


脸书联合创始人警告扎克伯格“近乎单方面的权力”华盛顿:在呼吁美国政府解散几天后脸谱网在美国,该公司的一位联合创始人放大了他对这种水平的担忧马克•扎克伯格在这个社交媒体帝国及其数十亿用户中的影响力。“扎克伯格的权力太大了——几乎是单方面的权力,”克里斯·休斯他和扎克伯格在哈佛读书时一起创办了Facebook哈佛大学他在周日播出的一次采访中说美国有线电视新闻网的“Fareed Zakaria GPS”。


5月9日,休斯在《纽约时报》(New York Times)发表专栏文章,称Facebook是一家垄断企业,根本不应该被允许收购,他将自己推到了关于华盛顿应该如何监管这家社交媒体巨头的辩论的中心Instagram和WhatsApp。许多观察人士已经预计联邦贸易委员会作为和解协议的一部分,对该公司处以高达50亿美元的罚款。


\"Facebook WASHINGTON: Days after calling on the US government to break up Facebook<\/a>, one of the company\u2019s co-founders amplified his concerns over the level of Mark Zuckerberg<\/a>\u2019s sway across the social media empire and its billions of users. \u201cZuckerberg has too much power \u2014 near-unilateral power,\u201d Chris Hughes<\/a>, 35, who started Facebook with Zuckerberg when they were students at Harvard University<\/a>, said in an interview to air Sunday on CNN<\/a>\u2019s \u201cFareed Zakaria GPS.\u201d

\u201cWe all make mistakes, but I think that in his case it is different because there is no accountability for those mistakes,\u201d Hughes said, according to a transcript provided by CNN.

Hughes thrust himself into the center of a debate over how Washington should regulate the social media giant when he penned a May 9 op-ed in the New York Times calling Facebook a monopoly that never should have been allowed to buy
Instagram<\/a> and WhatsApp. Many observers already expect the Federal Trade Commission<\/a> to slap the company with a fine of as much as $5 billion as part of a settlement.