\"\"Xiaomi<\/a> expects to disrupt India’s TV industry the way Reliance Jio<\/a> disrupted the telecom space, the company’s founder Lei Jun<\/a> said. Speaking to ET, Jun said that Indian consumers should get 32-inch TVs for as low as Rs. 10,000 but for that to happen, the government needs to lower taxes, a suggestion he would like to give to PM Narendra Modi<\/a> if he gets a chance to meet him. Xiaomi is looking to also make its TVs in India sometime in 2018, and will look to set up factories for the same. Jun also expects explosive growth for smartphones in India – which No. 1 ranked Xiaomi should be able to tap backed by an improved supply chain - compared with the de-growth in China. Edited excerpts:
\nLet’s start with Xiaomi’s plans for televisions in India. Will Xiaomi be the next Reliance Jio as far as TVs are concerned, in terms of being a disruptor?<\/strong>
\nYes, definitely. We believe that from product design, integrating hardware and internet services and from our operating efficiency of our TV business, we have made great improvements. So, we hope that in a relatively short period of time, we will become the No 1 smart TV brand in India. We are planning to make India programs for the TV as well.
\nFor TV, will the strategy be online first, like in smartphones?<\/strong>
\nWe will start with online and then step by step go to offline. We’re open to setting up manufacturing of TVs in India, hopefully in 2018. So, we need more factories and workers to work with us. India head Manu Jain: India’s TV industry today is where the smartphone industry was three years ago. Today e-commerce contributes one-third of smartphone sales from 10% earlier. We believe we can do something similar with TV and completely disrupt the TV industry and hope we can become No. 1 in this category.
\nHow does the India TV market compare to China’s?<\/strong>
\nFrom the first few months of our sales, we have understood that the Indian customers’ pain points or purchasing factors of buying TV are exactly the same as that of China. The only difference is that Indian consumers will need some time to get familiarised with the concept of smart TVs.
\nIn China today, the best-selling variant is 55-inch TV, and in India right now, the best-selling variant is 32 inches. Actually 55 inches is not considered to be expensive in China, maybe at around Rs. 20,000.
\nWhat is stopping Xiaomi from bringing largescreen TVs to India at China prices?<\/strong>
\nIn India, the TV taxes are much higher than in China which I cannot understand fully. TV should be a mainstream consumption. Imagine that one day, a 32-inch television will cost no more than Rs. 10,000. But for that, maybe we should consider lowering taxes for the TV industry so that more people can enjoy the benefits.
\nIf I had the honour of meeting the Prime Minister Modi one more time, I would encourage and suggest TVs to have potentially lower taxes. Currently, the import tax is around 20% and then there is 28% consumption (
GST<\/a>) tax.
\nWhat has Xiaomi ended 2017 with in revenue terms? What’s the target\/expectations in 2018?<\/strong>
\nCan’t comment on revenue numbers. But in Q3, we shared No 1 and in Q4, we were the absolute No 1. We understand that there are still complaints about supply chain issues, but we have made huge improvements. With our partners, we have six smartphone factories. By end of Q3, all phones that are made in India will have locally made PCBAs. In terms of supply of TVs, we are facing shortages, so TV today is 100% imported.
\nOn smartphone rankings, some say you would find it difficult to sustain No. 1 ranking. Your views.<\/strong>
\nIf we sustain, then it is great but it is not something that we worry about too much. Broadly though, we are super optimistic about India’s growth in the smartphone market. In some years, 400 million smartphones will be shipped to India, from annual shipment of 124 million in 2017 as per IDC. The China market though has saturated and since Q1 of last year, we have seen de-growth in China market. We are considering investing in more start-ups in India in tech ecosystem.
\nWhat will be your main challenges in India growth this year?<\/strong>
\nIn India, we are like a start-up and our team is growing at a fast pace, so how we actually recruit more talent is a difficult challenge for us. Even though our supply chain capacity has grown leaps and bounds, we are still a bit far away in meeting the actual users’ demands. We worry that users may misunderstand us, we fear that they may think that we are playing some supply game with them and that may affect brand image. But to build more factories takes time and the global supply chain is complex.
\nAlso, how to sell offline in a highly efficient model is also a challenge. In China, we did not realize the importance of offline market share, which was part of reason why other players surpassed us. India business has started offline business early.
\nCan you throw some colour on your future expansion and investment plans?<\/strong>
\nJain:<\/strong> We’re already working with Hipad which makes powerbanks in the Noida factory. We have also started making phones at the Noida factory and we’re open to working with other partners. Also, TV is doing exceptionally well, and to improve supply, we will look at setting up of factories this year.
