NEW DELHI: Making a rare intervention in a local issue, Vodafone<\/a> Group CEO Vittorio Colao<\/a> has written to telecom minister Manoj Sinha<\/a> cautioning against any reduction in interconnect usage charge (IUC<\/a>) from the existing 14 paise per minute. He also sought relief for the debt-laden sector by way of an extended spectrum payment period and lower interest rates.
Colao warned that any move to cut IUC - a charge paid by the network from where a call originates to the one where it terminates - would impact the
industry<\/a> and rural telecom expansion. IUC is also referred to as mobile termination charge (MTC).
\n\"We request your urgent intervention to safeguard the future of the telecom sector and ensure there should be no further reduction in MTC as it would destabilise the sector, defeat government's rural coverage objectives and cause huge inconvenience to citizens, in particular, in rural India,, Colao wrote in the letter dated August 22.
\nColao warned that a reduction in IUC could ravage the sector. \"We are seriously alarmed to see reports that the regulator is considering a reduction in MTC at a time when the industry is facing such immense hardships... Any move to further reduce MTC risks destroying the very companies that have invested to build this industry,, he wrote, referring to media reports that have hinted at IUC being slashed to as low as 3 paise per minute.
The contentious issue has pitted the top incumbents against Mukesh Ambani-owned
Reliance Jio<\/a> Infocomm, which wants the fee scrapped.
\nJio wants a shift to the 'bill and keep' (BAK) model, which would bring down IUC to zero. India currently follows the calling party pays (CPP) regime, where incoming calls are not charged. In a BAK regime, an operator only keeps a record of incoming calls, but does not raise any demand from other telcos. Hence, there is no IUC.
\nThe Big 3 telcos have been vociferous in their demand that there should be no reduction in IUC. Colao's letter follows similar missives by Bharti Airtel chairman Sunil Mittal and Idea Cellular chairman Kumar Mangalam Birla, who had both written to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai), that is currently reviewing the IUC charge.
\nThe incumbents contend that the existing IUC of 14 paise is already below cost. In their representations to the regulator, these carriers have said the typical cost for carrying calls was 30-35 paise a minute, depending on the input costs.
\nAll three have asked Trai to reject any shift to BAK regime and have countered the view that lower IUC would lead to a fall in tariffs, saying the fee was just a settlement between two companies and would not affect call rates.
\nIncumbents would be biggest losers
\nBharti Airtel, Idea and Vodafone India stand to lose the most if IUC is lowered or scrapped, as they are the biggest operators by subscribers and garner a major share of the termination charge.
\nThe three operators together had a nearly 60% share of the country's more than 1 billion wireless subscribers as of end June, according to Trai data. If IUC is increased, Jio, which started services in September, would need to pay more to the three telcos.
\nTrai, in its consultation paper issued on August 5, 2016, had given indications that the industry should move to BAK regime owing to evolving network technologies. \"In IP-based networks, traditionally, there has been no custom of levying termination charges for the traffic arriving in a particular network; BAK is the natural regime in the public Internet.,
\nBut Colao countered this view. \"Nowhere in the world do BAK and CPP co-exist as is being proposed by new operator. In BAK regimes, the consumers pay for incoming calls, which is unrealistic for Indian consumers,, the Vodafone top executive wrote in his letter.
\nColao also hoped the inter-ministerial group (IMG) will recommend a reduction in the interest rate for deferred spectrum payments to 6.25% in line with improved macroeconomic trends as well as an increase in the period of these payments.
\nThe group was sup to look into the financial health of the sector saddled with debt of Rs 5 lakh crore, which banks have pegged at Rs 7.29 lakh crore, and is set to finalise its report on Monday.
\nMild relief measures may be on the cards, include doubling the period of installment payments for spectrum, lower interest rate on payments and penalties, and relaxation of spectrum caps for mergers and acquisitions. A final decision on the report will be taken by the Telecom Commission - the highest decision-making body - on September 1.<\/p><\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":60236850,"title":"Reliance Jio feature phone pre-booking suspended on high demand","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/as-millions-book-jio-phone-reliance-jio-suspends-pre-booking-of-device-on-website\/60236850","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":60246214,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Don't lower IUC, cut interest rate on spectrum payments: Vodafone CEO Colao to Sinha","synopsis":"In a rare involvement in the local issue, Colao has written to telecom minister Manoj Sinha, seeking his urgent intervention for making sure that IUC \u2013 paid by the telco from where the call originates to the telco where the call terminates, also known as mobile termination charge (MTC) \u2013 is not cut from the present level of 14 paise.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/dont-lower-iuc-cut-interest-rate-on-spectrum-payments-vodafone-ceo-colao-to-sinha","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ETTelecom","artdate":"2017-08-27 18:58:02","lastupd":"2017-08-28 09:33:39","breadcrumbTags":["Vodafone","Bharti Airtel Ltd","Reliance Jio","Vittorio Colao","industry","Manoj SInha","IUC"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/dont-lower-iuc-cut-interest-rate-on-spectrum-payments-vodafone-ceo-colao-to-sinha"}}" data-authors="[" "]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2017-08-27" data-index="article_1">


