

在唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)担任总统期间,世界贸易组织(WTO)几乎不再发挥作用,但在美国新总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)的领导下,世贸组织可能获得新生,专家们押注于民主党人总体上支持多边主义的做法。

新德里:世界贸易组织世贸组织),而在唐纳德·特朗普在美国新总统乔•拜登(Joe Biden)的领导下,美国的多边主义政策可能获得新生,专家们押注于民主党总体上支持多边主义的方针。



上月,美国反对WTO提名委员会任命尼日利亚的恩戈齐•奥孔约-伊韦拉(Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala)为总干事的建议,并阻止了为期4个月的寻找下一任总干事的遴选过程,因为美国支持韩国的柳明熙(Yoo Myung-hee)。奥孔约-伊维拉将成为领导世贸组织的第一位女性和第一位非洲人。



New Delhi: The World Trade Organization<\/a> (WTO<\/a>), which had virtually become non-functional under Donald Trump<\/a>\u2019s presidency, could get a new lease of life under the new US President Joe Biden with experts betting on the promultilateralism approach of the Democrats in general.

There are expectations the Biden administration may allow appointment of new judges under the international trade body and resumption of its appellate tribunal\u2019s ability to undertake dispute resolution, thus restoring international trade standards.

\u201cNot just WTO, prospects of all other international processes look better under Biden. With a more diplomatic approach, the new administration is expected to bring more certainty to the fate of WTO and its dealings with the trade body,\u201d Biswajit Dhar, professor of Economics at the JNU said.