
对位排名itel顶级品牌的Rs 5000智能手机领域

新排名对比发现中国智能手机制造商Transsion itel作为一个顶级品牌的Rs 5000年智能手机价格段类别2019年第三季度在线下渠道。

对位排名itel顶级品牌的Rs 5000智能手机领域

“itel 2019年注册的同比增长40%通过其强大的线下零售业务。它的产品组合提供时髦的技术特性以可承受的价格范围内有效的和局部的营销策略已经帮助itel顶级图表子Rs 5 k段线下渠道,”塔伦帕沙克,对比研究副主管说。



“成就激励我们,增强我们的承诺向印度民主化的技术质量和给他们权利的进步,“Arijeet Talapatra, Transsion印度的首席执行官说。

\"Counterpoint<\/figure> NEW DELHI: The new Counterpoint finding ranked Chinese smartphone<\/a> maker Transsion\u2019s itel<\/a> as a top brand under the Rs 5,000 price segment in the smartphone category in offline channels in Q3 2019.

\u201citel in 2019 has registered phenomenal growth of 40% year-on-year by way of its robust offline retail presence. Its product portfolio offering trendy technological features at affordable price range along with impactful and localised marketing strategy has helped itel top the chart in the sub Rs 5K the segment in offline channel,\u201d
Tarun Pathak<\/a>, associate director at Counterpoint Research said.

However, In the overall Indian smartphone market, Transsion group stood at sixth position in Q3, 2019.