



他们补充说,需求,库存周期或典型的时间设备销售后销售,本季度相比已经缩短到5 - 6天到15 - 20天。



在过去的两年里,节日期间库存堆积一些模型甚至持续了3 - 4个月,尽管普通闪存销售和价格下降,分析师说。但是,被压抑的需求创造了大流行期间封锁加速了智能手机的销售和库存在几周内被抹掉。


预期高对智能手机的需求在全球范围内,公司已经在7 - 9月当季出货纪录高位约5400万台。等报道说,在线零售销售额创下历史新高在当前季度占智能手机销量的近53%。离线零售商表示,他们的销售同比下降25%,因品牌转移大部分股票在线。

New Delhi: The period of sharp discounts<\/a> and offers on smartphones<\/a> appears to be over, at least for the time being. The tremendous response to online shopping sales<\/a> this festive season has cleared off smartphone inventory in the market after two dull years of prolonged pile-ups, meaning that brands may not need to bring any major sales-push events this month, market trackers say.

They added that demand has been such that inventory cycles - or the typical time taken for a device to be sold after going on sale - this quarter had shortened to 5-6 days as compared to 15-20 days previously.

\u201cWe are not expecting any major sale events by brands this time because both Q3 and Q4 have witnessed good sell out unlike last year when channels had huge inventory pile-up and deep discounting continued throughout December,\u201d said Tarun Pathak, research director at