罕见地参与当地问题,科劳已经写信给电信部长Manoj Sinha寻求确保他的紧急干预IUC——由电信的电话支付产生的电信电话终止,也称为移动终端充电(MTC)——不是从目前水平的14 paise。

  • 更新2017年8月28日09:33点坚持

新德里:一种罕见的干预在当地的问题,沃达丰(Vodafone)集团首席执行官维托里奥·科劳电信部长写了吗Manoj Sinha警告反对任何减少互连使用费用(IUC)从现有14 paise每分钟。他还对负债累累的部门寻求救济的方式扩展频谱付款周期和较低的利率。



科劳警告说,减少IUC可能会破坏。“我们严重警告看到报道称,监管机构正考虑减少矿渣MTC的时候等行业正面临着巨大的困难……任何举措,进一步降低矿渣MTC风险破坏公司投资建造这个行业,,他写道,他指的是媒体报道暗示IUC被削减至3 paise每分钟。



3大电信公司已经在他们的强烈要求IUC应该没有下降。科劳的信遵循类似的信件Bharti Airtel主席苏尼尔•米塔尔和想法细胞主席Kumar Mangalam贝拉,那些既有写入印度电信管理局(火车),目前正在审查的IUC电荷。

在职者认为,现有的14 IUC paise已经低于成本。在他们的监管机构表示,这些运营商说,典型的成本携带电话- paise一分钟,这取决于投入成本。


Bharti Airtel,想法和沃达丰印度会失去最如果IUC降低或取消了,因为他们是最大的运营商用户数量和获得的主要份额终止费用。

三个运营商在一起有近60%的国家的份额超过10亿无线用户6月结束,根据火车数据。如果IUC增加,Jio, 9月开始服务,三个电信公司需要花更多的钱。






  • 发布于2017年8月27日,时间是06:58点坚持

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NEW DELHI: Making a rare intervention in a local issue, Vodafone<\/a> Group CEO Vittorio Colao<\/a> has written to telecom minister Manoj Sinha<\/a> cautioning against any reduction in interconnect usage charge (IUC<\/a>) from the existing 14 paise per minute. He also sought relief for the debt-laden sector by way of an extended spectrum payment period and lower interest rates.
Colao warned that any move to cut IUC - a charge paid by the network from where a call originates to the one where it terminates - would impact the
industry<\/a> and rural telecom expansion. IUC is also referred to as mobile termination charge (MTC).
\n\"We request your urgent intervention to safeguard the future of the telecom sector and ensure there should be no further reduction in MTC as it would destabilise the sector, defeat government's rural coverage objectives and cause huge inconvenience to citizens, in particular, in rural India,, Colao wrote in the letter dated August 22.
\nColao warned that a reduction in IUC could ravage the sector. \"We are seriously alarmed to see reports that the regulator is considering a reduction in MTC at a time when the industry is facing such immense hardships... Any move to further reduce MTC risks destroying the very companies that have invested to build this industry,, he wrote, referring to media reports that have hinted at IUC being slashed to as low as 3 paise per minute.
The contentious issue has pitted the top incumbents against Mukesh Ambani-owned
Reliance Jio<\/a> Infocomm, which wants the fee scrapped.
\nJio wants a shift to the 'bill and keep' (BAK) model, which would bring down IUC to zero. India currently follows the calling party pays (CPP) regime, where incoming calls are not charged. In a BAK regime, an operator only keeps a record of incoming calls, but does not raise any demand from other telcos. Hence, there is no IUC.
\nThe Big 3 telcos have been vociferous in their demand that there should be no reduction in IUC. Colao's letter follows similar missives by Bharti Airtel chairman Sunil Mittal and Idea Cellular chairman Kumar Mangalam Birla, who had both written to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai), that is currently reviewing the IUC charge.
\nThe incumbents contend that the existing IUC of 14 paise is already below cost. In their representations to the regulator, these carriers have said the typical cost for carrying calls was 30-35 paise a minute, depending on the input costs.
