<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>NEW DELHI: Apple is set to clock a 16-22% on year growth in smartphone shipments in India in 2020, sharply higher than a 4% rise in 2019 and a 44% fall in 2018, driven largely by older generation of its iPhones like XR and 11 and the latest iPhone 12 mini<\/a>, say analysts.

They added that Apple’s expected growth comes at a time the
overall smartphone market<\/a> in India is starting at its first ever contraction due to Covid-induced supply chain issues and tightened consumer spending. d.

Apple is set to outperform the global smartphone market and the Indian market will be in line with its global performance.

“We believe that this will be the strongest ever lineup for iPhones in India. Apple is likely to capture 2% share in the coming Q4 2020 with the help of bank offers and discounts on older models during the festive season,” Tarun Pathak, associate director at
Counterpoint Research<\/a> said. “We expect Apple to grow 16% over 2019 in terms of shipments in 2020.”

Cyber Media Research (CMR) expects 18-22% yearly growth for iPhone shipments in 2020. “Apple iPhone shipments have been growing strong in Q3 2020 increasing 67% year-on-year, and are primed to increase in the run-up to the festive season. The
iPhone SE<\/a> 2020 and last year’s iPhone 11 are driving the majority of sales currently,” Prabhu Ram, Head - Industry Intelligence Group, CMR said.

Apple will have a wider portfolio of smartphones which starts from the
iPhone SE<\/a> (priced below Rs 40,000) and goes up till iPhone 12 Pro Max. The iPhone 12 mini<\/a> price starts at Rs 69,900 while iPhone 12 price starts at Rs 79,900. iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max will be available at starting at Rs 119,900 and Rs 129,900, respectively.

Read also<\/h4>
iPhone 12 to outperform iPhone 11 despite a delayed launch: Counterpoint<\/a><\/h5><\/div>
Apple launches 5G enabled iPhone 12 series; prices start from Rs 69,900<\/a><\/h5><\/div><\/div><\/div>
The share of the new iPhone within overall Apple sales during the launch quarter typically increases year-on-year and this year it will be the same driven by iPhone 12 mini, which is the most affordable smartphone in the 12 series.

“The uptick is due to the faster availability of new models in India and partially driven by an increased mix of hardcore Apple users in India who are willing to replace as soon as the launch happens,” Pathak said.

Analysts, however, said that the prices of the iPhone Pro and Pro Max are still steep for certain users willing to shift from the Android camp at least in India.

“India pricing is not very aggressive. It appears that stabilised Rupee has been negated by 5G availability and supply chain issues. It will be tough for Apple to find upgrade volumes for Pro
devices<\/a>,” said Navkendar Singh, research director at IDC<\/a>. Singh, however, believes that iPhone 12 will do better than iPhone 12 Mini since pricing isn't very steep.

“Overall shipments for Apple will rise but it will happen because of aggressive offers and price relook for iPhone SE, XR and 11. Not due to 12 per se,” Singh added.

“...we have also seen for the three successive years that with the launch of new iPhones there is a surge in sales in older generation iPhones as well and these are the iPhones that normally compete with the Android camp as well in the premium segment,” Pathak said.

The iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 11, XR, SE 2020 will be competing strongly with the Android camp while the sales of iPhone 12 Pro, Pro Max will be driven by replacement buyers especially from the camera upgrade point of view, Pathak added.

<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":78655317,"title":"Call to set floor tariff remains unanswered from telecom regulator: Telcos","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/call-to-set-floor-tariff-remains-unanswered-from-telecom-regulator-telcos\/78655317","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[{"msid":"72225466","title":"9 foldable smartphones you need to know about","entity_type":"PHOTOGALLERYSLIDESHOWSECTION","seopath":"slide-shows\/9-foldable-smartphones-you-need-to-know-about","category_name":"Slide-Shows","synopsis":false,"thumb":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/thumb\/img-size-100197\/72225466.cms?width=150&height=112","link":"\/slide-shows\/9-foldable-smartphones-you-need-to-know-about\/72225466"}],"msid":78655601,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"iPhone 12 Mini, older models to drive growth for Apple in 2020; Pro models steeply priced: Analysts","synopsis":"The share of the new iPhone within overall Apple sales during the launch quarter typically increases year-on-year and this year it will be the same driven by iPhone 12 mini, which is the most affordable smartphone in the 12 series.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/iphone-12-mini-older-models-to-drive-growth-for-apple-in-2020-pro-models-steeply-priced-analysts","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Danish Khan","author_link":"\/author\/479206691\/danish-khan","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479206691.cms?width=100&height=100&hostid=268","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479206691,"author_name":"Danish Khan","author_seo_name":"danish-khan","designation":"Senior Editor","agency":false}}],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":1275,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":6333000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ETTelecom","artdate":"2020-10-14 12:29:34","lastupd":"2020-10-14 13:41:02","breadcrumbTags":["iphone 12 mini","Devices","iphone xr","Google Play","counterpoint research","overall smartphone market","idc","CyberMedia Research","apple iphone 12","iPhone SE"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/iphone-12-mini-older-models-to-drive-growth-for-apple-in-2020-pro-models-steeply-priced-analysts"}}" data-authors="[" danish khan"]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2020-10-14" data-index="article_1">

iPhone 12迷你,老款为苹果在2020年推动经济增长;箴模型价格急剧:分析师

新iPhone的份额在苹果总销量在今年推出季度通常同比增加,这将是相同的由iPhone 12迷你驱动,这是最便宜的智能手机的12系列。

  • 更新2020年10月14日01:41点坚持
阅读: 100年行业专业人士
新德里:苹果将时钟16 - 22%的年增长在2020年智能手机出货量在印度,远高于2019年增长4%,2018年下降44%,主要是由老一辈的iphone XR和11和最新的iPhone 12小分析人士说,。




