<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>French IT services and consulting multinational said that large system integrators bring domain expertise, and can help customers achieve their vision. In an interaction with ETTelecom's Muntazir Abbas, Sandeep Arora<\/a>, Industry Platform Leader (Telecom) at Capgemini India<\/a><\/strong> speaks on captive 5G network, AI-based RAN optimization, data security, and its first 5G solution center as well as partnerships with Qualcomm<\/a> and Schneider Electric. Edited excerpts

What are 5G trends globally, and when do you expect 100% coverage in India?
While Capex-driven 5G network deployments around the world dominated until last year, 2023 is beginning to be the year of aggressive 5G monetization. Telcos are embracing new 5G and network monetization models such as private 5G networks, mobile edge computing and marketplaces for enterprises and B2B customers. Many telcos have also launched 5G fixed wireless access, gaming and AR\/VR-based services to grow their 5G subscriber base. 5G technology is scaling at a time when Artificial Intelligence and
Distributed Edge Cloud<\/a> are also reaching an inflection point in terms of their maturity. It’s this combination of three powerful technologies that’s giving 5G a unique enabling role to build the next-generation digital experiences for businesses, societies, and countries. In the recent past, India has ramped up 5G roll outs at an aggressive clip and going by the rate of growth we seem to be just a couple of years away from achieving 100% 5G coverage across the country.

How 5G technology is critical to driving digital transformation across industries?
A distinctive feature of our generation is that everything around us is getting connected. We’re living in a smart everything era, and the role of highly reliable and ultra-fast connectivity enabled by 5G has assumed a completely new meaning. Telcos are no more about merely connecting cell phone devices for consumers. They are increasingly tasked with playing the important role of ushering in connectivity led digital transformation for multiple industry sectors. For example, one of our clients and
Capgemini<\/a> have developed more than 30 use cases which include operations and maintenance for refineries, real-time monitoring of a drilling robot, search-and-rescue missions using unmanned aerial vehicles, and virtual ticket offices in harbours. This has resulted in a suite of scalable, proven solutions for a wide range of industries. 5G can support up to 1 million connections per square kilometer, making it the perfect digital glue giving life to billions of sensors and massive IoT applications across industries.

How will energy efficient 5G networks and AI pave the path to net zero sustainability?
Network energy usage makes up a huge portion of a mobile operators’ opex, and
Radio Access Network<\/a> (RAN) accounts for 70-90 % of that energy consumption. In fact Capgemini<\/a> worked together with one industry leader on a project to increase spectral efficiency. This project has demonstrated that through AI-based RAN optimization, there is a strong potential to reduce the number of sites and lower emissions. Beyond decarbonizing telecom’s own operations, there is also a strong enablement effect in the net zero sustainability journey through the digitization of other industries. According to GSMA Intelligence's The Sustainable Telco report, mobile connectivity, associated digital infrastructure and AI improve productivity in other industries much more than they do for the telecoms sector directly. Mobile and digital technology could enable just under 40% of the required CO2 reductions needed by 2030 within the top four largest-emitting industries. These four industries – manufacturing, power and energy, transport, and buildings – account for 80% of global emissions.

What role Capgemini plans to play in private 5G networks? What's your go-to-market strategy?
A large global systems integrator brings direct knowledge of the industry in which a
private 5G network<\/a> is deployed to help the clients achieve their vision and incorporate new technologies. Understanding industry domain is critical in developing new user experiences over private networks. By leveraging a partner’s extensive domain expertise in vertical industries, our clients at Capgemini can seamlessly integrate new features into their existing systems. Additionally, our integration specialists add a great value by testing vertical industry use cases in a lab environment, combining solutions from multiple hardware and software vendors, and building a network that is functional and tailored to the client's specific needs. Joining forces with ecosystem partners helps offer a compelling GTM for clients. Capgemini along with Qualcomm<\/a> and Schneider Electric has recently customized an innovative end-to-end 5G private network solution, with the potential of transforming industrial automation systems through highly advanced virtual connectivity.

