\"\"NEW DELHI\/BENGALURU: Financial technologies and learning solutions are this appraisal<\/a> season’s winning bets at startups in India, where last quarter’s currency swap and the government’s visible drive toward digital transactions may help dislodge marketplace unicorns as bulge-bracket paymasters.
\nThe reversal in the fortunes for employees at digital marketplace platforms, service and product aggregators and real estate search startups coincides with enhanced focus on digital transaction processing: Intuitively, this guided shift in purchasing behaviour of a hitherto cash-dependent nation would have translated into more revenue for the established startups. However, lingering questions over their business models and visibility on profits have turned investors in these businesses more cautious, leading to prospects of muted pay increases, say consultants.
\n“Employees in marketplace startups may not see fat increases this year. But others in the fintech and machine-learning space are seeking talent on a warfooting. People in these companies will be rewarded and the pay increase may be in double digits,” said Jappreet Sethi, co-founder of YoStartups, which provides consultation services to startups.
In 2016, average
increments<\/a> at startups and earlystage companies were forecast at 15.6%, up from 14% in 2015. In 2017, however, barring companies built around the idea of transaction processing and financial technology, most startups will increase salaries at a far slower rate, especially after horizontal consolidations enhanced availability of quality talent amidst more fund flow. Top performers and critical resources, however, may get rich rewards.
\n“The days of raising additional rounds of funding merely based on a plan are over. People are now structuring employee remunerations around as much as 50% of total compensation as performancelinked pay, which is released to key employees only on the achievement of agreed results,” S Venkat of on-call CFO firm MyCFO told ET. To manage staff expectations and simultaneously hold down current fixed costs, investees are offering stock options to key employees, Venkat said.
Across companies such as furniture retailer
PepperFry<\/a>, top performers may get up to 25% increment and promotions while beauty website Nykaa will give out the same increments<\/a> as last year — between 12 and 20%. PepperFry<\/a> has also increased the bonus payout frequency to every quarter from two. “This way, top performers will be rewarded more frequently,” said Ashish Shah, founder of the company.
\nAdditionally, startups this year will be more selective about their payouts as their ability to pay has shrunk. “Employees with average or less-than-average performance may only look forward to minimal increments that have been adjusted for inflation,” said Mervyn Raphael, managing director of global human resource management consulting company People Business.
At Ratan Tata-backed
BlueStone<\/a>, top performers will be identified for training and development. The company is taking succession planning seriously to groom the next level of leadership. It will look to nominate up to 35 top performers for technical and managerial skill development programmes. Online marketplace ShopClues is also taking the upskilling approach. The company will identify and reward strong performers, evaluating training solutions related to retraining and training. “The training will be relevant to employees’ fields, and will be done keeping in mind future goals and requirements,” said Babu Vittal, HR head at ShopClues.
\nFintech companies will look at hiring smarter to avoid poor appraisals. Anshul Rai, co-founder and CEO of fintech firm Happay, said that hiring better has given them the ability to give better appraisals. “A few key employees who take ownership of our products will be rewarded better. We are also cautiously keeping away from hiring those employees who have extremely high expectations,” he said. Nykaa, which bagged Rs 82 crore funding from Sunil Munjal and the Mariwala family, will be as aggressive as it was last year. All employees will get a 12% increase and some top performers can expect up to 20% increment, with a bonus of up to two months’ pay.\n\n<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":57012591,"title":"Vodafone India carries out organisational change amid key exits","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/vodafone-india-carries-out-organisational-change-amid-key-exits\/57012591","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":57012742,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Digital drive tilts hike scale in favour of fintech startups","synopsis":"The reversal in the fortunes for employees at digital marketplace platforms, service and product aggregators and real estate search startups coincides with enhanced focus on digital transaction processing.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/digital-drive-tilts-hike-scale-in-favour-of-fintech-startups","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Varuni Khosla","author_link":"\/author\/479233399\/varuni-khosla","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479233399.cms?width=100&height=100","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479233399,"author_name":"Varuni Khosla","author_seo_name":"varuni-khosla","designation":"Special Correspondent","agency":false}},{"author_name":"Brinda Dasgupta","author_link":"\/author\/479241941\/brinda-dasgupta","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479241941.cms?width=100&height=100","author_additional":{"thumbsize":false,"msid":479241941,"author_name":"Brinda Sarkar","author_seo_name":"brinda-sarkar","designation":"Special Correspondent","agency":false}}],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ET Bureau","artdate":"2017-02-07 08:42:56","lastupd":"2017-02-07 08:46:35","breadcrumbTags":["industry","increments","appraisal","Bluestone","Pepperfry","fintech startups"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/digital-drive-tilts-hike-scale-in-favour-of-fintech-startups"}}" data-authors="[" varuni khosla","brinda dasgupta"]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2017-02-07" data-index="article_1">



Varuni斯拉 布林达Dasgupta
  • 更新于2017年2月7日08:46点坚持


“员工在市场创业公司可能不看到脂肪增加。但其他人fintech warfooting和机器学习空间正在寻求人才。人们在这些公司会得到回报和加薪可能在两位数,“说Jappreet Sethi YoStartups创始人之一,为创业公司提供咨询服务。



在等公司的家具零售商PepperFry表现最好,可以达到25%增值和促销而美丽网站Nykaa给出相同的增量去年,12 - 20%。PepperFry每季度奖金支付的频率也增加了两个。“这样,最优秀的选手将会得到更多的频繁,“Ashish Shah说,公司的创始人。


