


富士康计划在印度投资3200亿卢比 富士康世界上最大的电子产品合同制造商,小米公司已经确定了在印度投资高达50亿美元(约合3200亿卢比)的计划,以使印度成为一个平行的国家制造中心出口到欧洲和美国的主要市场。这家台湾公司的一位高级官员表示,富士康将以“指数级的方式”扩大在印度的业务,信心来自于实施销售税以及对手机征收进口关税,这将阻碍从中国和其他外国地区采购。这位不愿透露姓名的官员对《印度时报》表示:“印度已经是我们优先考虑的国家,我们现在计划通过开设新工厂和扩大制造业足迹来加大在印度的投资和业务。”



大约两年前,政府为在当地生产手机的公司推出了税收优惠政策,此后,相对于从中国进口完整手机,政府在国内采购的数量有所增加。然而,有不确定性行业在商品及服务税时代,是否会维持这种差异(约10%的本地制造业收益)。上周六,政府对手机以及充电器、耳机、电池和USB cab等关键部件征收10%的关税,业内人士认为此举将刺激对当地制造业的投资。


投资的很大一部分可能会被用于建立一个显示晶圆厂。“仅这一项就可以让我们投资约30亿美元。”Apart from this, around $250 million would be directed towards mechanics such as CNC. “The company will also invest in lithium-ion cell factory and facilities for printed circuit boards (PCBs) which are used in manufacture of devices.“




\"FoxconnFoxconn<\/a>, the world's largest contract manufacturer for electronics, has firmed up plans to invest up to $5 billion (around Rs 32,000 crore) in India as it looks to make the country a parallel manufacturing hub<\/a> to China for export to key markets across Europe and the US. A top official at the Taiwanese company said Foxconn will ramp up Indian operations in an \u201cexponential manner\u201c, the confidence coming from the implementation of GST<\/a> as well as imposition of an import duty on mobiles phones that would discourage sourcing from China and other foreign locations. \u201cIndia is already high on our priority list, and we now plan to step up investments and business here by opening new factories and expanding the manufacturing footprint,\u201c the official told TOI, requesting anonymity .

Foxconn chairman & CEO
Terry Gou<\/a> has already committed more investments in India<\/a> during his visit here, and has also spoken about partnerships with local players and industrial groups.

The decision to impose an import duty on phones and other key components such as chargers and batteries is a \u201cconfidence booster\u201c for the company and its supplier partners, the official said.\u201cThe real investments will start to flow in after this year.\u201c