<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>Kolkata: The valuation of Jio Platforms (JPL), the parent company of Reliance Jio Infocomm<\/a>, is set to jump 66% to $110 billion by FY22 from around $66 billion now, driven primarily by a sharp rise in the telco’s mobile business revenues per user, coupled with strong revenue contributions from the fiber broadband<\/a>, enterprise business and digital ad\/subscriptions businesses in the next two years, analysts said.

BofA Securities<\/a> estimates Jio’s monthly average revenue per user (ARPU) – a key performance metric -- to grow nearly 53% to Rs 200 by FY22 (from Rs 131 now), coupled with good traction in the broadband\/enterprise offerings and Jio’s apps gaining scale too, which would collectively boost JPL’s valuation to an estimated $110 billion, implying significant upside potential. The brokerage also expects a potential Jio IPO to act as “another catalyst” for Reliance Industries (RIL) stock. Jio Platforms is a unit of RIL.

BofA said the biggest driver for the imminent upside in JPL’s valuation would be remain the likely improvement in Jio’s mobile ARPU, which it estimates will eventually stabilise at Rs 250 as the telecom market leader is likely to garner incremental revenues from the ad and app subscriptions business, going forward. It also estimates Jio’s market share to inch to 45% by FY22 in a three-player turf likely to be dominated by the Mukesh Ambani-led telco and Bharti Airtel.

The US brokerage estimates Jio will have 538 million mobile users along with 25 million and 11 million home broadband and enterprise customers respectively by FY22, by when all three businesses will also generate 50% Ebitda margins, triggering the sharp upside in JPL’s valuation.

BofA’s estimates come in the afterglow of JPL raising a whopping Rs 1,15,693.95 crore from leading global investors including Facebook, Silver Lake, Vista Equity Partners, General Atlantic, KKR, Mubadala, ADIA, TPG, L.Catterton and Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund since April 22. In fact, PIF’s investment marked the end of JPL’s current phase of induction of financial partners.

Read also<\/h4>
RIL becomes net debt free, courtesy Jio Platforms fund raise, rights issue: Mukesh Ambani<\/a><\/h5><\/div>
Saudi Arabia’s PIF invests ₹11,367 cr in Jio Platforms<\/a><\/h5><\/div><\/div><\/div>
Shares of RIL though were down 1.20% at Rs 1,726.30 in Tuesday noon trade on BSE.

Nevertheless, BofA Securities is gung ho, saying the prime value driver for JPL in the near-term (read: next 2-4 years) would be the connectivity part of Jio’s businesses, while in the longer term (read: beyond 5 years), the value driver would be the services part, comprising the ad and subscription revenues from mobile users, households and enterprises customers. The connectivity business comprises Jio’s underlying telecom networks for the mobile, broadband and enterprise services.

“With cellular investments behind, Jio is focusing on its (home) broadband rollout, with an estimated 25 million home-passes, generating Rs 700 ARPU in FY22) and also targeting the SME enterprise market where it could offer bundled packs with Microsoft, BofA said in a note.

<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":76525694,"title":"Ericsson\u2019s Nunzio Mirtillo on Indian telecom operators\u2019 network strategy, 5G and AGR","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/ericssons-nunzio-mirtillo-on-indian-telecom-operators-network-strategy-5g-and-agr\/76525694","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[{"msid":"71551439","title":"Here's everything you need to know about Reliance Jio's IUC move","entity_type":"PHOTOGALLERYSLIDESHOWSECTION","seopath":"slide-shows\/heres-everything-you-need-to-know-about-reliance-jios-iuc-move","category_name":"Slide-Shows","synopsis":"ETTelecom brings to its readers a slideshow on Reliance Jio's latest IUC move and what other telcos are planning to do. The slideshow also explains the ongoing IUC battle and the telecom regulator's stance.","thumb":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/thumb\/img-size-435851\/71551439.cms?width=150&height=112","link":"\/slide-shows\/heres-everything-you-need-to-know-about-reliance-jios-iuc-move\/71551439"}],"seoschemas":false,"msid":76526137,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Jio Platforms valuation to jump to $110 bn by FY22, propelled by sharp mobile ARPU growth: BofA Securities","synopsis":"The valuation of Jio Platforms (JPL), the parent company of Reliance Jio Infocomm, is set to jump 66% to $110 billion by FY22 from around $66 billion now, analysts said.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/jio-platforms-valuation-to-jump-to-110-bn-by-fy22-propelled-by-sharp-mobile-arpu-growth-bofa-securities","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Kalyan Parbat","author_link":"\/author\/4437\/kalyan-parbat","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/4437.cms?width=250&height=250&imgsize=33990","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":4437,"author_name":"Kalyan Parbat","author_seo_name":"kalyan-parbat","designation":"Assistant Telecom Editor at the Level of Senior Assistant Editor","agency":false}}],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":4356,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":15290000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ETTelecom","artdate":"2020-06-23 12:36:50","lastupd":"2020-06-23 12:48:00","breadcrumbTags":["reliance jio","Silver Lake Partners","BofA Securities","Industry","Jio Platforms valuation","fiber broadband","Reliance Jio Infocomm"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/jio-platforms-valuation-to-jump-to-110-bn-by-fy22-propelled-by-sharp-mobile-arpu-growth-bofa-securities"}}" data-authors="[" kalyan parbat"]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2020-06-23" data-index="article_1">


