


浦那:一项新的研究Gartner公司表示,印度的市场动态正在产生影响数字 业务到2017年,80%面向消费者的企业可能无法实现数字技术投资的回报。


Gartner研究主管奥雅纳•罗伊(Arup Roy)表示:“印度的消费市场和经济动态,与西方市场观察到的消费者动态完全不同。”“在成熟的西方市场,面向消费者的公司是由价值驱动驱动的,比如卓越的客户体验和产品/服务设计;而在印度和其他新兴市场,面向消费者的公司是由价值驱动驱动的,比如产品/服务成本更低、能够处理数量问题,以及能够有效地触及大众。”


Gartner研究主管安舒•古普塔(Anshul Gupta)表示:“不幸的是,很大一部分面向消费者的企业被西方同行在‘客户体验’倡议方面的光鲜成功范例所左右。”“他们在前端、面向客户的活动上进行投资利用数字技术以及未能在后端必需品方面进行投资,例如实现更简单、更快速的流程工作流,更方便的购物和服务体验以及售后。”


PUNE: A new study by Gartner<\/a> Inc says India's market dynamics are impacting digital<\/a> business<\/a> implementation, with 80 per cent of consumer facing companies likely to fail in realising returns on investments in digital technologies by 2017.

The report, \"Predicts 2016: India's Market Dynamics Impact Digital Business Planning\" also said that by 2018, over half of organisations will get lower than expected results from their DevOps efforts because of an excessive focus on tools over people. In the same time, the
telecom<\/a> industry will reach nearly 50 per cent of its revenue through data, demanding a change in the network management approach.

\"India's consumer market, and economic dynamics, are completely different from the consumer dynamics observed in western markets,\" said Arup Roy, research director, Gartner. \"While consumer-facing companies in mature western markets are driven by value drivers, such as superior customer experience and product\/service design, consumer-facing companies in India and other emerging markets, are driven by value drivers such as lower cost of product\/service, being able to handle the problem of volumes, and being able to effectively reach the masses.\"