网络媒体研究(CMR)预计18 - 22%的年度增长为iPhone在2020年出货量。“苹果iPhone手机出货量增长强劲的2020年第三季度同比增长67%,并准备增加节日期间的准备阶段。的iPhone SE2020年和去年的iPhone 11开车大多数销售目前,“您正在Ram,头——行业情报组织,CMR说。

苹果的智能手机将有一个更广泛的投资组合从一开始iPhone SE(价格低于40000年Rs)和上升到iPhone 12箴马克斯。的iPhone 12小价格从Rs 69900年iPhone 12价格起价79900卢比。iPhone 12 Pro和iPhone 12箴马克斯可以从Rs 119900和129900卢比,分别。


新iPhone的份额在苹果总销量在今年推出季度通常同比增加,这将是相同的由iPhone 12迷你驱动,这是最便宜的智能手机的12系列。



“印度的价格不是很积极。看来稳定卢比否定了5 g可用性和供应链问题。这将是很难找到升级卷Pro的苹果设备Navkendar辛格说,“研究主管国际数据公司(IDC)。然而,辛格认为,iPhone以来12会比iPhone 12迷你定价不是很陡峭。

“苹果将上升,但总体出货量将会发生,因为积极的为iPhone提供和价格重新SE, XR和11所示。不是因为12本身,”辛格说。


XR 12迷你iPhone, iPhone 11日,SE 2020年将是竞争与Android阵营虽然iPhone的销售12箴,Pro马克斯将由替代买家特别是从相机升级的角度来看,帕沙克补充道。

  • 发布于2020年10月14日,29点坚持

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<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>NEW DELHI: Apple is set to clock a 16-22% on year growth in smartphone shipments in India in 2020, sharply higher than a 4% rise in 2019 and a 44% fall in 2018, driven largely by older generation of its iPhones like XR and 11 and the latest iPhone 12 mini<\/a>, say analysts.

They added that Apple’s expected growth comes at a time the
overall smartphone market<\/a> in India is starting at its first ever contraction due to Covid-induced supply chain issues and tightened consumer spending. d.

Apple is set to outperform the global smartphone market and the Indian market will be in line with its global performance.

“We believe that this will be the strongest ever lineup for iPhones in India. Apple is likely to capture 2% share in the coming Q4 2020 with the help of bank offers and discounts on older models during the festive season,” Tarun Pathak, associate director at
Counterpoint Research<\/a> said. “We expect Apple to grow 16% over 2019 in terms of shipments in 2020.”

Cyber Media Research (CMR) expects 18-22% yearly growth for iPhone shipments in 2020. “Apple iPhone shipments have been growing strong in Q3 2020 increasing 67% year-on-year, and are primed to increase in the run-up to the festive season. The
iPhone SE<\/a> 2020 and last year’s iPhone 11 are driving the majority of sales currently,” Prabhu Ram, Head - Industry Intelligence Group, CMR said.

Apple will have a wider portfolio of smartphones which starts from the
iPhone SE<\/a> (priced below Rs 40,000) and goes up till iPhone 12 Pro Max. The iPhone 12 mini<\/a> price starts at Rs 69,900 while iPhone 12 price starts at Rs 79,900. iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max will be available at starting at Rs 119,900 and Rs 129,900, respectively.

Read also<\/h4>
iPhone 12 to outperform iPhone 11 despite a delayed launch: Counterpoint<\/a><\/h5><\/div>
Apple launches 5G enabled iPhone 12 series; prices start from Rs 69,900<\/a><\/h5><\/div><\/div><\/div>
The share of the new iPhone within overall Apple sales during the launch quarter typically increases year-on-year and this year it will be the same driven by iPhone 12 mini, which is the most affordable smartphone in the 12 series.

“The uptick is due to the faster availability of new models in India and partially driven by an increased mix of hardcore Apple users in India who are willing to replace as soon as the launch happens,” Pathak said.

Analysts, however, said that the prices of the iPhone Pro and Pro Max are still steep for certain users willing to shift from the Android camp at least in India.

“India pricing is not very aggressive. It appears that stabilised Rupee has been negated by 5G availability and supply chain issues. It will be tough for Apple to find upgrade volumes for Pro
devices<\/a>,” said Navkendar Singh, research director at IDC<\/a>. Singh, however, believes that iPhone 12 will do better than iPhone 12 Mini since pricing isn't very steep.

“Overall shipments for Apple will rise but it will happen because of aggressive offers and price relook for iPhone SE, XR and 11. Not due to 12 per se,” Singh added.

“...we have also seen for the three successive years that with the launch of new iPhones there is a surge in sales in older generation iPhones as well and these are the iPhones that normally compete with the Android camp as well in the premium segment,” Pathak said.

The iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 11, XR, SE 2020 will be competing strongly with the Android camp while the sales of iPhone 12 Pro, Pro Max will be driven by replacement buyers especially from the camera upgrade point of view, Pathak added.

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