

可能仍然有一些创意喜欢背着大笨重的艺术品,但更多的是搬到组合在线门户网站。与年轻的广告舆论军政府Behance公司显示,最受欢迎的是,货物集体和现代文案。这些网站主要是有用的人花了3 - 5年的业务。

库马拉斯P Nair班加罗尔在线零售商Myntra伪造独家与英国服装制造商合作,在牛仔布,越来越多的国际品牌之间的这种合作和印度的门户。英国品牌将生产优质青年服装范围斯坦利·凯恩在本地卖Myntra,旨在达到时尚的顾客越来越多的网上购物。“我们的数据显示,客户重复购买的可能性是30 - 40%更当他来我们网站上购买独家品牌,“在Myntra Ganesh Subrahmanian说,首席运营官,世卫组织估计,他的公司可以建立一个在线时尚品牌价值100卢比的在未来三到四年。“年轻的印度人越来越关心他们穿什么,渴望最新的国际趋势,“主管Chris页面,提高牛仔布。公司推出这一溢价青年同时穿在英国和印度,但印度的价格会便宜30%。“我们的产品将直接从我们的工厂在班加罗尔Myntra仓库。所以没有国际运输成本和关税,“主任基迪亚Kamal说提高牛仔布。 The company aims to invest over 10 crore in its first year of operations in India.  A number of foreign brands have entered into similar agreements with online retailers. Footwear brands like - New Balance and Supra are available only on Myntra in India. Online fashion retailer Jabong has an exclusive partnership with Spanish casual clothing brand Desigual. Many offline brands are also launching new products first on the online portals as in the case of Lee Cooper which placed its Originals Frames and Sunglasses range on online marketplace Snapdeal, earlier this year. "Also, for such brands and for those who have been in India longer, the online channel is attractive as it gives instant feedback," said Pragya Singh, associate vice president of retail at advisory firm Technopak. E-tailing, at $1 billion (over 6,300 crore), contributes just 0.2% to the total retail industry in India at present, according to a study by the advisory firm. However, it is estimated to grow to $56 billion (over 3.5 lakh crore), contributing 6.5% of the total retail market, by 2023. "India is where growth will come in the next decade. International players will want to take a position here early," said Technopak's Singh.  Brands also get additional support from online partners. Manu Kumar Jain, co-founder and managing director of Jabong, said his company helps with marketing campaigns, and offers micro sites online that provide better positioning. Myntra, which aims to earn revenue of 800 crore this fiscal, sees about 20% of its total sales coming from its private in-house brands and its exclusive partnerships.
库马拉斯P Nair班加罗尔在线零售商Myntra伪造独家与英国服装制造商合作,在牛仔布,越来越多的国际品牌之间的这种合作和印度的门户。英国品牌将生产优质青年服装范围斯坦利·凯恩在本地卖Myntra,旨在达到时尚的顾客越来越多的网上购物。“我们的数据显示,客户重复购买的可能性是30 - 40%更当他来我们网站上购买独家品牌,“Ganesh Subrahmanian说,首席运营官Myntra,世卫组织估计,他的公司可以建立一个在线时尚品牌价值100卢比的在未来三到四年。“年轻的印度人越来越关心他们穿什么,渴望最新的国际趋势,”克里斯说页面,牛仔的主管提出。公司推出这一溢价青年同时穿在英国和印度,但印度的价格会便宜30%。“我们的产品将直接从我们的工厂在班加罗尔Myntra仓库。所以没有国际运输成本和关税,“主任基迪亚Kamal说牛仔。该公司计划投资超过10卢比的第一年在印度的业务。许多外国品牌与在线零售商签订类似的协议。鞋类品牌——新平衡和上只能Myntra在印度。 Online fashion retailer Jabong has an exclusive partnership with Spanish casual clothing brand Desigual. Many offline brands are also launching new products first on the online portals as in the case of Lee Cooper which placed its Originals Frames and Sunglasses range on online marketplace Snapdeal, earlier this year. "Also, for such brands and for those who have been in India longer, the online channel is attractive as it gives instant feedback," said Pragya Singh, associate vice president of retail at advisory firm Technopak. E-tailing, at $1 billion (over 6,300 crore), contributes just 0.2% to the total retail industry in India at present, according to a study by the advisory firm. However, it is estimated to grow to $56 billion (over 3.5 lakh crore), contributing 6.5% of the total retail market, by 2023. "India is where growth will come in the next decade. International players will want to take a position here early," said Technopak's Singh. Brands also get additional support from online partners. Manu Kumar Jain, co-founder and managing director of Jabong, said his company helps with marketing campaigns, and offers micro sites online that provide better positioning. Myntra, which aims to earn revenue of 800 crore this fiscal, sees about 20% of its total sales coming from its private in-house brands and its exclusive partnerships.
由Shephali Bhatt

