

中央政府站在顾问Apoorv Kurup和主尼迪米塔尔,省的出现,告诉法庭,点已经发布订单10月9日,2020年分块这家美国公司的IP地址。

新德里:中心告诉德里高等法院周四,电信部()去年10月本身畅通IP地址美国的一个信号公司提供服务,包括手机和网络推送通知。之前提交了正义律师出现Prathiba M辛格的电子和信息技术,以应对美国的请求公司声称其IP地址被没有听到或原因。


中央政府站在顾问Apoorv Kurup和主尼迪米塔尔,省的出现,告诉法庭,点已经发布订单10月9日,2020年分块这家美国公司的IP地址。


一个信号Inc .)在其请求,认为,堵塞已经违反了公司在印度做生意的权利导致创建it和其他国家之间的不平等。




New Delhi: The Centre told the Delhi High Court<\/a> on Thursday that the Department of Telecommunications<\/a> (DoT<\/a>) had in October last year itself unblocked the IP address<\/a> of US-based One Signal Inc, providing services including mobile and web push notifications. The submission was made before Justice Prathiba M Singh by the lawyer appearing for the Ministry of Electronic and Information Technology in response to the plea of the US company which has claimed that its IP address was blocked without giving it a hearing or reasons.

The court listed the matter for hearing on March 1 after the lawyer for the petitioner-company said he needs time to verify whether such an order has been issued by DoT.

Central government standing counsel Apoorv Kurup and advocate Nidhi Mittal, appearing for the ministry, told the court that DoT has already issued an order on October 9, 2020 unblocking the IP address of the US company.