
Ferrovial将在马德里为微软建造数据中心:Cinco Dias

虽然具体金额尚未披露,但Cinco Dias援引未具名消息人士的话称,该合同可能价值数亿欧元,因为微软计划在欧洲17个地区投资超过120亿欧元(127.5亿美元)。

Ferrovial将在马德里为微软建造数据中心:Cinco Dias
美国科技巨头微软已委托总部位于西班牙的基础设施公司Ferrovial建造一座数据中心Cinco Dias报纸周二报道称,在西班牙首都附近。乐动扑克

虽然具体金额尚未披露,但Cinco Dias援引未具名消息人士的话称,该合同可能价值数亿欧元,因为微软计划在欧洲17个地区投资超过120亿欧元(127.5亿美元)。




\"Ferrovial<\/figure>U.S. tech giant Microsoft<\/a> has commissioned Spain-based infrastructure company Ferrovial to build a data centre<\/a> near the Spanish capital, the Cinco Dias newspaper reported on Tuesday.

While the amount has not been disclosed, Cinco Dias cited unidentified sources close to the matter as saying the contract could be worth several hundred million euros, as Microsoft plans a number of investments worth more than 12 billion euros ($12.75 billion) across 17 regions in Europe.

The data centre is set to be built in San Sebastian de los Reyes, a city with a population of about 90,000 some 20 km (12 miles) north of Madrid.