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If they lose their immunity as intermediaries, they will be equally responsible for any unlawful content (say obscene pictures or impersonation) as the person posting such content under the Indian Penal Code. The top requirements under the new rules were to appoint Resident Grievance Officer, Chief Compliance Officer and Nodal Contact Person and publish their details on their website along with a physical contact address. The rules had also mandated traceability of the originator of messages along with provision for voluntary verification to users as a means to establish their identity.

The platforms were to also furnish monthly reports as to how many grievances were filed and settled. Sources said that the platforms sought more time -- up to six months -- for furnishing compliance but the government is unwilling to give any extension. In their defence, platforms have been saying that they are awaiting instructions from their company headquarters in the US.

Complied with new intermediary norms ahead of time: Koo<\/a><\/h2>

The government had set 50 lakh registered users as the threshold for defining 'significant social media intermediary', which will have to adhere to additional obligations and compliance under the new IT rules that seek to crack down on misuse of social media platforms.<\/p><\/div>