Jio平台的估值(JPL)的母公司依赖Jio Infocomm,将跃升66%,至1100亿美元,FY22从现在的约660亿美元,分析师表示。

  • 更新在2020年6月23日12:48点坚持
阅读: 100年行业专业人士
加尔各答:Jio平台的估值(JPL)的母公司依赖Jio Infocomm将跃升66%,至1100亿美元,FY22从现在的约660亿美元,主要由急剧上升每用户电信移动业务的收入,加上强劲的收入贡献光纤宽带、企业业务和数字广告/订阅业务在未来两年内,分析师表示。

美国银行证券估计Jio每月每用户平均收入(ARPU)——一个关键性能指标——由FY22增长近53%,至200卢比(从目前的131卢比),加上良好的牵引宽带/企业发行和Jio应用获得规模,从而共同提高喷气推进实验室的估值约1100亿美元,这意味着重大的上行潜力。经纪公司也预计潜在Jio IPO作为信实工业的另一个“催化剂”(瑞来斯)的股票。Jio平台是瑞来斯的一个单位。

美国银行称即将上涨的最大驱动力喷气推进实验室的估值仍有可能改善Jio移动ARPU,它估计最终将稳定在250卢比作为电信市场领导者可能会获得增量收入来自广告和应用程序订阅业务。也估计Jio英寸到45%的市场份额通过运营商FY22地盘可能由穆克什Ambani-led电信和Bharti Airtel。


美国银行的估计在喷气推进实验室的余晖中提高了Rs 1, 15693 .95卢比从全球投资者包括Facebook,银湖,Vista Equity Partners,一般的大西洋,KKR Mubadala,阿布扎比投资局,TPG L。Catterton和沙特阿拉伯自4月22日的主权财富基金。事实上,论坛的投资明显感应的喷气推进实验室的当前阶段的金融合作伙伴。


瑞来斯虽然股价跌1.20%,报1726 .30 Rs在周二中午贸易疯牛病。

然而,美银证券是同心协力,说在近期的主要价值驱动喷气推进实验室(阅读:未来2 - 4年)将连接Jio企业的一部分,而在长期(超过5年),司机将价值部分的服务,包括广告和订阅收入从移动用户,家庭和企业客户。连接业务包括Jio基础电信网络的移动、宽带和企业服务。

“细胞投资背后,Jio关注其(家)宽带推出,据估计2500万家人,生成Rs 700 ARPU FY22)也针对中小企业企业市场,它可以提供与微软捆绑包,美国银行在一份报告中称。

  • 发表在2020年6月23日是36点

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<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>Kolkata: The valuation of Jio Platforms (JPL), the parent company of Reliance Jio Infocomm<\/a>, is set to jump 66% to $110 billion by FY22 from around $66 billion now, driven primarily by a sharp rise in the telco’s mobile business revenues per user, coupled with strong revenue contributions from the fiber broadband<\/a>, enterprise business and digital ad\/subscriptions businesses in the next two years, analysts said.

BofA Securities<\/a> estimates Jio’s monthly average revenue per user (ARPU) – a key performance metric -- to grow nearly 53% to Rs 200 by FY22 (from Rs 131 now), coupled with good traction in the broadband\/enterprise offerings and Jio’s apps gaining scale too, which would collectively boost JPL’s valuation to an estimated $110 billion, implying significant upside potential. The brokerage also expects a potential Jio IPO to act as “another catalyst” for Reliance Industries (RIL) stock. Jio Platforms is a unit of RIL.