Share your views on existing challenges.
There are challenges in terms of the maturity of the technical building blocks of the 5G network, and then there are business challenges. Here, let me talk about the business challenges. The biggest issue at the moment remains the ability to rapidly test and scale new use cases. Through in-house or partner-assisted labs, developing high-value use cases and customized solutions is of paramount importance today. Typically, these labs provide support to Network Equipment Providers (NEPs), Communication Services Providers (CSPs), enterprises, and industrial players, helping them accelerate their implementation of next-generation services and solutions and effectively monetize the benefits that 5G can offer their businesses. Recently, Capgemini opened North America’s first 5G solution center to offer organizations across industries the opportunity to create innovative use cases for 5G-based solutions powered by cutting-edge technologies. We at Capgemini believe that testing a new solution along with ecosystem partners is a critical step for the success of 5G, and solution centers like this go a long way to address the challenge of scaling new use cases.

How Capgemini is working to ensure the security and privacy of its 5G networks, including measures like network slicing and secure network architecture?
Capgemini’s 5G security risk assessment solution provides an end-to-end view of risks related to people, processes, and technologies in 5G networks. In addition, the extension of this solution, 5G managed services provides the much-needed visibility and control required to implement security monitoring and predictive maintenance. Our 5G security risk assessment framework covers the horizontal spectrum from the end-user devices, the
Radio Access Network<\/a> (RAN), the Edge to the Core while the vertical spectrum covers the ‘chip to the cloud’ view with Product security, Network security, Application Security and Security Operations. Securing 5G networks is a complex task since it operates beyond the confines of dedicated equipment, servers, and protocols that were present in 4G networks. As the concept of 5G security is relatively new and still evolving, it's crucial to stay vigilant about the challenges that may arise and take proactive steps to develop and deploy new security measures accordingly.

Data security is one of the key concern areas for enterprises in the 5G era. Your comments?
With the exploding number of connected devices, attack surfaces for potential data breaches are increasing with 5G. In addition to implementing zero-trust based architectures, it’s key that organizations have a comprehensive and constantly improving approach to cybersecurity and data protection. Our own cybersecurity and data protection teams bring significant expertise in enforcing policies related to data breach and security incident management. They also ensure that data, infrastructure, and identity protection obligations are effectively implemented. As part of these efforts, we also have mandatory training programs in place to cover how to prevent and respond to data breaches and incidents.

What is Capgemini's roadmap in India in terms of innovation and new technologies?
At Capgemini, we are driven by our passion for innovation as a catalyst for sustainable growth and a better way of living and working. Working hand in hand with our clients and partners, we leverage the latest technology and cutting-edge thinking to develop future ready solutions that deliver real business impact from India as well as other geographies. Our rigorous frameworks for innovation, R&D, and disruptive technologies help us anticipate future trends, assess their potential, and enable our clients to take advantage of them responsibly. Our innovation ecosystem, which combines technology, a network of startups, and proven methodologies and services, empowers organizations to reinvent themselves for the long-term.
<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":99999064,"title":"Interview: No big-bang rejig; will rationalise costs and reinvest, says Cognizant CEO Ravi Kumar S","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/enterprise-services\/interview-no-big-bang-rejig-will-rationalise-costs-and-reinvest-says-cognizant-ceo-ravi-kumar-s\/99999064","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"enterprise-services"}],"related_content":[],"msid":100005829,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"ETTelecom Interviews: Can seamlessly integrate new features on private 5G network, says Capgemini","synopsis":"\"By leveraging a partner\u2019s extensive domain expertise in vertical industries, our clients at Capgemini can seamlessly integrate new features into their existing systems. Additionally, our integration specialists add a great value by testing vertical industry use cases in a lab environment, combining solutions from multiple hardware and software vendors, and building a network that is functional and tailored to the client's specific needs, \"says Arora. ","titleseo":"enterprise-services\/ettelecom-interviews-can-seamlessly-integrate-new-features-on-private-5g-network-capgemini","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Muntazir Abbas","author_link":"\/author\/479234376\/muntazir-abbas","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479234376.cms?width=100&height=100&hostid=268","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479234376,"author_name":"Muntazir Abbas","author_seo_name":"muntazir-abbas","designation":"Editor","agency":false}}],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":1369,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":6015000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ETTelecom","artdate":"2023-05-05 12:54:26","lastupd":"2023-05-05 12:56:49","breadcrumbTags":["Capgemini","Sandeep Arora","interviews","private 5g network","enterprise services","Capgemini India","5g rollouts","Distributed Edge Cloud","Radio Access Network","Qualcomm"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"enterprise-services\/ettelecom-interviews-can-seamlessly-integrate-new-features-on-private-5g-network-capgemini"}}" data-authors="[" muntazir abbas"]" data-category-name="Enterprise Services" data-category_id="915" data-date="2023-05-05" data-index="article_1">

