


班加罗尔:移动用户在印度下载的应用程序数量最多谷歌播放应用2016年商店。根据全球应用分析公司app Annie的一份报告,2015年印度应用下载量超过60亿,超过美国,排名第三。巴西以略高于50亿的下载量排名第三。中国不是谷歌玩(安卓)排名,因为该国屏蔽了谷歌。然而,它是第一名iOS苹果应用程序商店下载。




BENGALURU: Mobile users<\/a> in India downloaded the most number of apps from Google Play app<\/a> store in 2016. With over 6 billion app downloads, India, which was in the third position in 2015, surpassed the US, according to a report by global app analytics firm App Annie. Brazil took the third spot with a little over 5 billion downloads. China is not part of the Google<\/a> Play (Android<\/a>) rankings because the country has blocked Google. However, it was Number one in iOS<\/a> (Apple<\/a>) app store<\/a> downloads.

The report indicated that India could widen its gap with others in Android app downloads given its still low
penetration<\/a> of smartphones. \"India's phenomenal progress (in downloads) over the past two years is even more impressive when considering its potential for further gains. In 2016, India surpassed the US as the second largest smartphone market due in large part to a rise in domestically produced smartphones. This is only the beginning, however, as India's smartphone penetration is still below 30% and its overall economy is poised for massive growth,\" the report said.

India was well ahead of all the others in terms of the total time spent on apps. Out of the total of 900 billion hours spent on Android apps in 2016, 150 billion hours were spent by Indians. This was followed by Brazil (about 115 billion) and the US (about 90 billion). The total of 900 billion hours, which is 25% higher than in 2015, translates to an average of roughly two hours per Android phone user per day.