\nBy Rakesh Singh
\nMy love for trekking, hiking and walking has existed since I was a teenager. I still fondly recall my first trek to Pindari Glacier during my college days; my chance meeting with a large group of aggressive langurs which sent shivers down my spine; crossing the creaky wooden bridge over Pindari River with missing timber pieces and not to forget the guard at Phurkia who claimed to have seen Goddess Durga. Even today if I am visiting a new city, I prefer to walk around.
\nMy tryst with running was a chance event. Running and I were never buddies. To keep pace with my children while they were cycling on Marine Drive, I had little choice but to run. That's how it all began. Now having completed 5 half-marathons and achieving my best timing of 2 hours 10 minutes, I have always drawn lessons from running into business:
\nLesson #1 Set Targets; go at your own pace<\/strong>
\nI began long distance running in 2007. I started with short runs and then gradually extended my running time to help me complete the half marathon. While running, I set my own targets based on my daily routine, practice and fitness. My focus has always been to better my earlier performance and never compare with my running friends. Running requires me to listen to my body. Running has helped build endurance. Endurance has enabled me to achieve my targets; it has helped overcome all sorts of pains, physical limitations and mental barriers; and it's no different in business. Clients are like targets, some easy to win and some really difficult to crack. Ears-to-the-ground and sheer endurance has helped me win over most clients in my career. Contrary to running, I track my competitors in business. However, I prefer to focus on delivering what clients want. A quote from Jeff Bezos Jeff Bezos best captures what I believe in: \"If we can keep our competitors focussed on us while we stay focussed on the customer, ultimately we'll turn out all right\".
\nLesson #2 Maintain discipline<\/strong>
\nWhile preparing for marathons, my routine includes jogging 3 to 4 miles twice a week and a long run on Sunday mornings. Winding up early on Saturday nights and avoiding drinks is part of my regimen. This discipline ensures that my body gets used to an exercise routine and my mind sets expectations for my body to deliver. Further it reinforces the actions I need to take to deliver these expectations. I have often seen runners join groups or hire trainers to help build discipline and rigour into their routine. If you are one who needs help to discipline self, retain a trainer or join a running group. In business, focus and discipline are paramount to achieving any result. Whether in running or at work, my advice is that if you are not self-disciplined, seek help in disciplining yourself for achieving your goals. For me self-discipline works best. I must share something that I read on self-discipline: \"Everybody starts at the top, and then has the problem of staying there. Lasting accomplishment, however, is still achieved through a long, slow climb and self-discipline.\"
\nLesson #3 Choose a companion <\/strong>
\nTo initiate yourself into running, you may need company of either music or friends. For me, music works best but I occasionally run with my son or my friends. Music or a slow conversation tends to distract my mind from pains and aches and helps build endurance. In business too, self-help books, my friends and colleagues are my companion and form my sounding board. I repose trust and faith in my colleagues. I have witnessed that teams tend to look after themselves, motivate each other in times of need and build strong resilience when faced with obstacles. I have seen amazing results achieved when teams have worked together. Indians love cricket and we have often seen that a superb innings or bowling spell wins a game. However, for the country to win the World Cup, the entire team has to put up a winning performance.
\n\t <\/span><\/div>\n
\nLesson #4 Convince yourself; the best motivator is you<\/strong>
\nHenry Ford said \"Whether you believe you can or believe you can't, you're probably right\". This is very true for running. I have come across runners from varied backgrounds including some who have overcome serious illnesses to run. What can describe Fauja Singh, a British Indian runner completing Toronto Waterfront Marathon at the age of 100? My belief helped me migrate from Dream Run to Half Marathon at the age of 39. My conviction is the single biggest motivator for me, my family and my colleagues at work. I believe that positivity in thinking rubs off on your family and team members. Success in business also follows a similar path. I have taken up new challenges several times in my career; switching from equity to debt capital markets and project finance to leveraged finance to proprietary investing to restructuring and then start an investment banking and project finance outfit in my current role. Let me share that the foodie in me wants to start a fine dining restaurant one day...
\nLesson #5 Introspect and Celebrate <\/strong>
\nIn 2013, I was rocking my neighbour's son when I suddenly had a back ache. I was advised to stop running. I started walking but brisk walks led to recurrence of back pain. I was advised total rest for most part of last year. I have recently begun running again. My running and stretching pattern has now changed. Earlier, I did stretching exercises only if I had time after each run. Now I make sure that I do these exercises thrice a week and after each run. I run only if I have rested well. I always reward myself after each good run. I love sweets and samosas and my regular run makes me eligible to enjoy these treats. At work too, well planned strategies and our conviction may not work. Such situations demand introspection within self and with our teams. Also, successes need to be celebrated as it reaffirms faith is good action and demands more of that. Above all, when we celebrate we make sure that we have rewarded ourselves for our past actions and need to restart again. Every celebration of our achievement reminds us not to live in past glory but to start all over again. Remember, one run can change your day, many runs can change your life! Running has taught many lessons to me. However, if I were to pick one, I would echo what Buddha said: \"The mind is everything. What you think, you become.\"
\nThe author is Group Head, Investment Banking, Capital & Commodity Markets at HDFC Bank<\/a>.<\/em>\n\n<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":46549492,"title":"How Satya Nadella is turning Microsoft into Silicon Valley's new darling","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/industry\/how-satya-nadella-is-turning-microsoft-into-silicon-valleys-new-darling\/46549492","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"industry"}],"related_content":[],"msid":46551770,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Five lessons running teaches about business","synopsis":"\"Whether in running or at work, my advice is that if you are not self-disciplined, seek help in disciplining yourself for achieving your goals.\"","titleseo":"industry\/five-lessons-running-teaches-about-business","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ET Bureau","artdate":"2015-03-13 13:06:26","lastupd":"2015-03-13 13:08:53","breadcrumbTags":["industry","leadership","HDFC bank","Insights"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"industry\/five-lessons-running-teaches-about-business"}}" data-authors="[" "]" data-category-name="Industry" data-category_id="18" data-date="2015-03-13" data-index="article_1">