乐动娱乐招聘ETTelecom采访:无缝集成新功能可以在私人5 g网络,凯捷说


  • 更新2023年5月5日12:56点坚持
阅读: 100年行业专业人士
法国IT服务和咨询的跨国表示,大型系统集成商带来专业知识,可以帮助客户实现他们的视力。在一个交互ETTelecom Muntazir乐动娱乐招聘阿巴斯的Sandeep Arora领袖(电信)、行业平台凯捷印度说俘虏5 g网络,基于ai优化,数据安全,它的第一个5 g解决方案中心以及合作关系高通施耐德电气。编辑摘录

全球5 g的趋势是什么,当你期望100%的覆盖率在印度吗?

同时Capex-driven 5 g网络部署在世界各地主导直到去年,2023年开始是积极的5 g货币化。电信公司正在拥抱新的5 g和网络盈利模式,如私人5 g网络,移动边缘计算为企业和B2B客户和市场。许多电信公司也推出了5 g固定无线接入、游戏和AR /虚拟服务增长5 g用户数。5 g技术是扩展时,人工智能和分布式云边缘也达到一个拐点的成熟。这三个强大的技术组合,给5 g的一个独特的支持作用,为企业构建下一代数字体验,社会和国家。在最近的过去,印度已经增加了5 g辊咄咄逼人的片段和细节的增长率我们似乎只是几年离实现100%的5 g覆盖全国各地。

5 g技术是如何推动各行业数字转换的关键?

我们这一代的一个突出特点是,我们周围的一切都是连接。我们生活在一个智能时代的一切,和高度可靠的作用和超快的连通性启用,5 g呈现一个全新的意义。电信公司没有更多的了解仅仅是连接消费者的手机设备。他们越来越负责扮演引导的重要作用在连接数字转换为多个行业。例如,我们的一个客户凯捷创立了30多个用例,包括对炼油厂的运营和维护,实时监控钻井的机器人,搜救任务使用无人机,在港口和虚拟售票处。这导致了一套可伸缩的、行之有效的解决方案广泛的行业。5克每平方公里最多可支持100万个连接,使其成为完美数字胶水给生活数以十亿美元计的传感器和大规模物联网应用产业。

如何节能5 g网络和人工智能为零的可持续发展之路?

网络能耗占很大一部分的移动运营商的运营成本,无线接入网络(跑)占70 - 90的能源消耗。事实上凯捷合作项目与一个行业领导人提高频谱效率。这个项目已经证明了,通过基于ai的优化运行,有很强的潜力减少网站的数量和降低排放。脱碳电信的业务之外,还有一个强大的支持效应在零可持续性旅程通过其他行业的数字化。根据GSMA情报的可持续电信报告,手机连接,相关的数字基础设施和人工智能提高生产力在其他行业更比直接对电信行业。移动和数字技术可以实现所需的所需的二氧化碳减少不到40%到2030年的四大largest-emitting产业。这四个行业——制造业、电力和能源、交通、和建筑——占全球排放量的80%。

凯捷计划扮演何种角色在私人5 g网络?你的营销策略是什么?

全球大型系统集成商带来直接的行业的知识私人5 g网络部署,帮助客户实现他们的愿景,并将新技术。理解行业领域是至关重要的在开发新的用户体验私人网络。利用合作伙伴的广泛的专业领域在垂直行业,我们的客户在凯捷可以无缝集成到现有的系统新特性。此外,我们的集成专家通过纵向行业测试用例添加一个伟大的价值在实验室环境中,结合来自多个硬件和软件供应商的解决方案,和建立一个网络功能和根据客户的特定需求。与生态系统合作伙伴可以帮助提供一个令人信服的GTM的客户。凯捷一起高通和施耐德电气最近定制一个创新的端到端5 g私有网络解决方案,转化的潜在工业自动化系统通过虚拟连接高度发达。


