Chennai\/New Delhi:<\/strong> Tesla Inc founder Elon Musk<\/a>’s $44-billion takeover<\/a> offer for microblogging platform Twitter<\/a> may lead to more run-ins with the Indian government and others, due to his self-proclaimed ‘absolutist’ stance in support of free speech, experts said.

India’s IT laws make it clear that executives at social media intermediaries, including
Twitter<\/a>, are individually and criminally liable for “non-compliance,” they said. “Buckling down to sweeping takedown demands does not sit well with Musk’s position on free speech. So, I do expect to see conflict arise — not just in India but even in Europe…” said Prasanto K Roy<\/a>, a cyber and tech policy expert.

All major social media companies view India as a significant market, but also acknowledge it as difficult to navigate, say industry watchers. “It is complex, varied and unbelievably thin-skinned,” one expert said.

Return for
Jack Dorsey<\/a>?<\/strong>

“Just about anything can offend someone or the other,” said the industry expert, a view that was echoed by some others.

Even as he wished Musk the best, minister of state for electronics and IT
Rajeev Chandrasekhar<\/a> made it clear to ET on Tuesday that the government’s “goals and expectations of accountability, safety and trust of all intermediaries operating in India remain unchanged.”

Experts also questioned Musk’s definition of free speech.

Musk wants to “control the media platform” for the benefit of his own firms, and it may mean the end of “free speech platform Twitter” as we know it today, said Virag Gupta, a columnist and an advocate.

Musk has said he wants to make Twitter “better than ever” by enhancing the product with new features, making the algorithms open source to increase trust, defeating spam bots and authenticating all human beings.

“Twitter has tremendous potential — I look forward to working with the company and the community of users to unlock it,” he said.

Manish Maheshwari, former head of Twitter India and now founder and chief executive of ed-tech firm Invact Metaversity, told ET that Twitter cofounder and former CEO Jack Dorsey and Musk were quite close ideologically, and that he wouldn't be surprised if Dorsey came back to a more powerful role at Twitter.

“It may not be the CEO; it could be a very strong chairman of the board. And then there could be an operational leader to support Jack and Elon,” Maheshwari said.

Shareholder Value

Some experts are more optimistic about the future of Twitter under Musk. They feel the platform has not been able to grow its users or revenue, nor deliver shareholder value so far.

Twitter’s stock has underperformed since its listing in 2013, said Abhay Agarwal, founder and fund manager of Piper Serica, a portfolio management service provider.

Its IPO was at a market capitalisation of $31 billion, which is almost the same market cap at which Musk started buying the company’s shares earlier this year.

“Even at the acquisition price of $54.2 per share, the price has barely returned 9% per year from its IPO price of $26 per share. This is in stark contrast to the massive returns generated over the same period by leading FAANG stocks — like Apple and Amazon — that have gone on to become trillion-dollar businesses,” Agarwal said.

FAANG refers to Facebook (since renamed Meta), Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google.

A shakeup is “desperately required” at Twitter and key markets such as India and China haven’t been utilised very much, said Sanchit Vir Gogia, founder and chief executive of Greyhound Research. “For instance, there is no INR-specific advertising policy. That is so surprising considering they have so many active users in India. The focus on the country and monetisation is rather poor,” he said.

There is “no other choice” but to go private and a certain “ruthlessness” is required, he added. “From a stakeholder perspective, it is a great offer. People have concerns about Musk’s erratic behaviour, but his image on Twitter is very different from how he does business,” Gogia added.

One of the big challenges for Twitter has been a huge misinformation and disinformation problem, said Saurabh Shukla, founder and editor-in-chief of fact-checking platform NewsMobile, which partners companies like Meta.

“We detected that through the Covid-19 pandemic and now on the Ukraine invasion. We hope that Elon Musk would flag it as top priority, as this problem is the biggest threat to free speech,” Shukla said.

Twitter needs to realise that it needs specialised domain experts to handle this problem and fact checkers such as NewsMobile have successfully worked with tech platforms globally to address this problem at scale, he added.