\nOn data security, is there a tangible effort to move Xiaomi data centres to India?<\/strong>
\nJain<\/strong>: We moved our data centres a few years ago for our entire business to AWS (Amazon Web Services), sitting out of Singapore and the US and we are open to moving these to India. It is something that we are exploring but we don’t have anything concrete to share right now. We will be happy to share any information with the government or work with the government if there are any kinds of concerns.
\n<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":63853970,"title":"Over Rs 8,000 cr telecom projects face delays in NE","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/over-rs-8000-cr-telecom-projects-face-delays-in-ne\/63853970","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":63854000,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Eyeing Indian TV market, Xiaomi plans to go Reliance Jio way","synopsis":"Xiaomi founder Lei Jun said that the company expects to disrupt India\u2019s TV industry the way Reliance Jio disrupted the telecom space.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/eyeing-indian-tv-market-xiaomi-plans-to-go-reliance-jio-way","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Devina Sengupta","author_link":"\/author\/479212895\/devina-sengupta","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479212895.cms?width=250&height=250","author_additional":{"thumbsize":false,"msid":479212895,"author_name":"Devina Sengupta","author_seo_name":"devina-sengupta","designation":"Senior Assistant Editor","agency":false}},{"author_name":"Gulveen Aulakh","author_link":"\/author\/19656\/gulveen-aulakh","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/19656.cms?width=250&height=250&imgsize=27429","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":19656,"author_name":"Gulveen Aulakh","author_seo_name":"gulveen-aulakh","designation":"Assistant Editor","agency":false}}],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ET Bureau","artdate":"2018-04-21 09:11:02","lastupd":"2018-04-21 09:11:51","breadcrumbTags":["Xiaomi","Narendra Modi","Lei Jun","Devices","gst","reliance jio","Interviews"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/eyeing-indian-tv-market-xiaomi-plans-to-go-reliance-jio-way"}}" data-authors="[" devina sengupta","gulveen aulakh"]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2018-04-21" data-index="article_1">



Devina森古普塔 Gulveen Aulakh
  • 更新于2018年4月21日09:11点坚持
小米希望破坏印度的电视产业依赖Jio扰乱了电信空间,公司的创始人雷军说。等,小君说,印度消费者应该得到32英寸电视10000 Rs。但是为了实现这一目标,政府需要降低税收,他想给点建议莫迪如果他有机会见到他。小米也希望使其在印度的电视在2018年的某个时间,并将设立工厂寻找相同的。小君还预计爆炸性增长的智能手机在印度——1号排小米应该能够利用一种改进的支持供应链——de-growth相比中国。编辑摘录:












耆那教徒的:我们移动数据中心几年前我们的整个业务AWS (Amazon Web Services),坐在新加坡和美国和我们这些转移到印度是开放的。这是我们正在探索但我们现在没有什么具体的分享。我们很乐意分享任何信息与政府或与政府工作如果有任何类型的问题。
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\"\"Xiaomi<\/a> expects to disrupt India’s TV industry the way Reliance Jio<\/a> disrupted the telecom space, the company’s founder Lei Jun<\/a> said. Speaking to ET, Jun said that Indian consumers should get 32-inch TVs for as low as Rs. 10,000 but for that to happen, the government needs to lower taxes, a suggestion he would like to give to PM Narendra Modi<\/a> if he gets a chance to meet him. Xiaomi is looking to also make its TVs in India sometime in 2018, and will look to set up factories for the same. Jun also expects explosive growth for smartphones in India – which No. 1 ranked Xiaomi should be able to tap backed by an improved supply chain - compared with the de-growth in China. Edited excerpts:
\nLet’s start with Xiaomi’s plans for televisions in India. Will Xiaomi be the next Reliance Jio as far as TVs are concerned, in terms of being a disruptor?<\/strong>
\nYes, definitely. We believe that from product design, integrating hardware and internet services and from our operating efficiency of our TV business, we have made great improvements. So, we hope that in a relatively short period of time, we will become the No 1 smart TV brand in India. We are planning to make India programs for the TV as well.
\nFor TV, will the strategy be online first, like in smartphones?<\/strong>
\nWe will start with online and then step by step go to offline. We’re open to setting up manufacturing of TVs in India, hopefully in 2018. So, we need more factories and workers to work with us. India head Manu Jain: India’s TV industry today is where the smartphone industry was three years ago. Today e-commerce contributes one-third of smartphone sales from 10% earlier. We believe we can do something similar with TV and completely disrupt the TV industry and hope we can become No. 1 in this category.
\nHow does the India TV market compare to China’s?<\/strong>
\nFrom the first few months of our sales, we have understood that the Indian customers’ pain points or purchasing factors of buying TV are exactly the same as that of China. The only difference is that Indian consumers will need some time to get familiarised with the concept of smart TVs.
