

该集团由鲁亚兄弟(Ruia brothers)领导,出售股份所得净收入将用于偿还欠各金融机构的债务。

Essar完成2000亿卢比的宙斯盾销售;偿还7500亿卢比的债务孟买:作为其资产货币化和削减债务计划的一部分,印度央行Essar集团周一完成了业务流程外包业务的出售“宙斯盾”向总部位于新加坡的私募股权基金Capital Square Partners (CSP)提供了约200亿卢比的融资。

该集团由鲁亚兄弟(Ruia brothers)领导,出售股份所得净收入将用于偿还欠各金融机构的债务。最新的交易标志着Essar集团在2014年将部分业务出售给Teleperformance后完全退出BPO业务。

Essar集团白手起家,建立了炼油厂、钢铁厂、电信和港口业务。过去几年,该集团一直在剥离部分资产以降低债务。出售Aegis和Essar Oil就是这种去杠杆化行动的一部分。在出售Essar Oil之前,该集团的债务总额约为12.2亿卢比。在出售了Essar Oil和Aegis这两家公司后,该集团已成功减少了7.5亿卢比的债务敞口。


沙什•鲁亚(Shashi Ruia)和拉维•鲁亚(Ravi Ruia)兄弟向来善于将自己从零开始创建的企业变现,然后再投入新项目。2011年4月,该公司以50亿美元的价格将其在移动电话业务中33%的股份出售给沃达丰。今年8月,该集团将Essar Oil出售给了俄罗斯石油公司130亿美元。

\"EssarBENGALURU | MUMBAI: As part of its plan to monetise assets and trim debt, the Essar<\/a> Group on Monday concluded the sale of its BPO business Aegis<\/a> for about Rs 2,000 crore to Capital Square Partners (CSP), a private equity fund based in Singapore.

The net proceeds from the sale will be used by the group, led by the Ruia brothers, to retire debt owed to various financial institutions. The latest transaction marks the Essar Group\u2019s total exit from the BPO business after it sold a part of the operations to Teleperformance in 2014.

The Essar Group, which built an oil refinery, steel plants, and telecom and port businesses from the ground up, has been divesting some assets to bring down debt in the past few years. The sale of Aegis and Essar Oil was part of this de-leveraging exercise. Before it undertook the sale of Essar Oil, the group had a gross debt overhang of about Rs 122,000 crore. After the sale of the two businesses \u2014 Essar Oil and Aegis - the group has managed to reduce its debt exposure by Rs 75,000 crore.