Free speech trouble<\/strong>

Worries over Musk’s stance on free speech on the platform and its real-world implications will remain, experts said. “My fear is that Musk will come up with a global definition of freedom of speech that will be more in line with the Western world view and will not necessarily be suited to how we see freedom of speech,” said Faisal Kawoosa, a technology analyst and consultant.

Greyhound’s Gogia added that Musk and his team would have to keep in mind that their idea of free speech was not an equitable concept in today's day and age. “There has to be a more nuanced approach on how freedom of speech is handled in light of the laws of the land,” he said. “And I don't think the company has done justice to that so far.”

He said Twitter’s relationship with the India government “is one of the weakest links,” adding that “a lot of brands also haven't warmed up to the platform because they haven't attuned the product to local demands.”

Bot plot
Indian security experts, however, welcomed Musk’s potential moves to purge bot accounts on Twitter. Musk’s stand on authenticating users is also in line with the government’s mandate under the IT Intermediary Guidelines.

“About 70-80% of the political campaigns in India are run by bot accounts,” said Gautam Kumawat, a cybersecurity expert who has trained various state police departments on cybersecurity and cybercrime. “The company has also launched Twitter Blue, an opt-in paid, monthly subscription for access to premium features in markets like the US, Canada, Australia, and that could help with monetisation if they launch it here.”

China leverage
There is also an ongoing debate over whether Musk’s proposed takeover would give China leverage on the US-headquartered firm.

Jeff Bezos, founder and executive chairman of Amazon Inc, took to Twitter on Tuesday to ask, “Did the Chinese government just gain a bit of leverage over the town square?”

In following tweets, he, however, said, “My own answer to this question is, probably not. The more likely outcome in this regard is complexity in China for Tesla, rather than censorship at Twitter. But we’ll see. Musk is extremely good at navigating this kind of complexity.”
<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":91113581,"title":"Chipmaker Texas Instruments expects revenue hit as China lockdowns dent demand","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/chipmaker-texas-instruments-expects-revenue-hit-as-china-lockdowns-dent-demand\/91113581","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[{"msid":"91108792","title":"Elon Musk_TWITTER-INDIA_THUMB IMAGE_ETTECH_2","entity_type":"IMAGES","seopath":"tech\/tech-bytes\/free-speech-absolutist-elon-musk-may-chafe-at-laws-of-land-say-experts\/elon-musk_twitter-india_thumb-image_ettech_2","category_name":"Free speech absolutist Elon Musk may chafe at laws of land, say experts","synopsis":false,"thumb":"https:\/\/\/thumb\/img-size-823899\/91108792.cms?width=150&height=112","link":"\/image\/tech\/tech-bytes\/free-speech-absolutist-elon-musk-may-chafe-at-laws-of-land-say-experts\/elon-musk_twitter-india_thumb-image_ettech_2\/91108792"}],"msid":91113599,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Free speech absolutist Elon Musk may chafe at laws of land, say experts","synopsis":"Musk wants to \u201ccontrol the media platform\u201d for the benefit of his own firms, and it may mean the end of \u201cfree speech platform Twitter\u201d as we know it today, said Virag Gupta, a columnist and an advocate.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/free-speech-absolutist-elon-musk-may-chafe-at-laws-of-land-say-experts","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Dia Rekhi","author_link":"\/author\/479241730\/dia-rekhi","author_image":"https:\/\/\/authorthumb\/479241730.cms?width=100&height=100&hid=268","author_additional":{"thumbsize":false,"msid":479241730,"author_name":"Dia Rekhi","author_seo_name":"dia-rekhi","designation":"Correspondent","agency":false}},{"author_name":"Anumeha Chaturvedi","author_link":"\/author\/479226491\/anumeha-chaturvedi","author_image":"https:\/\/\/authorthumb\/479226491.cms?width=100&height=100&hid=268","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479226491,"author_name":"Anumeha Chaturvedi","author_seo_name":"anumeha-chaturvedi","designation":"Assistant Editor","agency":false}}],"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ETTelecom","artdate":"2022-04-27 07:37:26","lastupd":"2022-04-27 11:11:02","breadcrumbTags":["twitter","rajeev chandrasekhar","elon musk","$44-billion takeover","microblogging platform Twitter","prasanto k roy","Jack Dorsey","Internet","ELon Musk Twitter"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/free-speech-absolutist-elon-musk-may-chafe-at-laws-of-land-say-experts"}}" data-authors="[" dia rekhi","anumeha chaturvedi"]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2022-04-27" data-index="article_1">

