
德西创业联盟ADIF寻求数据审计WhatsApp, Facebook

ADIF形成对抗BigTech Facebook和谷歌这样的公司。这是一个互联网的身体由当地企业家和投资者建立为印度企业创造一个公平竞争的环境。它也旨在与政策制定的政府监管和法律方面的增加来自美国主要公司的竞争。

德西创业联盟ADIF寻求数据审计WhatsApp, Facebook


“政府可以通过、进行审计(政府机构)检查任何个人或共享的数据业务用户与Facebook和它的子公司。自从WhatsApp提出分享业务交互细节的印度客户集团公司像Facebook, WhatsApp应禁止提供任何服务,处理个人印度用户的敏感数据,“注意发给部长Ravi Shankar普拉萨德由钢铁洪流,说。ADIF秘书长Ajay数据证实了同样的钢铁洪流。



\"Desi<\/figure>BENGALURU: The newly formed Indian alliance, Atamnirbhar Digital India Foundation (ADIF<\/a>), has written to the government, saying it should conduct a data audit of WhatsApp<\/a> and its parent firm, the social media giant, on user data flowing outside India.

ADIF was formed to fight BigTech firms like
Facebook<\/a> and Google. It is an internet body that\u2019s been set up by local entrepreneurs and investors to create a level playing field for Indian startups. It also aims to work with the government on regulatory and legal aspects of policy making<\/a> in light of increased competition from major US firms.

\u201cGovernment may conduct an audit through CERT-In (government agency) to check any sharing of data of individual or
business users<\/a> with Facebook and its subsidiaries. Since WhatsApp proposes to share business interaction details of Indian customers with its group companies like Facebook, WhatsApp should be prohibited from offering any services which deal with personal sensitive data of Indian users,\u201d the note sent to IT minister Ravi Shankar Prasad<\/a>, and reviewed by TOI, said. ADIF secretary general Ajay Data confirmed the same to TOI.