


Jio在新冠疫情期间获得的资金种类令人难以置信。Jio平台有近10-15项服务,他们有近50亿美元的总潜在市场伯恩斯坦分析师,Rahul Malhotra在互动中。





考虑到电子商务的机会,我们认为这将是一个1300 - 1400亿美元的市场,在支付方面也有机会。这是一种拥有的能力脸谱网作为合作伙伴,他们带来了技术、能力,并为拥有基拉纳商店的小企业提供消息和登录服务。当交易发生时,他们可以通过Whatsapp Pay管理整个交易。因此,我认为很多货币化引擎必须启动,显然,随着这项业务的执行,现在还处于早期阶段,但我认为在未来五年内,这将是整个Jio平台故事的很大一部分。




在全球范围内,我们看到一些纯粹从事电子商务的企业,以及平台业务,利润率非常高,因为你可以接触到4 -5亿用户,另一方面,你在电子商务上拥有非常强大的网络,拥有基拉纳商店,有效地推动了很大的盈利潜力,这通常是一个利润率很高的业务。因此,我们不深入研究确切的数字,但我们相信,从现在开始,利润率增长的潜力非常大。


The kind of funding that Jio have received during the Covid times is incredible. The Jio Platform has close to 10-15 services that they have across and they have close to $5 billion plus total addressable market, said Bernstein<\/a> analyst, Rahul Malhotra<\/a><\/strong> in an interaction.
Give us a sense as to what the outlook is on RIL\u2019s
ARPU potential<\/a> as well as how you see their services revenues as you are of the view that it could double in the next three years?
<\/strong>Look at what they have achieved. The kind of funding that they have received during the Covid times is incredible. The Jio platform has close to 10-15 services that they have across all of the services and they have close to $5 billion plus total addressable market. From our view the core services around retail e-commerce, around payments, around the content OTT we believe is a large market that they potentially are looking at; which is close to a $2 trillion market across the e-commerce opportunity, retail opportunity, the OTT content as well as the platform from a payments perspective.

India obviously is a fairly attractive market after the US and China and for all of these global investors from the US and the Middle East, it is an opportunity to tap a market which is close to 600 million internet users, close to 700 million smartphone users. I think this entire unlocking of a $2 trillion market opportunity is what excites a lot of these investors to look at the Jio Platform opportunity. When we compare that to global parallels in the US and China, what comes out is that players that are platform-oriented and building platforms around it tend to take a lot of market share. We have seen Amazon in the US do 40%. We have seen
Alibaba<\/a> in China having a 60% e-commerce market. That has driven a very strong digital advertising market as well as a very strong payments market; both being 50% plus for Alibaba.

From our perspective, the investment in telecom obviously is for the Jio Platform. That is where the core business is and that is the floor for a lot of these investments coming in but the additional value that is going to be driven from the new apps or new ecosystem is getting built around retail commerce around, payments ecosystems and as well as the OTT and the advertising spends is fairly unique and that makes a very large opportunity. It is interesting for the investors to look at this and over the next five years see a very strong market share build up.