第一。印度迄今为止的经济改革中受益不均。这种差异既不接受也不持续。因此,印度的发展模式应该专注于为人民创造财富在经济金字塔的底部。国家变得繁荣时扩大他们的市场,稳步提升价值链,在内地。我们最大的优势在于印度幅员辽阔的国内市场,仍很大程度上尚未开发的。我们的经济将开始见证奇迹般的增长当我们创建一个拥有十亿人口的中产阶级收入的增加。就人口而言,这将增加所有的美国和欧洲联合印度市场的当前大小。当很多人能够实现他们的渴望更好的生活,他们将启动消费和生产的良性循环。这将导致一个指数上升的年轻企业家,包括女性企业家。 Investors and businesses from around the world will want to participate in this humongous India Opportunity.
By Mukesh D. Ambani <\/strong> India and the world changed dramatically at the beginning of the 1990s. Communist Soviet Union collapsed. The Cold War ended. And India embarked on a bold new path of economic reforms. Thirty years later, the global order is changing fundamentally yet again. The speed, scale and substance of this change are unprecedented, even unpredictable. Yet, one thing is absolutely predictable: India\u2019s time has come.