有挑战的成熟的技术构建块5 g网络,然后有业务挑战。来,让我谈业务的挑战。目前最大的问题仍然是快速测试和规模新用例的能力。通过内部或partner-assisted实验室,开发高附加值的用例和定制的解决方案是至关重要的。通常,这些实验室提供支持网络设备提供商(棉结),通信服务提供商(csp),企业,和工业的球员,帮助他们加快下一代服务和解决方案的实现和有效货币化福利5 g可以提供他们的业务。最近,凯捷打开北美的第一个5 g解决方案中心提供组织各行业创造创新的机会用例5 g的解决方案由建设尖端技术。我们在凯捷认为测试一个新的解决方案以及生态系统合作伙伴是成功的一个关键的步骤5 g,和解决方案中心这样走了很长一段路要地址扩展新的用例的挑战。

凯捷是如何努力确保安全和隐私的5 g网络,包括网络等措施切片和安全的网络架构?

凯捷的5 g安全风险评估解决方案提供了一个端到端视图相关风险的人,流程和技术5 g网络。此外,该解决方案的扩展,5 g管理服务提供了急需的可见性和控制要求实现安全监控和预见性维护。我们的5 g安全风险评估框架包括终端用户设备的水平范围,无线接入网络(跑),边缘的核心,而垂直频谱覆盖芯片到云的视图与产品安全、网络安全、应用安全和安全操作。获得5 g网络是一项复杂的任务,因为它经营范围之外的专用设备、服务器和协议在4 g网络。5 g安全的概念是相对较新,仍在继续发展,关键是保持警惕可能出现的挑战,并采取积极的措施来开发和部署相应的新的安全措施。

数据安全是关键问题之一领域企业5 g的时代。你的评论吗?



  • 发布于2023年5月5日下午12:54坚持

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<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>French IT services and consulting multinational said that large system integrators bring domain expertise, and can help customers achieve their vision. In an interaction with ETTelecom's Muntazir Abbas, Sandeep Arora<\/a>, Industry Platform Leader (Telecom) at Capgemini India<\/a><\/strong> speaks on captive 5G network, AI-based RAN optimization, data security, and its first 5G solution center as well as partnerships with Qualcomm<\/a> and Schneider Electric. Edited excerpts

What are 5G trends globally, and when do you expect 100% coverage in India?
While Capex-driven 5G network deployments around the world dominated until last year, 2023 is beginning to be the year of aggressive 5G monetization. Telcos are embracing new 5G and network monetization models such as private 5G networks, mobile edge computing and marketplaces for enterprises and B2B customers. Many telcos have also launched 5G fixed wireless access, gaming and AR\/VR-based services to grow their 5G subscriber base. 5G technology is scaling at a time when Artificial Intelligence and
Distributed Edge Cloud<\/a> are also reaching an inflection point in terms of their maturity. It’s this combination of three powerful technologies that’s giving 5G a unique enabling role to build the next-generation digital experiences for businesses, societies, and countries. In the recent past, India has ramped up 5G roll outs at an aggressive clip and going by the rate of growth we seem to be just a couple of years away from achieving 100% 5G coverage across the country.

How 5G technology is critical to driving digital transformation across industries?
A distinctive feature of our generation is that everything around us is getting connected. We’re living in a smart everything era, and the role of highly reliable and ultra-fast connectivity enabled by 5G has assumed a completely new meaning. Telcos are no more about merely connecting cell phone devices for consumers. They are increasingly tasked with playing the important role of ushering in connectivity led digital transformation for multiple industry sectors. For example, one of our clients and
Capgemini<\/a> have developed more than 30 use cases which include operations and maintenance for refineries, real-time monitoring of a drilling robot, search-and-rescue missions using unmanned aerial vehicles, and virtual ticket offices in harbours. This has resulted in a suite of scalable, proven solutions for a wide range of industries. 5G can support up to 1 million connections per square kilometer, making it the perfect digital glue giving life to billions of sensors and massive IoT applications across industries.

How will energy efficient 5G networks and AI pave the path to net zero sustainability?
Network energy usage makes up a huge portion of a mobile operators’ opex, and
Radio Access Network<\/a> (RAN) accounts for 70-90 % of that energy consumption. In fact Capgemini<\/a> worked together with one industry leader on a project to increase spectral efficiency. This project has demonstrated that through AI-based RAN optimization, there is a strong potential to reduce the number of sites and lower emissions. Beyond decarbonizing telecom’s own operations, there is also a strong enablement effect in the net zero sustainability journey through the digitization of other industries. According to GSMA Intelligence's The Sustainable Telco report, mobile connectivity, associated digital infrastructure and AI improve productivity in other industries much more than they do for the telecoms sector directly. Mobile and digital technology could enable just under 40% of the required CO2 reductions needed by 2030 within the top four largest-emitting industries. These four industries – manufacturing, power and energy, transport, and buildings – account for 80% of global emissions.

