
靠出口走向繁荣?摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的鲁奇尔•夏尔马(Ruchir Sharma)说,像印度这样的国家正在走数字化路线来推动增长

对于新兴经济体而言,出口驱动型增长模式正在式微;摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的鲁奇尔•夏尔马(Ruchir Sharma)表示,数字化是新的增长动力。


“像印度这样的新兴国家,现在能够将数字化作为经济增长的新动力,而经典的经济增长模式是通过出口实现繁荣,”他在印度互联网日(India Internet Day)上表示领带德里首都区。

夏尔马,领导新兴市场(em)的首席全球策略师摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)投资管理公司(Investment Management)表示,对于拥有庞大国内经济的新兴市场来说,数字化可能是革命性的新引擎。“最可靠的繁荣方式是新兴市场能够通过出口走向繁荣,出口非常强劲。这是推动许多发展中经济体增长的典型因素。这就是从中国到韩国再到台湾的许多经济体能够迅速增长的原因。”


这位曾在2012年出版《突破的国家》(Breakout Nations)和2016年出版《国家的兴衰》(the Rise and Fall of Nations)等畅销书的作者补充说,中国在数字革命中处于领先地位,但现在也在向其他国家蔓延,印度走在前列。




The growing push for a digital economy<\/a> is now propelling the growth of many emerging nations, including India, said global investor and author Ruchir Sharma<\/a>.

\u201cEmerging nations, like India, are now able to use digitisation as a new driver of economic growth, whereas the classic model of economic growth was exporting your way to prosperity,\u201d he said at the India Internet Day organised by
TiE<\/a>, Delhi-NCR.

Sharma, the head of
emerging markets<\/a> (EMs) and chief global strategist at Morgan Stanley<\/a> Investment Management, said digitisation could be the revolutionary new engine for emerging markets with large domestic economies. \u201cThe surest way to prosperity is when emerging markets are able to export their way to prosperity, when exports are very strong. That is what typically lifts the growth of many developing economies. That is how so many economies, from China to Korea to Taiwan, were able to grow very rapidly.\u201d