言论自由的专制Elon Musk可能对法律的土地,专家说


Dia Rekhi Anumeha查图尔维迪
  • 更新于2022年4月27日上午11:11坚持
钦奈/新德里:特斯拉公司创始人Elon Musk440亿美元收购报价推特微博平台可能会导致更多与印度政府和其他人来说,由于他自称“专制”立场的支持言论自由,专家说。

印度的法律明确,社会媒体中介机构的高管,包括推特单独和刑事责任为“不符合”,他们说。“埋头苦干全面拆卸要求不太合麝香对言论自由的立场。所以,我期待看到冲突出现——不仅仅是在印度,但即便是在欧洲…”说Prasanto K罗伊网络和科技政策专家。


换取Jack Dorsey吗?







Manish Maheshwari,前Twitter现在印度和ed-tech公司的创始人兼首席执行官Invact Metaversity,告诉ET Twitter联合创始人和前首席执行官杰克·多尔西和麝香非常亲密的意识形态,,他不会感到惊讶,如果多西在Twitter回到一个更强大的作用。




Twitter的股票自2013年上市以来的表现,Abhay Agarwal说,Piper Serica创始人兼基金经理,投资组合管理服务提供商。




重组是“迫切需要”在Twitter和印度和中国等关键市场没有被利用,创始人兼首席执行官Sanchit Vir Gogia说灰狗的研究。“例如,没有INR-specific广告政策。如此惊人的考虑他们在印度有很多活跃用户。关注国家和货币化相当差,”他说。


Twitter的重大挑战之一,是一个巨大的错误信息和虚假信息问题,Saurabh Shukla说,漏洞百出的创始人兼总编辑NewsMobile平台,合作伙伴公司像元。乐动扑克

“我们发现,通过Covid-19流行,现在在乌克兰入侵。我们希望Elon Musk国旗作为首要任务,因为这问题是言论自由的最大威胁,”Shukla说。








“在印度大约有70 - 80%的政治运动是由机器人账户,“Gautam Kumawat说,一个网络安全专家训练各种国家警察部门网络安全和网络犯罪。“该公司还推出了Twitter蓝色,一个选择支付,每月订阅访问高级功能的市场,如美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,和货币化,如果他们可以帮助启动它。”




  • 发布于2022年4月27日07:37点坚持

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Chennai\/New Delhi:<\/strong> Tesla Inc founder Elon Musk<\/a>’s $44-billion takeover<\/a> offer for microblogging platform Twitter<\/a> may lead to more run-ins with the Indian government and others, due to his self-proclaimed ‘absolutist’ stance in support of free speech, experts said.

India’s IT laws make it clear that executives at social media intermediaries, including
Twitter<\/a>, are individually and criminally liable for “non-compliance,” they said. “Buckling down to sweeping takedown demands does not sit well with Musk’s position on free speech. So, I do expect to see conflict arise — not just in India but even in Europe…” said Prasanto K Roy<\/a>, a cyber and tech policy expert.

All major social media companies view India as a significant market, but also acknowledge it as difficult to navigate, say industry watchers. “It is complex, varied and unbelievably thin-skinned,” one expert said.

Return for
Jack Dorsey<\/a>?<\/strong>

“Just about anything can offend someone or the other,” said the industry expert, a view that was echoed by some others.

Even as he wished Musk the best, minister of state for electronics and IT
Rajeev Chandrasekhar<\/a> made it clear to ET on Tuesday that the government’s “goals and expectations of accountability, safety and trust of all intermediaries operating in India remain unchanged.”

Experts also questioned Musk’s definition of free speech.

Musk wants to “control the media platform” for the benefit of his own firms, and it may mean the end of “free speech platform Twitter” as we know it today, said Virag Gupta, a columnist and an advocate.

Musk has said he wants to make Twitter “better than ever” by enhancing the product with new features, making the algorithms open source to increase trust, defeating spam bots and authenticating all human beings.

“Twitter has tremendous potential — I look forward to working with the company and the community of users to unlock it,” he said.

