






印孚瑟斯已经开始招聘具备这些技能的人。在美国,该公司在过去一年半的时间里雇佣了7000多名员工,其中20% -30%的人拥有文科和非工程背景。该人士表示,该公司还将在美国和印度招聘更多此类员工,但他没有给出时间表。

在一次采访中,印孚瑟斯全球服务、数据和分析主管Satish HC告诉记者该公司正在进行“投资”,以吸引更多拥有文科、设计和其他非科技专业知识的人才。



事实上,萨里尔•帕尔克(Salil Parekh)今年早些时候出任印孚瑟斯(Infosys)首席执行官后进行的第一笔收购,是总部位于美国的数字创意和消费者洞察机构WongDoody Holding Company。这家总部位于洛杉矶的广告解决方案公司已经做到了亚马逊工作室, Tinder和ESPN在客户中。去年9月,印孚瑟斯收购了总部位于伦敦的数字创新和客户体验工作室Brilliant Basics。


“当你提供更多的商业服务时,你必须迎合不同的行业。这就需要多样化的技能组合。这也显示出商业模式的变化,”灰狗研究首席执行官桑基特•维尔•戈吉亚(Sanchit Vir Gogia)表示。

BENGALURU: Infosys<\/a> plans to hire a few thousand people with arts and other non-engineering degrees to work on new digital applications, which are more than just delivering technology services.
Technology companies such as Infosys are witnessing an increasing number of digital contracts where the solutions are often created with clients, unlike the traditional deals where the specifications were drawn by the clients and outsourced. In these new deals, user experience is key to solving the business problems of clients and the skills needed for this are as much arts as they are science.

\u201cPeople with
liberal arts<\/a>, who are creative thinkers, tend to put themselves in the shoes of the consumers and tend to think out of the box,\u201d said a person at Infosys. \u201cThat is what the industry is looking for.\u201d

Infosys\u2019 hiring plan highlights a change in the way Indian IT companies have built their business: recruiting thousands of
engineers<\/a> to write computer codes and maintain infrastructure for their customers. With the shift towards digital, where the applications need to be built for smartphones and provide the same experience as any consumer app, such as Facebook<\/a>, they require people with skills in areas such as design, language and data analytics.