\nIn China today, the best-selling variant is 55-inch TV, and in India right now, the best-selling variant is 32 inches. Actually 55 inches is not considered to be expensive in China, maybe at around Rs. 20,000.
\nWhat is stopping Xiaomi from bringing largescreen TVs to India at China prices?<\/strong>
\nIn India, the TV taxes are much higher than in China which I cannot understand fully. TV should be a mainstream consumption. Imagine that one day, a 32-inch television will cost no more than Rs. 10,000. But for that, maybe we should consider lowering taxes for the TV industry so that more people can enjoy the benefits.
\nIf I had the honour of meeting the Prime Minister Modi one more time, I would encourage and suggest TVs to have potentially lower taxes. Currently, the import tax is around 20% and then there is 28% consumption (
GST<\/a>) tax.
\nWhat has Xiaomi ended 2017 with in revenue terms? What’s the target\/expectations in 2018?<\/strong>
\nCan’t comment on revenue numbers. But in Q3, we shared No 1 and in Q4, we were the absolute No 1. We understand that there are still complaints about supply chain issues, but we have made huge improvements. With our partners, we have six smartphone factories. By end of Q3, all phones that are made in India will have locally made PCBAs. In terms of supply of TVs, we are facing shortages, so TV today is 100% imported.
\nOn smartphone rankings, some say you would find it difficult to sustain No. 1 ranking. Your views.<\/strong>
\nIf we sustain, then it is great but it is not something that we worry about too much. Broadly though, we are super optimistic about India’s growth in the smartphone market. In some years, 400 million smartphones will be shipped to India, from annual shipment of 124 million in 2017 as per IDC. The China market though has saturated and since Q1 of last year, we have seen de-growth in China market. We are considering investing in more start-ups in India in tech ecosystem.
\nWhat will be your main challenges in India growth this year?<\/strong>
\nIn India, we are like a start-up and our team is growing at a fast pace, so how we actually recruit more talent is a difficult challenge for us. Even though our supply chain capacity has grown leaps and bounds, we are still a bit far away in meeting the actual users’ demands. We worry that users may misunderstand us, we fear that they may think that we are playing some supply game with them and that may affect brand image. But to build more factories takes time and the global supply chain is complex.
\nAlso, how to sell offline in a highly efficient model is also a challenge. In China, we did not realize the importance of offline market share, which was part of reason why other players surpassed us. India business has started offline business early.
\nCan you throw some colour on your future expansion and investment plans?<\/strong>
\nJain:<\/strong> We’re already working with Hipad which makes powerbanks in the Noida factory. We have also started making phones at the Noida factory and we’re open to working with other partners. Also, TV is doing exceptionally well, and to improve supply, we will look at setting up of factories this year.
\nOn data security, is there a tangible effort to move Xiaomi data centres to India?<\/strong>
\nJain<\/strong>: We moved our data centres a few years ago for our entire business to AWS (Amazon Web Services), sitting out of Singapore and the US and we are open to moving these to India. It is something that we are exploring but we don’t have anything concrete to share right now. We will be happy to share any information with the government or work with the government if there are any kinds of concerns.
\n<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":63853970,"title":"Over Rs 8,000 cr telecom projects face delays in NE","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/over-rs-8000-cr-telecom-projects-face-delays-in-ne\/63853970","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":63854000,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Eyeing Indian TV market, Xiaomi plans to go Reliance Jio way","synopsis":"Xiaomi founder Lei Jun said that the company expects to disrupt India\u2019s TV industry the way Reliance Jio disrupted the telecom space.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/eyeing-indian-tv-market-xiaomi-plans-to-go-reliance-jio-way","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Devina Sengupta","author_link":"\/author\/479212895\/devina-sengupta","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479212895.cms?width=250&height=250","author_additional":{"thumbsize":false,"msid":479212895,"author_name":"Devina Sengupta","author_seo_name":"devina-sengupta","designation":"Senior Assistant Editor","agency":false}},{"author_name":"Gulveen Aulakh","author_link":"\/author\/19656\/gulveen-aulakh","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/19656.cms?width=250&height=250&imgsize=27429","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":19656,"author_name":"Gulveen Aulakh","author_seo_name":"gulveen-aulakh","designation":"Assistant Editor","agency":false}}],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ET Bureau","artdate":"2018-04-21 09:11:02","lastupd":"2018-04-21 09:11:51","breadcrumbTags":["Xiaomi","Narendra Modi","Lei Jun","Devices","gst","reliance jio","Interviews"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/eyeing-indian-tv-market-xiaomi-plans-to-go-reliance-jio-way"}}" data-news_link="//www.iser-br.com/news/eyeing-indian-tv-market-xiaomi-plans-to-go-reliance-jio-way/63854000">