



有人呼吁政府干预,但莫迪政府很清楚,它不想涉足这一问题,因为它将意味着违背规则由印度储备银行在2007年修订——几乎两年之前再见和DoCoMo签署了协议。对齐|删除 政府不放宽规则Tata-DoCoMo纠纷消息人士说,干预Tata-DoCoMo情况将导致回顾修正案的规定,这对一个公司不能做。还有其他几个例类似的问题。在任何情况下,政府反对任何回顾行动。

塔塔塔塔的儿子之间的股东签署的协议,电视和DoCoMo条款允许日本合作伙伴出售其股票公允价值或认购价格的一半每股116卢比(哪个更高),以防性能参数不满足。2014年3月,DoCoMo给销售通知后股票的公允价值已下降到Rs 23,而50%的订阅价格是每股Rs 58。
规则的允许以现行价格回购或公允价值(Rs 23)没有给出任何保证回报。


\"GovernmentNEW DELHI: The government is of the view that there is no case for any relaxation in rules to allow DoCoMo<\/a> to exit its telecom joint venture with the Tatas at a pre-determined price.

The stance comes amid revelations that the shareholder agreement between the two partners being signed on March 25, 2009, when the Foreign Exchange Management Act (
Fema<\/a>) had barred call or put options being exercised in case of preference shares, which were classified as debt instruments. The pricing guidelines under Fema had stipulated that no foreign investor could exit its investment at a pre-determined price or with assured return.
There have been calls for the government to intervene but the
Narendra Modi<\/a> administration is clear that it does not want to wade into the issue as it would mean going against the rules which were revised by the RBI in 2007 \u2014 almost two years before the Tatas and DoCoMo signed the agreement. Align<\/a> | Delete<\/a> \"Government Sources said that intervening in the Tata-DoCoMo case would result in retrospective amendment of rules, which can\u2019t be done for one company. There are several other cases with similar issues. And in any case, the government is averse to any retrospective action.

The shareholder agreement signed between Tata Sons, Tata Tele and DoCoMo had a clause which allowed the Japanese partner to sell its shares at fair value or half the subscription price of Rs 116 a share (whichever is higher) in case performance parameters were not met. In March 2014, DoCoMo gave a sell notice after the fair value of shares had dropped to Rs 23 each, while 50% of the subscription price was Rs 58 per share.
The rules prevailing then allowed a buyback at the prevailing prices or the fair value (Rs 23) without giving any assured return.