





拥有大约200个应用程序将最终被2019年12月项目的一部分。授权的一部分香料数字是提供支持Aadhar e-KYC为基础,通过文件访问Digilocker和简单的支付通过PayGov——政府的支付网关。

“应用程序将有部分公民可以更新他们的偏好,经常访问服务和捷径,语言,等等,这将对所有服务可用,这样可以最小化数据输入,“Jatinder Verma博士说总统香料的数字。政府已经现有的应用商店平台被称为“布施(服务)移动“哪些主机应用程序不同的政府部门,导致多重性的应用。

快到了!UMANG,主应用程序为政府服务UMANG,政府希望解决这些问题。“这是一个移动Seva毕业,拥有600 - 800应用程序由不同的开发人员,经常为同样的事情,这告诉我们应该有一个单独的应用程序中,“政府官员表示。




NEW DELHI: A master app to unlock government services for citizens on the mobile phone is slated for launch within four months, but only a small number of amenities will form part of the initial rollout, according to people aware of the plan. Aadhaar<\/a>, the unique identity number, will be in the first lot, providing a validation layer for all services, and so are government solutions for healthcare and skill development and those aimed at farmers and students.

\"Since most government services will be linked to Aadhaar, it makes sense to integrate it with
UMANG<\/a>,\" said a senior official in the ministry of electronics and information technology, referring to Unified Mobile App<\/a> for New-Age Governance which will be a mobile gateway to central, state and municipal services.

\"UMANG will enable citizens to download a single mobile app instead of multiple apps for each department, and make it easy for them to discover government services,\" the official said.
Spice Digital<\/a>, a part of the Noida-based Spice Connect group, has been contracted to develop the first set of apps as part of UMANG.