\nAll three have asked Trai to reject any shift to BAK regime and have countered the view that lower IUC would lead to a fall in tariffs, saying the fee was just a settlement between two companies and would not affect call rates.
\nIncumbents would be biggest losers
\nBharti Airtel, Idea and Vodafone India stand to lose the most if IUC is lowered or scrapped, as they are the biggest operators by subscribers and garner a major share of the termination charge.
\nThe three operators together had a nearly 60% share of the country's more than 1 billion wireless subscribers as of end June, according to Trai data. If IUC is increased, Jio, which started services in September, would need to pay more to the three telcos.
\nTrai, in its consultation paper issued on August 5, 2016, had given indications that the industry should move to BAK regime owing to evolving network technologies. \"In IP-based networks, traditionally, there has been no custom of levying termination charges for the traffic arriving in a particular network; BAK is the natural regime in the public Internet.,
\nBut Colao countered this view. \"Nowhere in the world do BAK and CPP co-exist as is being proposed by new operator. In BAK regimes, the consumers pay for incoming calls, which is unrealistic for Indian consumers,, the Vodafone top executive wrote in his letter.
\nColao also hoped the inter-ministerial group (IMG) will recommend a reduction in the interest rate for deferred spectrum payments to 6.25% in line with improved macroeconomic trends as well as an increase in the period of these payments.
\nThe group was sup to look into the financial health of the sector saddled with debt of Rs 5 lakh crore, which banks have pegged at Rs 7.29 lakh crore, and is set to finalise its report on Monday.
\nMild relief measures may be on the cards, include doubling the period of installment payments for spectrum, lower interest rate on payments and penalties, and relaxation of spectrum caps for mergers and acquisitions. A final decision on the report will be taken by the Telecom Commission - the highest decision-making body - on September 1.<\/p><\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":60236850,"title":"Reliance Jio feature phone pre-booking suspended on high demand","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/as-millions-book-jio-phone-reliance-jio-suspends-pre-booking-of-device-on-website\/60236850","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":60246214,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Don't lower IUC, cut interest rate on spectrum payments: Vodafone CEO Colao to Sinha","synopsis":"In a rare involvement in the local issue, Colao has written to telecom minister Manoj Sinha, seeking his urgent intervention for making sure that IUC \u2013 paid by the telco from where the call originates to the telco where the call terminates, also known as mobile termination charge (MTC) \u2013 is not cut from the present level of 14 paise.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/dont-lower-iuc-cut-interest-rate-on-spectrum-payments-vodafone-ceo-colao-to-sinha","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ETTelecom","artdate":"2017-08-27 18:58:02","lastupd":"2017-08-28 09:33:39","breadcrumbTags":["Vodafone","Bharti Airtel Ltd","Reliance Jio","Vittorio Colao","industry","Manoj SInha","IUC"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/dont-lower-iuc-cut-interest-rate-on-spectrum-payments-vodafone-ceo-colao-to-sinha"}}" data-news_link="//">