Manish Maheshwari, former head of Twitter India and now founder and chief executive of ed-tech firm Invact Metaversity, told ET that Twitter cofounder and former CEO Jack Dorsey and Musk were quite close ideologically, and that he wouldn't be surprised if Dorsey came back to a more powerful role at Twitter.

“It may not be the CEO; it could be a very strong chairman of the board. And then there could be an operational leader to support Jack and Elon,” Maheshwari said.

Shareholder Value

Some experts are more optimistic about the future of Twitter under Musk. They feel the platform has not been able to grow its users or revenue, nor deliver shareholder value so far.

Twitter’s stock has underperformed since its listing in 2013, said Abhay Agarwal, founder and fund manager of Piper Serica, a portfolio management service provider.

Its IPO was at a market capitalisation of $31 billion, which is almost the same market cap at which Musk started buying the company’s shares earlier this year.

“Even at the acquisition price of $54.2 per share, the price has barely returned 9% per year from its IPO price of $26 per share. This is in stark contrast to the massive returns generated over the same period by leading FAANG stocks — like Apple and Amazon — that have gone on to become trillion-dollar businesses,” Agarwal said.

FAANG refers to Facebook (since renamed Meta), Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google.

A shakeup is “desperately required” at Twitter and key markets such as India and China haven’t been utilised very much, said Sanchit Vir Gogia, founder and chief executive of Greyhound Research. “For instance, there is no INR-specific advertising policy. That is so surprising considering they have so many active users in India. The focus on the country and monetisation is rather poor,” he said.

There is “no other choice” but to go private and a certain “ruthlessness” is required, he added. “From a stakeholder perspective, it is a great offer. People have concerns about Musk’s erratic behaviour, but his image on Twitter is very different from how he does business,” Gogia added.

One of the big challenges for Twitter has been a huge misinformation and disinformation problem, said Saurabh Shukla, founder and editor-in-chief of fact-checking platform NewsMobile, which partners companies like Meta.

“We detected that through the Covid-19 pandemic and now on the Ukraine invasion. We hope that Elon Musk would flag it as top priority, as this problem is the biggest threat to free speech,” Shukla said.

Twitter needs to realise that it needs specialised domain experts to handle this problem and fact checkers such as NewsMobile have successfully worked with tech platforms globally to address this problem at scale, he added.

Free speech trouble<\/strong>

Worries over Musk’s stance on free speech on the platform and its real-world implications will remain, experts said. “My fear is that Musk will come up with a global definition of freedom of speech that will be more in line with the Western world view and will not necessarily be suited to how we see freedom of speech,” said Faisal Kawoosa, a technology analyst and consultant.

Greyhound’s Gogia added that Musk and his team would have to keep in mind that their idea of free speech was not an equitable concept in today's day and age. “There has to be a more nuanced approach on how freedom of speech is handled in light of the laws of the land,” he said. “And I don't think the company has done justice to that so far.”

He said Twitter’s relationship with the India government “is one of the weakest links,” adding that “a lot of brands also haven't warmed up to the platform because they haven't attuned the product to local demands.”

Bot plot
Indian security experts, however, welcomed Musk’s potential moves to purge bot accounts on Twitter. Musk’s stand on authenticating users is also in line with the government’s mandate under the IT Intermediary Guidelines.

“About 70-80% of the political campaigns in India are run by bot accounts,” said Gautam Kumawat, a cybersecurity expert who has trained various state police departments on cybersecurity and cybercrime. “The company has also launched Twitter Blue, an opt-in paid, monthly subscription for access to premium features in markets like the US, Canada, Australia, and that could help with monetisation if they launch it here.”

China leverage
There is also an ongoing debate over whether Musk’s proposed takeover would give China leverage on the US-headquartered firm.

Jeff Bezos, founder and executive chairman of Amazon Inc, took to Twitter on Tuesday to ask, “Did the Chinese government just gain a bit of leverage over the town square?”

In following tweets, he, however, said, “My own answer to this question is, probably not. The more likely outcome in this regard is complexity in China for Tesla, rather than censorship at Twitter. But we’ll see. Musk is extremely good at navigating this kind of complexity.”
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