

展望未来,火车可能会进一步减少IUC指控为零有效的从2020年1月将影响EDBITDA水平降低7% - -9%。电信运营商正在见证保证金由于压力下降ARPU自从Jio推出服务。

新德里:后火车的行动减少互连使用费用(IUC从14 paise 6 paise),印度评级和研究预测影响4%至5%的息税前利润水平的在职者:Bharti Airtel,沃达丰(Vodafone)知道细胞

另一方面,信实Jio此举可能会受益,帮助它节省Rs IUC每年十亿到400亿卢比,研究公司说。这也可能进一步转化为电信进一步减少data-voice包关税的增加用户数量,截至2017年7月,依赖Jio有9.1%的市场份额。

展望未来,火车可能会进一步减少IUC指控为零有效的从2020年1月将影响EDBITDA7% - -9%的水平。电信运营商正在见证保证金由于压力下降ARPU自从Jio推出服务。

此外,研究公司估计的影响减少现有的独立的杠杆水平在0.1 - 0.3 x IUC时每分钟减少到6 paise 0.2 - 0.6 x如果IUC降低为0。

想法细胞公布700个基点和1000个基点的EBITDA利润率水平较上年同期下降1 qfy18。




Use Your iPhone's Battery To Learn Where Your Time Goes<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>NEW DELHI: Following TRAI<\/a>\u2019s move of reducing Interconnect Usage Charges (IUC<\/a>) from 14 paise to 6 paise, India Ratings and Research<\/a> has predicted an impact of 4% to 5% on the EBITDA levels of incumbents: Bharti Airtel<\/a>, Vodafone<\/a> and Idea Cellular<\/a>

On the other hand, the move is likely to benefit Reliance Jio by helping it save Rs billion to Rs 40 billion in IUC annually, the research firm said. This may also further translate into the telco further reducing the tariffs of its data-voice packs to increase subscriber base where as of July 2017, Reliance Jio had a 9.1% market share.

Going forward, TRAI may further reduce IUC charges to zero effective from January 2020 which would impact
EDBITDA<\/a> levels by 7%-9%. Telecom operators are witnessing pressure on margin owing to declining ARPU ever since Jio launched its services.