在Ratan Tata-backed青石表现最好,将确定培训和发展。公司重视继任计划培训领导的下一个级别。看起来提名35顶级公司的技术和管理技能发展计划。在线市场ShopClues也是upskilling方法。该公司将识别和奖励的强势表现,评估培训解决方案相关培训和培训。“培训将相关员工的字段,并将记住未来的目标和要求,完成“先生Vittal ShopClues人力资源主管说。

Fintech公司将着眼于雇佣聪明避免贫困评估。Anshul Rai, Happay fintech公司的联合创始人和首席执行官说,招聘更好的给他们提供更好的评估的能力。”几个关键员工拥有我们的产品将会得到更好的。我们也谨慎地保持远离招聘这些员工有极高的期望,”他说。Nykaa袋装82卢比的资金从苏尼尔蒙贾尔Mariwala家庭,会像去年那样积极主动。所有员工将会增加12%,一些顶级表演者可以预期增加20%,两个月的奖金的薪酬。
  • 发布于2017年2月7日08:42点坚持

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\"\"NEW DELHI\/BENGALURU: Financial technologies and learning solutions are this appraisal<\/a> season’s winning bets at startups in India, where last quarter’s currency swap and the government’s visible drive toward digital transactions may help dislodge marketplace unicorns as bulge-bracket paymasters.
\nThe reversal in the fortunes for employees at digital marketplace platforms, service and product aggregators and real estate search startups coincides with enhanced focus on digital transaction processing: Intuitively, this guided shift in purchasing behaviour of a hitherto cash-dependent nation would have translated into more revenue for the established startups. However, lingering questions over their business models and visibility on profits have turned investors in these businesses more cautious, leading to prospects of muted pay increases, say consultants.
\n“Employees in marketplace startups may not see fat increases this year. But others in the fintech and machine-learning space are seeking talent on a warfooting. People in these companies will be rewarded and the pay increase may be in double digits,” said Jappreet Sethi, co-founder of YoStartups, which provides consultation services to startups.
In 2016, average
increments<\/a> at startups and earlystage companies were forecast at 15.6%, up from 14% in 2015. In 2017, however, barring companies built around the idea of transaction processing and financial technology, most startups will increase salaries at a far slower rate, especially after horizontal consolidations enhanced availability of quality talent amidst more fund flow. Top performers and critical resources, however, may get rich rewards.
\n“The days of raising additional rounds of funding merely based on a plan are over. People are now structuring employee remunerations around as much as 50% of total compensation as performancelinked pay, which is released to key employees only on the achievement of agreed results,” S Venkat of on-call CFO firm MyCFO told ET. To manage staff expectations and simultaneously hold down current fixed costs, investees are offering stock options to key employees, Venkat said.
Across companies such as furniture retailer
PepperFry<\/a>, top performers may get up to 25% increment and promotions while beauty website Nykaa will give out the same increments<\/a> as last year — between 12 and 20%. PepperFry<\/a> has also increased the bonus payout frequency to every quarter from two. “This way, top performers will be rewarded more frequently,” said Ashish Shah, founder of the company.
\nAdditionally, startups this year will be more selective about their payouts as their ability to pay has shrunk. “Employees with average or less-than-average performance may only look forward to minimal increments that have been adjusted for inflation,” said Mervyn Raphael, managing director of global human resource management consulting company People Business.
At Ratan Tata-backed
BlueStone<\/a>, top performers will be identified for training and development. The company is taking succession planning seriously to groom the next level of leadership. It will look to nominate up to 35 top performers for technical and managerial skill development programmes. Online marketplace ShopClues is also taking the upskilling approach. The company will identify and reward strong performers, evaluating training solutions related to retraining and training. “The training will be relevant to employees’ fields, and will be done keeping in mind future goals and requirements,” said Babu Vittal, HR head at ShopClues.
\nFintech companies will look at hiring smarter to avoid poor appraisals. Anshul Rai, co-founder and CEO of fintech firm Happay, said that hiring better has given them the ability to give better appraisals. “A few key employees who take ownership of our products will be rewarded better. We are also cautiously keeping away from hiring those employees who have extremely high expectations,” he said. Nykaa, which bagged Rs 82 crore funding from Sunil Munjal and the Mariwala family, will be as aggressive as it was last year. All employees will get a 12% increase and some top performers can expect up to 20% increment, with a bonus of up to two months’ pay.\n\n<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":57012591,"title":"Vodafone India carries out organisational change amid key exits","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/vodafone-india-carries-out-organisational-change-amid-key-exits\/57012591","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":57012742,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Digital drive tilts hike scale in favour of fintech startups","synopsis":"The reversal in the fortunes for employees at digital marketplace platforms, service and product aggregators and real estate search startups coincides with enhanced focus on digital transaction processing.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/digital-drive-tilts-hike-scale-in-favour-of-fintech-startups","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Varuni Khosla","author_link":"\/author\/479233399\/varuni-khosla","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479233399.cms?width=100&height=100","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479233399,"author_name":"Varuni Khosla","author_seo_name":"varuni-khosla","designation":"Special Correspondent","agency":false}},{"author_name":"Brinda Dasgupta","author_link":"\/author\/479241941\/brinda-dasgupta","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479241941.cms?width=100&height=100","author_additional":{"thumbsize":false,"msid":479241941,"author_name":"Brinda Sarkar","author_seo_name":"brinda-sarkar","designation":"Special Correspondent","agency":false}}],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ET Bureau","artdate":"2017-02-07 08:42:56","lastupd":"2017-02-07 08:46:35","breadcrumbTags":["industry","increments","appraisal","Bluestone","Pepperfry","fintech startups"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/digital-drive-tilts-hike-scale-in-favour-of-fintech-startups"}}" data-news_link="//www.iser-br.com/news/digital-drive-tilts-hike-scale-in-favour-of-fintech-startups/57012742">