  • 更新2015年3月13日01:08点坚持




# 1课设定的目标;去以自己的节奏

在2007年我开始长跑。较短的我开始运行,然后逐渐扩展的运行时间来帮助我完成半程马拉松赛。跑步时,我把自己的目标根据我的日常生活,练习和健身。早些时候我的焦点一直是更好的运行性能和从来没有与我的朋友。运行需要我听我的身体。跑步帮助有耐久力。忍耐力使我实现我的目标;它帮助克服各种各样的痛苦,身体限制和精神障碍;这是没有什么不同。客户就像目标,一些容易赢,真的难以破解。 Ears-to-the-ground and sheer endurance has helped me win over most clients in my career. Contrary to running, I track my competitors in business. However, I prefer to focus on delivering what clients want. A quote from Jeff Bezos Jeff Bezos best captures what I believe in: "If we can keep our competitors focussed on us while we stay focussed on the customer, ultimately we'll turn out all right".


虽然准备马拉松,我的程序包括每周两次慢跑3到4英里,在星期天早晨长跑。绕组早起周六晚上和避免饮料是我的方案的一部分。这门学科可以确保我的身体适应日常锻炼对我的身体和我的思想集的期望。进一步强化了操作我需要实现这些期望。我经常看到运动员参加团体或雇佣教练帮助建立纪律和严谨到他们的例行公事。如果你是一个人需要帮助,自我纪律,保留一个教练或加入一个跑步小组。在商业领域,重点实现任何结果和纪律是非常重要的。是否在运行或在工作中,我的建议是,如果你不自律,在管教自己寻求帮助实现你的目标。对我来说自律效果最好。我必须分享一些我读自律:"每个人都开始在顶部,然后呆在那里的问题。 Lasting accomplishment, however, is still achieved through a long, slow climb and self-discipline."