BofA said the biggest driver for the imminent upside in JPL’s valuation would be remain the likely improvement in Jio’s mobile ARPU, which it estimates will eventually stabilise at Rs 250 as the telecom market leader is likely to garner incremental revenues from the ad and app subscriptions business, going forward. It also estimates Jio’s market share to inch to 45% by FY22 in a three-player turf likely to be dominated by the Mukesh Ambani-led telco and Bharti Airtel.

The US brokerage estimates Jio will have 538 million mobile users along with 25 million and 11 million home broadband and enterprise customers respectively by FY22, by when all three businesses will also generate 50% Ebitda margins, triggering the sharp upside in JPL’s valuation.

BofA’s estimates come in the afterglow of JPL raising a whopping Rs 1,15,693.95 crore from leading global investors including Facebook, Silver Lake, Vista Equity Partners, General Atlantic, KKR, Mubadala, ADIA, TPG, L.Catterton and Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund since April 22. In fact, PIF’s investment marked the end of JPL’s current phase of induction of financial partners.

Read also<\/h4>
RIL becomes net debt free, courtesy Jio Platforms fund raise, rights issue: Mukesh Ambani<\/a><\/h5><\/div>
Saudi Arabia’s PIF invests ₹11,367 cr in Jio Platforms<\/a><\/h5><\/div><\/div><\/div>
Shares of RIL though were down 1.20% at Rs 1,726.30 in Tuesday noon trade on BSE.

Nevertheless, BofA Securities is gung ho, saying the prime value driver for JPL in the near-term (read: next 2-4 years) would be the connectivity part of Jio’s businesses, while in the longer term (read: beyond 5 years), the value driver would be the services part, comprising the ad and subscription revenues from mobile users, households and enterprises customers. The connectivity business comprises Jio’s underlying telecom networks for the mobile, broadband and enterprise services.

“With cellular investments behind, Jio is focusing on its (home) broadband rollout, with an estimated 25 million home-passes, generating Rs 700 ARPU in FY22) and also targeting the SME enterprise market where it could offer bundled packs with Microsoft, BofA said in a note.

<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":76525694,"title":"Ericsson\u2019s Nunzio Mirtillo on Indian telecom operators\u2019 network strategy, 5G and AGR","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/ericssons-nunzio-mirtillo-on-indian-telecom-operators-network-strategy-5g-and-agr\/76525694","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[{"msid":"71551439","title":"Here's everything you need to know about Reliance Jio's IUC move","entity_type":"PHOTOGALLERYSLIDESHOWSECTION","seopath":"slide-shows\/heres-everything-you-need-to-know-about-reliance-jios-iuc-move","category_name":"Slide-Shows","synopsis":"ETTelecom brings to its readers a slideshow on Reliance Jio's latest IUC move and what other telcos are planning to do. The slideshow also explains the ongoing IUC battle and the telecom regulator's stance.","thumb":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/thumb\/img-size-435851\/71551439.cms?width=150&height=112","link":"\/slide-shows\/heres-everything-you-need-to-know-about-reliance-jios-iuc-move\/71551439"}],"seoschemas":false,"msid":76526137,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Jio Platforms valuation to jump to $110 bn by FY22, propelled by sharp mobile ARPU growth: BofA Securities","synopsis":"The valuation of Jio Platforms (JPL), the parent company of Reliance Jio Infocomm, is set to jump 66% to $110 billion by FY22 from around $66 billion now, analysts said.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/jio-platforms-valuation-to-jump-to-110-bn-by-fy22-propelled-by-sharp-mobile-arpu-growth-bofa-securities","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Kalyan Parbat","author_link":"\/author\/4437\/kalyan-parbat","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/4437.cms?width=250&height=250&imgsize=33990","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":4437,"author_name":"Kalyan Parbat","author_seo_name":"kalyan-parbat","designation":"Assistant Telecom Editor at the Level of Senior Assistant Editor","agency":false}}],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":4356,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":15290000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ETTelecom","artdate":"2020-06-23 12:36:50","lastupd":"2020-06-23 12:48:00","breadcrumbTags":["reliance jio","Silver Lake Partners","BofA Securities","Industry","Jio Platforms valuation","fiber broadband","Reliance Jio Infocomm"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/jio-platforms-valuation-to-jump-to-110-bn-by-fy22-propelled-by-sharp-mobile-arpu-growth-bofa-securities"}}" data-news_link="//www.iser-br.com/news/jio-platforms-valuation-to-jump-to-110-bn-by-fy22-propelled-by-sharp-mobile-arpu-growth-bofa-securities/76526137">