
Ex-SoftBank首席运营官,Nikesh Arora, 1.28亿领导帕洛阿尔托网络

Arora, 50岁,有权股权奖励价值高达1.26亿美元,当他接管首席执行官6月6日。

Ex-SoftBank首席运营官,Nikesh Arora, 1.28亿领导帕洛阿尔托网络 Nikesh Arora可能成为收入最高的美国高管“领导帕洛阿尔托网络有限公司授予他一个薪酬价值约1.28亿美元。

Arora, 50岁,有权股权奖励价值高达1.26亿美元,当他接管首席执行官6月6日,总部位于加州圣克拉拉的公司周一在一份监管申报文件中表示。大约一半的它将背心只有该公司股价的两倍多,而其余的与他的剩余工作。






\"Ex-SoftBankNikesh Arora<\/a> could become one of the highest-paid US executives after being named to lead Palo Alto Networks<\/a> Inc., which granted him a pay package worth about $128 million.

Arora, 50, is entitled to equity awards worth as much as $126 million when he takes over as chief executive officer on June 6, the Santa Clara, California-based company said Monday in a regulatory filing. About half of it will vest only if the firm\u2019s shares more than double, while the rest is tied to his remaining on the job.

Arora, who spent two years at
SoftBank<\/a> Group Corp. as founder Masayoshi Son\u2019s No. 2, became Japan\u2019s best-compensated public company executive in 2015. Regulatory filings show that the tech giant dished out 31.5 billion yen ($290 million) in compensation and related expenses during his tenure, a sum that rivals Silicon Valley\u2019s richest pay packages.