
cognant任命Anil Cheriyan为战略与技术执行副总裁


Cheriyan将负责该公司的全球IT、全球安全、战略、联盟和业务发展组织,并将直接向首席执行官Brian Humphries汇报。
Cheriyan将负责该公司的全球IT、全球安全、战略、联盟和业务发展组织,并将直接向首席执行官Brian Humphries汇报。
认识到聘请了前美国政府技术改造主任,Anil Cheriyan因为它是新的执行副总裁战略与技术。




Humphries在周一给员工的一份通知中表示:“Anil将负责由Rakesh Bhardwaj领导的全球IT,由Dan Smith领导的全球安全,以及由Brad Berry领导的战略、联盟和业务开发(包括加速器)团队。我相信这将是Cognizant首次有一位技术领导者直接向CEO汇报,这与IT从客户业务模式的支持功能转变为其业务的本质是非常合适的。”


Greg Hyttenrauch, Cognizant数字系统和技术总裁,自2020年4月起除核心职责外,还负责管理Cognizant的IT和安全补救工作,他将继续专注于领导数字系统和技术。

在担任政府之前,Cheriyan曾担任SunTrust Banks的执行副总裁兼首席信息官,领导银行的数字、运营和数据转换实践。

Cheriyan will oversee the company\u2019s Global IT, Global Security, Strategy, Alliances, and Business Development organizations and will report directly to chief executive Brian Humphries. <\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>MUMBAI:<\/strong> Cognizant<\/a> has hired the former director of technology transformation of the US government, Anil Cheriyan<\/a> as its new Executive Vice President<\/a> of Strategy and Technology.

Cherian will also be part of the executive council. This is the first time that a technology head will be reporting directly to the CEO of the technology services company. Cheriyan will be joining Cognizant on August 3.

In his previous stint he served as the US Presidential Appointee in charge of Technology Transformation Services where he was responsible for the technology transformation strategy, roadmap, and agenda across the US federal government. He oversaw a $100 billion technology budget, and worked closely with the White House, Agency leadership, and the Federal CIO.