What role Capgemini plans to play in private 5G networks? What's your go-to-market strategy?
A large global systems integrator brings direct knowledge of the industry in which a
private 5G network<\/a> is deployed to help the clients achieve their vision and incorporate new technologies. Understanding industry domain is critical in developing new user experiences over private networks. By leveraging a partner’s extensive domain expertise in vertical industries, our clients at Capgemini can seamlessly integrate new features into their existing systems. Additionally, our integration specialists add a great value by testing vertical industry use cases in a lab environment, combining solutions from multiple hardware and software vendors, and building a network that is functional and tailored to the client's specific needs. Joining forces with ecosystem partners helps offer a compelling GTM for clients. Capgemini along with Qualcomm<\/a> and Schneider Electric has recently customized an innovative end-to-end 5G private network solution, with the potential of transforming industrial automation systems through highly advanced virtual connectivity.

Share your views on existing challenges.
There are challenges in terms of the maturity of the technical building blocks of the 5G network, and then there are business challenges. Here, let me talk about the business challenges. The biggest issue at the moment remains the ability to rapidly test and scale new use cases. Through in-house or partner-assisted labs, developing high-value use cases and customized solutions is of paramount importance today. Typically, these labs provide support to Network Equipment Providers (NEPs), Communication Services Providers (CSPs), enterprises, and industrial players, helping them accelerate their implementation of next-generation services and solutions and effectively monetize the benefits that 5G can offer their businesses. Recently, Capgemini opened North America’s first 5G solution center to offer organizations across industries the opportunity to create innovative use cases for 5G-based solutions powered by cutting-edge technologies. We at Capgemini believe that testing a new solution along with ecosystem partners is a critical step for the success of 5G, and solution centers like this go a long way to address the challenge of scaling new use cases.

How Capgemini is working to ensure the security and privacy of its 5G networks, including measures like network slicing and secure network architecture?
Capgemini’s 5G security risk assessment solution provides an end-to-end view of risks related to people, processes, and technologies in 5G networks. In addition, the extension of this solution, 5G managed services provides the much-needed visibility and control required to implement security monitoring and predictive maintenance. Our 5G security risk assessment framework covers the horizontal spectrum from the end-user devices, the
Radio Access Network<\/a> (RAN), the Edge to the Core while the vertical spectrum covers the ‘chip to the cloud’ view with Product security, Network security, Application Security and Security Operations. Securing 5G networks is a complex task since it operates beyond the confines of dedicated equipment, servers, and protocols that were present in 4G networks. As the concept of 5G security is relatively new and still evolving, it's crucial to stay vigilant about the challenges that may arise and take proactive steps to develop and deploy new security measures accordingly.

Data security is one of the key concern areas for enterprises in the 5G era. Your comments?
With the exploding number of connected devices, attack surfaces for potential data breaches are increasing with 5G. In addition to implementing zero-trust based architectures, it’s key that organizations have a comprehensive and constantly improving approach to cybersecurity and data protection. Our own cybersecurity and data protection teams bring significant expertise in enforcing policies related to data breach and security incident management. They also ensure that data, infrastructure, and identity protection obligations are effectively implemented. As part of these efforts, we also have mandatory training programs in place to cover how to prevent and respond to data breaches and incidents.

What is Capgemini's roadmap in India in terms of innovation and new technologies?
At Capgemini, we are driven by our passion for innovation as a catalyst for sustainable growth and a better way of living and working. Working hand in hand with our clients and partners, we leverage the latest technology and cutting-edge thinking to develop future ready solutions that deliver real business impact from India as well as other geographies. Our rigorous frameworks for innovation, R&D, and disruptive technologies help us anticipate future trends, assess their potential, and enable our clients to take advantage of them responsibly. Our innovation ecosystem, which combines technology, a network of startups, and proven methodologies and services, empowers organizations to reinvent themselves for the long-term.
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