你有试过砖石呢?后五年的业务机构和奥美一样,主根和亚洲Creativeland在他的简历,Chintan Ruparel还记得这深刻的评论有人投资组合他传到网上,刚开始的时候。



可能仍然有一些创意喜欢背着大笨重的艺术品,但更多的是搬到组合在线门户网站。与年轻的广告舆论军政府Behance公司显示,最受欢迎的是,货物集体和现代文案。这些网站主要是有用的人花了3 - 5年的业务。




创始人兼创意作为Sajan Raj Kurup Creativeland亚洲区主席所说,“没有人带精装的组合文件接受采访了。醚的网站允许你有你的工作。”For Kurup and some of his compatriots, the likes of Behance give an overview of the mettle of a prospective hire. The links to their portfolios serve the purpose of elementary screening. It is, if you ask him, equivalent to an agency's website, or a director'sVimeo帐户。







Radhika P Nair Bangalore Online retailer Myntra has forged an exclusive partnership with UK-based apparel manufacturer, Raised On Denim, one of a growing number of such tie-ups between international brands and Indian portals. The UK brand will manufacture its premium youth apparel range Stanley Kane locally and sell it on Myntra, aiming to reach the fashion-conscious clientele who are increasingly shopping online. "Our statistics show that the chances of a customer repeating a purchase are 30-40% more when he has come to buy an exclusive brand on our site," said Ganesh Subrahmanian, chief operating officer at Myntra, who estimates that his company can build an online-only fashion brand worth 100 crore in the next three to four years. "Young Indian guys are becoming more discerning about what they wear and are hungry for the latest international trends," said Chris Page, a director at Raised On Denim. The company is launching this line of premium youth wear simultaneously in the UK and India but prices in India will be about 30% cheaper. "Our products will go directly from our manufacturing facility in Bangalore to the Myntra warehouse. So there are no international shipping costs or duties," said Kamal Kedia, a director at Raised On Denim. The company aims to invest over 10 crore in its first year of operations in India. A number of foreign brands have entered into similar agreements with online retailers. Footwear brands like - New Balance and Supra are available only on Myntra in India. Online fashion retailer Jabong has an exclusive partnership with Spanish casual clothing brand Desigual. Many offline brands are also launching new products first on the online portals as in the case of Lee Cooper which placed its Originals Frames and Sunglasses range on online marketplace Snapdeal, earlier this year. "Also, for such brands and for those who have been in India longer, the online channel is attractive as it gives instant feedback," said Pragya Singh, associate vice president of retail at advisory firm Technopak. E-tailing, at $1 billion (over 6,300 crore), contributes just 0.2% to the total retail industry in India at present, according to a study by the advisory firm. However, it is estimated to grow to $56 billion (over 3.5 lakh crore), contributing 6.5% of the total retail market, by 2023. "India is where growth will come in the next decade. International players will want to take a position here early," said Technopak's Singh. Brands also get additional support from online partners. Manu Kumar Jain, co-founder and managing director of Jabong, said his company helps with marketing campaigns, and offers micro sites online that provide better positioning. Myntra, which aims to earn revenue of 800 crore this fiscal, sees about 20% of its total sales coming from its private in-house brands and its exclusive partnerships. <\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>By Shephali Bhatt