# 3课选择一个伴侣


# 4说服自己课;最好的动力是你

亨利·福特说:“无论你相信你能或者你不能相信,你可能是对的”。这非常适用于运行。我遇到过来自不同背景包括一些跑步者已经克服了严重的疾病。能描述华嘉·辛格,一个英国兄弟情仇完成多伦多海滨马拉松100岁吗?我的信念帮助我从梦想跑半程马拉松39岁。我的信念是对我最大的动力,我的家人和我的同事在工作中。我相信积极思考按摩在你的家人和团队成员。成功的商业也遵循类似的路径。我有了新的挑战多次在我的职业生涯;从股票转向债务资本市场和项目融资杠杆融资自营投资重组,然后启动一个投资银行和项目融资机构以我目前的角色。 Let me share that the foodie in me wants to start a fine dining restaurant one day...

# 5课内省和庆祝

2013年,我在不停的摇晃我的邻居的儿子当我突然有背部疼痛。我建议停止运行。我开始步行,但快步走导致背痛复发。我建议总去年剩下的大部分。我最近又开始运行。我跑步和拉伸模式已经发生了变化。早些时候,我做伸展运动只有在每次运行后我有时间。现在我确保我做这些每周练习三次,每次运行。我只运行如果我有休息好。每个好的运行后我总是奖励自己。 I love sweets and samosas and my regular run makes me eligible to enjoy these treats. At work too, well planned strategies and our conviction may not work. Such situations demand introspection within self and with our teams. Also, successes need to be celebrated as it reaffirms faith is good action and demands more of that. Above all, when we celebrate we make sure that we have rewarded ourselves for our past actions and need to restart again. Every celebration of our achievement reminds us not to live in past glory but to start all over again. Remember, one run can change your day, many runs can change your life! Running has taught many lessons to me. However, if I were to pick one, I would echo what Buddha said: "The mind is everything. What you think, you become."

