







\"Intel NEW YORK: Intel<\/a>'s scandal matters little today, but a lot tomorrow. The ouster of the chipmaker's chief executive, Brian Krzanich<\/a>, for a relationship that breached company policy shows the relevant rules apply to all staff. Intel can run itself smoothly for a while. Mounting tech challenges, however, make it critical to find the right replacement.

An investigation found Krzanich had a consensual relationship with another employee - something it doesn't allow. That's a reasonable policy to have, and one that costs Intel little to enforce, provided more damaging revelations don't subsequently surface. Krzanich has been chief executive for five years, and his former employer has existed for 50. Customers don't associate the brand with his name, and profitability is healthy. Intel conveniently announced second-quarter earnings will come in above Wall Street forecasts.

Yet the company's technological engine is starting to sputter, which raises the stakes as the company seeks out a new boss. For decades, Intel was near or at the forefront of making chips steadily smaller and faster. That gave it a virtual monopoly in making microprocessors for PCs and servers, and provided the ability to invest liberally. Now, microprocessors have shrunk so much that it is hard and expensive to squeeze out more speed. And Intel hasn't been able to make much of a dent in the market for chips for mobile devices, which consume less energy but are getting more powerful.