



银行和金融服务是该行业最大的客户群,在过去的一年半,等公司塔塔咨询服务公司,印孚瑟斯并认识到一直在说客户支出已经放缓。但投资者所关切的一个主要问题是,客户已经支出了。“我们预计投资者关注从大型银行客户需求前景,“Kawaljeet Saluja,分析师科塔克机构股票,在预览报告中称。“大型银行的IT支出强劲但并没有转化为印度IT需求由于俘虏转变和内包。TCS曝光其庞大,达到最由于银行客户采购策略的变化。”

银行一直在关注移动工作从外包商或内包在过去的几年里他们看起来一样技术竞争优势与更加灵活的公司竞争。美国银行(Bank of America)、美国运通(American Express)和瑞银(UBS)的一些大型银行公开披露内销计划。



多数分析师预计印孚瑟斯预测增长6 - 8%不变的货币,这一目标将会降低7 - 9%行业增长预期由国家软件和服务公司协会(行业协会)。

一些预计,公司任命Salil帕尔克首席执行官有效1月增长更加缓慢。”FY19,我们预计印孚瑟斯给5% - -7%的收入增长指导以不变货币(CC或美元收入没有外汇波动的影响)和22% - -24%的税前息前营业利润率…基于交易直到3 qfy18获胜,也赢得4 qfy18基于出版协议,甚至看起来印孚瑟斯将难以实现个位数中期收入增长在FY19不变货币计算,“Girish Pai经纪Nirmal爆炸的分析师说。他说的任命新的首席执行官意味着预期皮卡在可自由支配的开支可能不会受益印孚瑟斯新管理团队需要时间来“定居”。

HCL科技,这使得大量的IP收购,预计将增长8 - 10%的预测。


“我们估计1.9 - -2.5%不可小觑有机美元前5名球员的收入增长,得益于100 - 120个基点的互换货币在季节性温和季度上升,”卡普尔,JM金融分析师表示。

\"ITIndian IT services<\/a> firms are likely to be cautious while forecasting growth<\/a> for FY19, even as analysts expect better growth than in FY18, as questions over the spending by banking and financial services clients remain.

Banking and financial services constitute the sector\u2019s largest client base and for the last year-and-a-half, IT companies such as
Tata Consultancy Services<\/a>, Infosys<\/a> and Cognizant have been saying client spending has slowed. But a key investor concern remains that customers have moved their spending away. \u201cWe expect investor focus on demand outlook from large banking clients,\u201d Kawaljeet Saluja, analyst with Kotak Institutional Equities, said in a preview note. \u201cIT spending of large banks is robust but is not translating into demand for Indian IT due to captive shift and insourcing. TCS<\/a>, courtesy its large exposure, has been hit the most due to the change in sourcing strategy of banking clients.\u201d

Banks have been looking at moving work back from outsourcers or insourcing for the last few years as technology has been a competitive advantage as they look to compete against nimbler startups. Bank of America, American Express and UBS are some of the large banks that have publicly disclosed insourcing plans.