  • 发布于2015年3月13日01:06点坚持

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\nBy Rakesh Singh
\nMy love for trekking, hiking and walking has existed since I was a teenager. I still fondly recall my first trek to Pindari Glacier during my college days; my chance meeting with a large group of aggressive langurs which sent shivers down my spine; crossing the creaky wooden bridge over Pindari River with missing timber pieces and not to forget the guard at Phurkia who claimed to have seen Goddess Durga. Even today if I am visiting a new city, I prefer to walk around.
\nMy tryst with running was a chance event. Running and I were never buddies. To keep pace with my children while they were cycling on Marine Drive, I had little choice but to run. That's how it all began. Now having completed 5 half-marathons and achieving my best timing of 2 hours 10 minutes, I have always drawn lessons from running into business:
\nLesson #1 Set Targets; go at your own pace<\/strong>
\nI began long distance running in 2007. I started with short runs and then gradually extended my running time to help me complete the half marathon. While running, I set my own targets based on my daily routine, practice and fitness. My focus has always been to better my earlier performance and never compare with my running friends. Running requires me to listen to my body. Running has helped build endurance. Endurance has enabled me to achieve my targets; it has helped overcome all sorts of pains, physical limitations and mental barriers; and it's no different in business. Clients are like targets, some easy to win and some really difficult to crack. Ears-to-the-ground and sheer endurance has helped me win over most clients in my career. Contrary to running, I track my competitors in business. However, I prefer to focus on delivering what clients want. A quote from Jeff Bezos Jeff Bezos best captures what I believe in: \"If we can keep our competitors focussed on us while we stay focussed on the customer, ultimately we'll turn out all right\".
\nLesson #2 Maintain discipline<\/strong>
\nWhile preparing for marathons, my routine includes jogging 3 to 4 miles twice a week and a long run on Sunday mornings. Winding up early on Saturday nights and avoiding drinks is part of my regimen. This discipline ensures that my body gets used to an exercise routine and my mind sets expectations for my body to deliver. Further it reinforces the actions I need to take to deliver these expectations. I have often seen runners join groups or hire trainers to help build discipline and rigour into their routine. If you are one who needs help to discipline self, retain a trainer or join a running group. In business, focus and discipline are paramount to achieving any result. Whether in running or at work, my advice is that if you are not self-disciplined, seek help in disciplining yourself for achieving your goals. For me self-discipline works best. I must share something that I read on self-discipline: \"Everybody starts at the top, and then has the problem of staying there. Lasting accomplishment, however, is still achieved through a long, slow climb and self-discipline.\"
\nLesson #3 Choose a companion <\/strong>
\nTo initiate yourself into running, you may need company of either music or friends. For me, music works best but I occasionally run with my son or my friends. Music or a slow conversation tends to distract my mind from pains and aches and helps build endurance. In business too, self-help books, my friends and colleagues are my companion and form my sounding board. I repose trust and faith in my colleagues. I have witnessed that teams tend to look after themselves, motivate each other in times of need and build strong resilience when faced with obstacles. I have seen amazing results achieved when teams have worked together. Indians love cricket and we have often seen that a superb innings or bowling spell wins a game. However, for the country to win the World Cup, the entire team has to put up a winning performance.
\n\t <\/span><\/div>\n
\nLesson #4 Convince yourself; the best motivator is you<\/strong>
\nHenry Ford said \"Whether you believe you can or believe you can't, you're probably right\". This is very true for running. I have come across runners from varied backgrounds including some who have overcome serious illnesses to run. What can describe Fauja Singh, a British Indian runner completing Toronto Waterfront Marathon at the age of 100? My belief helped me migrate from Dream Run to Half Marathon at the age of 39. My conviction is the single biggest motivator for me, my family and my colleagues at work. I believe that positivity in thinking rubs off on your family and team members. Success in business also follows a similar path. I have taken up new challenges several times in my career; switching from equity to debt capital markets and project finance to leveraged finance to proprietary investing to restructuring and then start an investment banking and project finance outfit in my current role. Let me share that the foodie in me wants to start a fine dining restaurant one day...
\nLesson #5 Introspect and Celebrate <\/strong>
\nIn 2013, I was rocking my neighbour's son when I suddenly had a back ache. I was advised to stop running. I started walking but brisk walks led to recurrence of back pain. I was advised total rest for most part of last year. I have recently begun running again. My running and stretching pattern has now changed. Earlier, I did stretching exercises only if I had time after each run. Now I make sure that I do these exercises thrice a week and after each run. I run only if I have rested well. I always reward myself after each good run. I love sweets and samosas and my regular run makes me eligible to enjoy these treats. At work too, well planned strategies and our conviction may not work. Such situations demand introspection within self and with our teams. Also, successes need to be celebrated as it reaffirms faith is good action and demands more of that. Above all, when we celebrate we make sure that we have rewarded ourselves for our past actions and need to restart again. Every celebration of our achievement reminds us not to live in past glory but to start all over again. Remember, one run can change your day, many runs can change your life! Running has taught many lessons to me. However, if I were to pick one, I would echo what Buddha said: \"The mind is everything. What you think, you become.\"
\nThe author is Group Head, Investment Banking, Capital & Commodity Markets at HDFC Bank<\/a>.<\/em>\n\n<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":46549492,"title":"How Satya Nadella is turning Microsoft into Silicon Valley's new darling","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/industry\/how-satya-nadella-is-turning-microsoft-into-silicon-valleys-new-darling\/46549492","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"industry"}],"related_content":[],"msid":46551770,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Five lessons running teaches about business","synopsis":"\"Whether in running or at work, my advice is that if you are not self-disciplined, seek help in disciplining yourself for achieving your goals.\"","titleseo":"industry\/five-lessons-running-teaches-about-business","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ET Bureau","artdate":"2015-03-13 13:06:26","lastupd":"2015-03-13 13:08:53","breadcrumbTags":["industry","leadership","HDFC bank","Insights"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"industry\/five-lessons-running-teaches-about-business"}}" data-news_link="//www.iser-br.com/news/industry/five-lessons-running-teaches-about-business/46551770">