。政府试图通过分阶段的制造计划来鼓励在印度制造手机,并不希望其刚刚取得的成功受到此类事件的影响,并致力于迅速纠正这种情况。


NEW DELHI: India\u2019s big plan to boost \u2018Make in India<\/a>\u2019 through higher import duties<\/a> has encountered turbulence, with cheap products from overseas being routed into the country by misusing the freetrade agreement with the Association of South East Asian Nations.

The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, or
DRI<\/a>, is enquiring into imports of mobile phones and other telecom and IT equipment under the FTA<\/a> route after allegations of abuse. \u201cThe agency has been asked to look into the issue,\u201d said a government official privy to the development. India imposed customs duty on smartphones in July 2017 and subsequently increased the levy in the budget this year. Customs duties were also increased for automobile components, television LED\/LCD and OLED panels, fruits juices, smart watches and sunglasses in the budget.

The idea was to encourage \u2018Make in India\u2019 by disincentivising imports. However, some exporters are said to have started using Asean countries to route their exports to India to evade higher duties. What has rung alarm bells in the government is the entry of goods such as mobiles from China via an Asean member country without any substantial value addition, in violation of rules of origin, another government official said. The Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology has written to the finance ministry pointing at the sudden influx of mobile phones from Malaysia.