

周一,司法部副检察长Pinky Anand告诉《印度时报》:“司法部根据呈请人提供给法院的显示儿童色情内容的成人网站名单采取了行动。”

该中心表示,最高法院一再批评内政部对请愿人Kamlesh Vaswani提供的含有儿童色情内容的网站名单“不作为”,这是封锁其中857个网站的主要原因。

周一,司法部副检察长Pinky Anand告诉《印度时报》:“司法部根据呈请人提供给法院的显示儿童色情内容的成人网站名单采取了行动。”


7月8日,最高法院批评了尼古拉斯而阿南德立即向法院保证,将在一个月内采取一切必要行动。该部将很快对请愿书作出回应,并详细说明所采取的行动。我们将根据《信息和技术法案》采取一切必要措施。”虽然以首席大法官H L Dattu为首的法院曾劝告MHA对含有儿童色情内容的网站采取行动,但当瓦斯瓦尼的律师Vijay Panjwani坚持要封锁所有含有成人内容的网站时,它提出了一个根本问题。

对此,cji负责人表示:“这是政府的问题。我们能通过临时命令屏蔽所有成人网站吗?让我们记住,有人可能会问,我在家里私下浏览成人网站犯了什么罪。难道他就不能争辩说,他有权在不违反任何法律的情况下,在自己房子的四面墙内做一些事情吗?”请愿书是在2013年提出的,当时团结进步联盟政府要求法院采取克制的做法。通过当时的副检察长K V Vishwananthan,它告诉法庭,大规模屏蔽色情内容的网站可能会适得其反。


Internet experts said there were no legal provisions for the government to ban pornographic websites.\u00a0<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>The Centre has said that Supreme Court\u2019s repeated criticism of the ministry of home affairs for \u201cinaction\u201d on the list of websites with child pornographic content provided by petitioner Kamlesh Vaswani was the principal trigger for the blocking of 857 of them.

\u201cThe ministry has taken action on the basis of the list of adult websites showing child pornography as provided to the court by petitioner,\u201d additional solicitor general Pinky Anand told TOI on Monday.

The law officer said the ministry would soon file an affidavit in the Supreme Court explaining its action taken on the issue raised by the petition even as she emphasized only those adult websites which had child pornographic content were blocked.