
物联网是为我们展开新的收入流,说RailTel CMD

“我们已经改善了我们的表演去年增长21%。我们的税前利润已经Rs 197卢比和利润税后Rs 142 cr。”


RailTel录得有史以来最高的综合收入的Rs 1411卢比。这是一个21%的增长比前一年增长的Rs 1186卢比,这也是一个最大增长到去年。我们改善了表演去年增长21%。我们的税前利润已经Rs 197卢比和利润税后Rs 142 cr。这个季度而言,在第四季度,我们发布了总收入的Rs 440 cr比前一季度增加了5%,在去年同期的基础上增长8%。


我们领域的铁路、医疗、教育。铁路运输一直是一项雄心勃勃的计划。铁路在高速通信的走廊都沿着铁路4 g LTE或总部已经批准35000公里路线的Rs 7000 cr所以我们肯定会有一个角色要扮演。这是一个大项目,所以我们肯定会得到一个馅饼,同样是教育和卫生部门。


如果我把去年电信收入是今年刚刚在2021年结束,我们的电信服务增长了19%。这是尽管关税降低但由于交易量增加了这些收入大大增加。我们创建了世界上最大的无线网络,无线网络集成。我们今天出席6020 +火车站。5000年在农村地区。今天有一个巨大的城市和农村地区之间的数字鸿沟。对有线和无线的需求,农村地区宽带服务是巨大的。我们是穿透。



作为我们的电信服务将增长所以我们必须非常充分的准备来呈现这些电信服务。我们投资扩张,升级我们的电信网络,数据中心,同时这些东西都被取出。我们已经投资了约85卢比cr去年和今年发生我们一直提供今年的Rs 115 cr。所以这一切从我们自己的内部收益管理。我们不是根据借款我们这个计划进一步扩大需求进入电信服务部门。

The Indian telecom sector<\/a> has become the world's second-largest telecom sector in terms of subscribers, the number of connected devices increasing, the internet of things<\/a> is unfolding newer streams of revenue for us, says Puneet Chawla<\/a>, CMD, RailTel Corporation<\/a> during an interview with ET Now. Edited excerpts:
It has been a fairly healthy quarter for the company. What were the growth drivers for you?<\/b>
RailTel posted its highest ever consolidated income of Rs 1411 crores. This is a growth of 21% for the previous year\u2019s growth which was Rs 1186 crores, which also was a maximum growth till last year. We have improved our performances last year by growing by 21%. Our profit before tax has been Rs 197 crores and profit after tax Rs 142 cr. As far as the quarter is concerned, in the fourth quarter, we posted our total income of Rs 440 cr which was a 5% increase over the preceding quarter and an 8% increase on the year on year basis.

How do you see the operational performance shaping up? What is the outlook on margins going forward?<\/b>
A lot of overall things are increasing but there is an emphasis on digital transformation in each and every sector. The digital India initiatives of the
Government of India<\/a> focuses on companies, creation of digital infrastructure, delivery of services digitally and increase in digital literacy so we are into all these sectors. The Indian telecom sector has become the world\u2019s second-largest telecom sector in terms of subscribers, the number of connected devices increasing, the internet of things is unfolding newer streams of revenue for us.

We are in the field of
railways<\/a>, healthcare, education. Railways have always been an ambitious plan. Railways are going in for the high-speed communication corridor all along the railway tracks which is LTE or 4G based so that is already sanctioned for 35,000 route kilometres at a cost of Rs 7000 cr so we will certainly have a role to play in that. It is a big project so we certainly will get a pie of it and similarly is the education and the health sector.