
通过与Aarogya Setu链接的网站非法经营的电子药店

印度全国超过85万家药店的游说团体要求政府将Aarogya Setu Mitr门户网站与政府的新冠病毒跟踪器Aarogya Setu应用程序断开连接,称几家“外资和非法经营”的电子药店正在利用该门户网站促进他们在印度的商业利益。

新德里:超过85万人的游说团化学家网点全印度都要求政府与Aarogya Setu Mitr门户来自政府的Covid追踪器Aarogya Setu应用程序他说,几家“外资和非法经营的”电子药店正在利用该门户网站推进他们在印度的商业利益。该门户网站列出了几家电子药店和远程医疗服务。

“我们震惊和担忧地发现,外国投资和非法经营的电子药店正在使用www.aarogyasetumitr.in来推进他们在印度的商业利益,尽管电子药店采用的商业模式是非法的,是由Hon 'ble命令禁止的德里高等法院会对公民的健康和福祉造成严重损害,”全印度化学家和药剂师组织(AIOCD)在给总理的一封信中说莫迪

它称这是一个严重关切的问题,并表示,电子药店的上市对个体零售商是“歧视和不公平的”,这些零售商有能力在家门口提供药品,但没有通过Aarogya Setu应用程序或门户网站获得市场曝光。AIOCD秘书长拉吉夫·辛格尔(Rajiv Singhal)表示:“该网站链接到Aarogya Setu应用程序是一个更令人担忧的问题,因为公众对该应用程序的信任被背叛了,因为允许非法电子药店在印度运营。”

信中说,即使政府希望提供送货上门的服务,但该门户网站的市场暴露资格标准是既得利益集团“不合理、不公平、武断和不诚实地固定的”,因此将依法销售药品并提供送货上门服务的个体零售商排除在外。AIOCD已经要求政府停止在该应用程序上向药店提供信息,该应用程序将用户带到该网站。早些时候,Swadeshi Jagran Manch传送者Ashwani Mahajan也处理了这件事,并在一系列推文中抱怨Arogya Setu应用程序正在推广提供巨大折扣的电子制药公司,并“威胁到社区药店”。

New Delhi: A lobby of over 850,000 chemist outlets<\/a> across India has asked the government to delink the Aarogya Setu Mitr portal<\/a> from the government's Covid tracker Aarogya Setu app<\/a>, saying several 'foreign-funded and illegally operating' e-pharmacies were using the portal to advance their business interests in India. The portal lists several e-pharmacies and telemedicine services.

\u201cWe are shocked and concerned to find that www.aarogyasetumitr.in is being used by foreign funded and illegally operating e-pharmacies to advance their business interests in India even though the business model adopted by the e-pharmacies is illegal, injuncted by orders of Hon\u2019ble
Delhi High Court<\/a> and can cause grave damage to the health and well being of citizens,\u201d the All India Organisation of Chemists and Druggists (AIOCD) said in a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi<\/a>.

Calling it a matter of grave concern, it said that listing of e-pharmacies is \u201cdiscriminatory and unfair\u201d to the individual retailers who are capable of delivering medicines at the doorstep but have not been given market exposure through the Aarogya Setu app or the portal. \u201cThe said website being linked to Aarogya Setu application is a matter of greater concern since the faith reposed by public in the said application is being betrayed by allowing illegal e-pharmacies to operate in India,\u201d said Rajiv Singhal, general secretary at AIOCD.